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Got a problem where the bot tries to pick up a quest that isnt there. So it just does a lop where it clicks on the npc all the time. I think the quest is already completed but not 100% sure. Is there any way yo bypass this? Tried to restart HB and WoW but doesnt work.

Clear Cache in the HB Folder and clear Cache in WoW Folder. Logout for 10-15 Minutes, relog and restart HB. Normaly it will fix the Problem with the Quest.
And it is impossible to make so that the bot did all tasks which he took, instead of separately ran there here.
Cava ~

Great work!

I am running into an issue where Cava plugin is telling me I do not have SVN installed, in which I do. I even updated to the most recent version that was released the other day.


reinstall cavaplugin from zip file
Just have to say that... You are awesome :D This profile owns Kick's several times over. Been lvling very fast and almost completely afk with 7 bots. With Kick's profiles I have to check maybe once every 10 minutes and with these maybe once every 4 hours. BIG difference.

Just too bad its not complete yet, have hit 67 with a couple of toons now and its gonna be a nightmare switching to Kick's. Anyway, thanks a lot for contributing with these profiles. They work very well.
ya this out scales kicks by far kicks profile only does 1-5 then 10-20 urs does 1-X straight without having to restart hb or wow gj
how can i use cava-s-profiles-lvl from 67 to 90 `?? i have make a donate but i cant still not start cava-s-profiles from lvl 67 :(!!! plz need som help

Hi there !

So I installed the profile like said in the first post. When I click start and launch the plugin I get a window that says : "Profile in development, Please check again later" and when I click on Continue Profile the profile just stops.

What did I do wrong ? :-(

Thanks for your answers ! ;-)


Edit : Last thing from the log is : "Profile in development, Please check again later
Disposition: Continuing profile due to User requestBot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do."

Edit 2 : I'm level 71, is it because of that ?
When I'm starting the bot it does nothing, it says "[LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 119]: Loading profile '[A-Quest](86-87)ValleyoftheFourWinds[Cava].xml'"

I have tried using a clean HB install, deleting the cache in the wow folder and tried to download the profile again, but nothing helped.

View attachment 72 2013-11-04 03.25.txt
Just have to say that... You are awesome :D This profile owns Kick's several times over. Been lvling very fast and almost completely afk with 7 bots. With Kick's profiles I have to check maybe once every 10 minutes and with these maybe once every 4 hours. BIG difference.

Just too bad its not complete yet, have hit 67 with a couple of toons now and its gonna be a nightmare switching to Kick's. Anyway, thanks a lot for contributing with these profiles. They work very well.
thanks for the words
they will be over level 67 just need time , patiente and tests
Hi there !

So I installed the profile like said in the first post. When I click start and launch the plugin I get a window that says : "Profile in development, Please check again later" and when I click on Continue Profile the profile just stops.

What did I do wrong ? :-(

Thanks for your answers ! ;-)


Edit : Last thing from the log is : "Profile in development, Please check again later
Disposition: Continuing profile due to User requestBot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do."

Edit 2 : I'm level 71, is it because of that ?

Hi Zulrog, so far my profiles are writen from level 1 to 67 and from 85 to 90.
if you are level 71, you need user a diferent profiles pack
my advice goes for Kick's 1-90 Mega Profile Pack or [N] Botanist Pangaea Project + Other Assorted Profiles
When I'm starting the bot it does nothing, it says "[LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 119]: Loading profile '[A-Quest](86-87)ValleyoftheFourWinds[Cava].xml'"

I have tried using a clean HB install, deleting the cache in the wow folder and tried to download the profile again, but nothing helped.

View attachment 109709
Fixed at rev 105,
thanks for reporting
Gday Cava,

Firstly, thanks a million for all the work you have done on this, mate. I only recently joined and am trialing it out and it's an absolute gem!

I apologise in advance if this is the wrong place to be asking this question - with regards to running individual areas (loading specific 'scripts'), how do I disable the function that wants to take me to the next area appropriate for my level as I'm wanting to either 'stay in a zone' until completion or similarly, run a higher level character through a lowbie zone.

Do I simply need to change something to do with this line in the Cava_Starter_Profiles file
<If Condition="(Me.Level &gt;= 0 )"><!--se nao ler falta qbs-->

I had a look through ChinaJades explanation on the helpdesk but found myself confused unfortunately due to very limited understanding of coding.

Once again, I apologise if this is not the place for the question but wish to thank you for all your efforts none the less.

Gday Cava,

Firstly, thanks a million for all the work you have done on this, mate. I only recently joined and am trialing it out and it's an absolute gem!

I apologise in advance if this is the wrong place to be asking this question - with regards to running individual areas (loading specific 'scripts'), how do I disable the function that wants to take me to the next area appropriate for my level as I'm wanting to either 'stay in a zone' until completion or similarly, run a higher level character through a lowbie zone.

Do I simply need to change something to do with this line in the Cava_Starter_Profiles file
<If Condition="(Me.Level >= 0 )"><!--se nao ler falta qbs-->

I had a look through ChinaJades explanation on the helpdesk but found myself confused unfortunately due to very limited understanding of coding.

Once again, I apologise if this is not the place for the question but wish to thank you for all your efforts none the less.

you are looking at rong file
inside scripts folder there are the files where you need change

but probably you will need help bot alot if you are running high level char doing low level quests, some quests dont run nice, others dont exist, what you are looking for its a diferent profile type
you are looking at rong file
inside scripts folder there are the files where you need change

but probably you will need help bot alot if you are running high level char doing low level quests, some quests dont run nice, others dont exist, what you are looking for its a diferent profile type

I appreciate your prompt response, Cava! And thanks for the information, I will give that train of thought a miss and go back to using it as intended as it sounds that what I wanted to do is not nearly as easy as I was hoping :)

Cheers again mate.
Having some trouble on a new level 13 human rogue...
Goes to vendor then at innkeeper and does nothing
View attachment 109750
[14:49:33.323 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-10746.24, 1026.323, 34.43768>
[14:49:33.366 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: William MacGregor
[14:49:33.375 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-10746.24, 1026.323, 34.43768>
[14:49:33.432 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: William MacGregor
[14:49:33.439 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-10746.24, 1026.323, 34.43768>
[14:49:33.496 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: William MacGregor

not profile related, delete cache and start again