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you just need open cavaplugin and message will not show up again

I am getting this message every time Honorbuddy starts up. I'm trying to use HBRelog with the Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml, but this message pops up after Honorbuddy loads and the bot will not actually start until I close this message.

Can you provide detailed steps to get this message to stop popping up? I've tried opening the plugin settings, but the message still pops up.

Thank you!
I am getting this message every time Honorbuddy starts up. I'm trying to use HBRelog with the Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml, but this message pops up after Honorbuddy loads and the bot will not actually start until I close this message.

Can you provide detailed steps to get this message to stop popping up? I've tried opening the plugin settings, but the message still pops up.

Thank you!
reinstall cavaplugin from zip file, open cavaplugin, let me know if fixed
So, before I try this, is that progress bar at 30% means that the profiles/plugin is done at 30% or can I level up my toons with this profiles/plugin instead of kick's?
I like the loothing thing, I hate when my bot wastes time while leveling and picks shit that are worth copper.
So, before I try this, is that progress bar at 30% means that the profiles/plugin is done at 30% or can I level up my toons with this profiles/plugin instead of kick's?
I like the loothing thing, I hate when my bot wastes time while leveling and picks shit that are worth copper.
that 30% isnt right probably its now like 75%

yes you can use this profile pack, or other to level up, i started this for HB users have a diferent options
you can enable loot or disable it, if you disable, bot will only loot mobs for quest itens
right now this profiles will level up ur chars from lvl 1 to 68 and from 85 to 90(ally) 85 to 88(horde)
Hello Cava, great profile! Was almost flawless, except he loved going to orgrimmar all the time when questing in eastern plaguelands.

But in Zangarmarsh, i encountered a wierd problem. He tried to pick up at quest from a guy that didnt have any, specific mob is Lethyn Moonfire.
Also when i woke up i tried to start it again to see if the bug has fixed, but then he got stuck on the roof of the inn so that is what the second log is for. Using kicks until yours is fixed :)
Log attached

View attachment 6088 2013-11-11 00.29.txt View attachment 7180 2013-11-11 10.48.txt

EDIT: I think i know what to do. To get quests from Lethyn, you need to be friendly and the bot wasnt because he killed an ally right outside Cenarion. So make sure you are friendly with Cenarion Expedition:)
Hello Cava, great profile! Was almost flawless, except he loved going to orgrimmar all the time when questing in eastern plaguelands.

But in Zangarmarsh, i encountered a wierd problem. He tried to pick up at quest from a guy that didnt have any, specific mob is Lethyn Moonfire.
Also when i woke up i tried to start it again to see if the bug has fixed, but then he got stuck on the roof of the inn so that is what the second log is for. Using kicks until yours is fixed :)
Log attached

View attachment 110202 View attachment 110203

EDIT: I think i know what to do. To get quests from Lethyn, you need to be friendly and the bot wasnt because he killed an ally right outside Cenarion. So make sure you are friendly with Cenarion Expedition:)

hi can you please clean cache and start it again?
if bot stuck with cleaned cache please upload that log

how to clean cache-> HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems
[(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-7879.8, 1279.516, 358.4773> from <-8212.577, 431.6205, 118.0511> this keeps happening i have no idea what to do please help :(

:cool:I fixed it im good now
Priority fix!!!

Crazy spinning behaviour at top of Teledor beside flightmaster. tried to stop close, reopen HB, then it take lift down, groundwalk to another camp, flightpath back and repeat the spinning. I know it is a pathing problem, but tought u should know so u can add a workaround.

Adding another log. I have removed the problem repair npc manually.., but yet still issues. When going to deliver quest The Boha'mu Ruins it walks at ground to Orebor harborage, just to take flight back, skipping handin and want's to take lift down and cycle process. You must really revise the Zangarmarch profile. It's useless in this state for us that don't know what to change. I swap to kick's for now. Hope it will be fixed soon.


I always get displayed the plugin does not find the files.

here is the log:

[02:15:05.067 D] (Singular) Verified behaviors can be created!
[02:15:05.067 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[02:15:07.939 N] Unable to run [Cava Plugin] update process
[02:15:07.940 D] [Cava Plugin]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:09.300 N] Unable to run [Cava QB Updater] update process
[02:15:09.300 D] [Cava QB Updater]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:10.644 N] Unable to run [Cava Profile Updater] update process
[02:15:10.644 D] [Cava Profile Updater]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:10.648 N] Installed plugins
[02:15:10.648 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] CavaPlugin - Enabled
[02:15:10.648 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Talented2 - Disabled
[02:15:10.666 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[02:15:10.667 N] Initialization complete.
[02:15:10.669 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[02:18:46.380 N] Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\MyPc\Documents\Hb1\Settings\Realm\Charname\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process.
I always get displayed the plugin does not find the files.

here is the log:

[02:15:05.067 D] (Singular) Verified behaviors can be created!
[02:15:05.067 N] [Singular] Initialization complete!
[02:15:07.939 N] Unable to run [Cava Plugin] update process
[02:15:07.940 D] [Cava Plugin]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:09.300 N] Unable to run [Cava QB Updater] update process
[02:15:09.300 D] [Cava QB Updater]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:10.644 N] Unable to run [Cava Profile Updater] update process
[02:15:10.644 D] [Cava Profile Updater]: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
[02:15:10.648 N] Installed plugins
[02:15:10.648 N] Anti Drown - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] AutoEquip2 - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] CavaPlugin - Enabled
[02:15:10.648 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled
[02:15:10.648 N] Talented2 - Disabled
[02:15:10.666 D] Activity: Initialization complete
[02:15:10.667 N] Initialization complete.
[02:15:10.669 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[02:18:46.380 N] Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\MyPc\Documents\Hb1\Settings\Realm\Charname\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process.

CavaPlugin cant update
[02:15:07.939 N] Unable to run [Cava Plugin] update process

check if:
you instaled CavaPlugin from zip file.
an program is blocking internet access
Crazy spinning behaviour at top of Teledor beside flightmaster. tried to stop close, reopen HB, then it take lift down, groundwalk to another camp, flightpath back and repeat the spinning. I know it is a pathing problem, but tought u should know so u can add a workaround.

Adding another log. I have removed the problem repair npc manually.., but yet still issues. When going to deliver quest The Boha'mu Ruins it walks at ground to Orebor harborage, just to take flight back, skipping handin and want's to take lift down and cycle process. You must really revise the Zangarmarch profile. It's useless in this state for us that don't know what to change. I swap to kick's for now. Hope it will be fixed soon.

Hi azidtrip
realy thanks for your reports and logs, but i cant fix this
both logs show the problem its moving torepair/sell

after this: [22:40:26.959 D] Goal: Scheduled run for Mail, Repair, Sell
profile have no access to bot, all things bot will do its in HB core

this: [23:04:10.508 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Maktu
this: [23:04:58.207 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Pilot Marsha
this: [23:04:58.519 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Bossi Pentapiston
this: [23:05:01.812 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Ahemen
this: [23:05:04.853 D] Changed POI to: Type: Repair, Name: Lissaf
and others... are all HB stuff

if you look in profile, for alliance side i added this 2 vendors:
<Vendor Name="Fedryen Swiftspear" Entry="17904" Type="Repair" X="-198.9696" Y="5490.686" Z="21.84628" />
<Vendor Name="Sarinei Whitestar" Entry="21172" Type="Food" X="-202.9131" Y="5477.602" Z="22.70819" />

both are in open space where bot dont need take elevator and got stuck because that, but bot still ignore vendors in profile and do what HB devs want bot does, we need wait till some dev look that and fix the issue.

to client side fix:
empty your bags/ repair / get water and or food
CLEAN YOUR CACHE (if you dont clean cache bot will always try sell/repair/mail)
restart bot
i extracted from zip file to plugin folder.
Internet access isnt blocked but wow and hb is working on win 8.1
i extracted from zip file to plugin folder.
Internet access isnt blocked but wow and hb is working on win 8.1

hi again TonspioN

sometimes i hope users read betwen lines

this: Exception Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zur?ckgegeben: (401) Nicht autorisiert.
is german right? you are using an ProxiY or something and Cavaplugin cant have access to SVN

to fix:
- ask some1 who got the problem and fixed it
- manualy update from svn (in second post) and manualy edit number in control rev files (they are 3 files inside cavaplugin for control)
It works now, yes i was using *****.
now i downloaded the files manualy with a svn tool.
the profiles are exisiting now and works, but i dont have the Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml in the svn downloaded folder.
Can i start for example with a lvl 11-14 profile and he switch to the next higher without the carva starter profiles?

Greeting and big thx
It works now, yes i was using *****.
now i downloaded the files manualy with a svn tool.
the profiles are exisiting now and works, but i dont have the Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml in the svn downloaded folder.
Can i start for example with a lvl 11-14 profile and he switch to the next higher without the carva starter profiles?

Greeting and big thx
yes you can.

just an info, im scripting CavaPlugin to use TortoiseSVN , will update files faster, and i also think will fix that issue.
asap will release it.