- Joined
- Feb 13, 2013
- Messages
- 68
I want it to mail the cloth but I also want it to mail the BoE greens and blues too. It only mails cloth. I can't bot until this is fixed :*(
Ran yesterday my frost DK 514 ilvl (reforged for blood), first 2 parts LFR SOO without problems, singular doing 90-110k dps (with 510 ilvl 2H weapon), full AFK (i wached it tho...).
Will try last 2 parts today...
Any ideas how to get my mailing issue fixed?
Also how do I change the mailbox location? I keeps ground mounting to far away locations and running through alliance quest spots where it just attacks guards endlessly it gets lucky and they stop spawning long enough for it to mount and run away.
My DungeonBuddy stopping after I killed a boss in any classic instance. Leveled my feral druid 3 days ago fine from 43 to 60 and now my rogue has been killing 1 boss and then standing there until afk after I kill any boss. Been doing since level 20. Anyone else have this problem or know of a fix? Clean install 3 days ago and have only downloaded some of the TUANHA profiles.
If it's an area with a repair vendor and food/drink vendor nearby then Dungeonbuddy will not wander out of the area. If you're running Mixed mode then you should probably adjust the vendor setting, example 'Outside Instance Repair %' and Minimum Free Bag Slots Outside Instance' should be much lower.Does starting in a specific location with mailboxes mean it will return to that location or will it just run through alliance towns again?
Is there any way to override DB's movement while not in combat (not using singular...)? E.g. "WASD" that allows me to move the char for example closer to the tank. The follow distance is set to 12 but often the tank (lfg random, supervised) thinks my char (a healer) is not ready for the next combat because it's standing so "far" behind him...
Well I'm running it in farm mode. I'm trying to farm grim batol and there is a vendor right around the corner in twilight highlands but instead of going there the bot decides to ground mount all the way to the horde base at the top of arathi highlands not before attacking guards for 20 minutes in a very bottish manner at greenwarden's grove assuming it doesn't permanently get stuck there doing that.If it's an area with a repair vendor and food/drink vendor nearby then Dungeonbuddy will not wander out of the area. If you're running Mixed mode then you should probably adjust the vendor setting, example 'Outside Instance Repair %' and Minimum Free Bag Slots Outside Instance' should be much lower.
[13:20:08.776 N] [DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon is considered complete in 10 seconds. Reason: Completed
[13:20:15.563 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Dragonflayer Weaponsmith
[13:20:18.779 N] [DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon completed. Leaving. [Reason: None]
[13:20:18.783 N] [DungeonBuddy 660]: Left dungeon: Utgarde Keep
All my spellings are correct. Everything had bed n setup as suggested. Still the same issue. These characters are in seperate realms. Could it be because they are on seperate realms and one realm has two words?
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