Crazy spinning behaviour at top of Teledor beside flightmaster. tried to stop close, reopen HB, then it take lift down, groundwalk to another camp, flightpath back and repeat the spinning. I know it is a pathing problem, but tought u should know so u can add a workaround.
Adding another log. I have removed the problem repair npc manually.., but yet still issues. When going to deliver quest The Boha'mu Ruins it walks at ground to Orebor harborage, just to take flight back, skipping handin and want's to take lift down and cycle process. You must really revise the Zangarmarch profile. It's useless in this state for us that don't know what to change. I swap to kick's for now. Hope it will be fixed soon.
Hi azidtrip
realy thanks for your reports and logs, but i cant fix this
both logs show the problem its moving torepair/sell
after this: [22:40:26.959 D] Goal: Scheduled run for Mail, Repair, Sell
profile have no access to bot, all things bot will do its in HB core
this: [23:04:10.508 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Maktu
this: [23:04:58.207 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Pilot Marsha
this: [23:04:58.519 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Bossi Pentapiston
this: [23:05:01.812 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Ahemen
this: [23:05:04.853 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Lissaf
and others... are all HB stuff
if you look in profile, for alliance side i added this 2 vendors:
<Vendor Name="Fedryen Swiftspear" Entry="17904" Type="Repair" X="-198.9696" Y="5490.686" Z="21.84628" />
<Vendor Name="Sarinei Whitestar" Entry="21172" Type="Food" X="-202.9131" Y="5477.602" Z="22.70819" />
both are in open space where bot dont need take elevator and got stuck because that, but bot still ignore vendors in profile and do what HB devs want bot does, we need wait till some dev look that and fix the issue.
to client side fix:
empty your bags/ repair / get water and or food
CLEAN YOUR CACHE (if you dont clean cache bot will always try sell/repair/mail)
restart bot