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Hi. New bug report. Doing quest Ocean Not So Deep in Ashenvale. Character stuck while doing quest near questgiver (trying to run in questgivers direction of bottom of the rock halfway in the quest., attached screenshot+log. :)
Hi azidtrip i tested but cant reproduce error, last hb version have some problems with navigation/stucks etc, probaby you ran into that, cant help with hb issues
New stuck at quest Denying Manpower in ashenvale. No log needed as it's just a blackspot needed. Got stuck at one of the huts there. Please add (small blackspot) at <Blackspot X="7881.215" Y="-1019.681" Z="32.67192" Radius="14.5461" /> to [A-Quest] (11-16) Darkshore [Cava].xml

Thanks :)
theres a big issues with bot and navigation
added the blackspot

thanks for report
Mesh problems with 1-5 Orc, sometimes it will just sit at one hotspot until I move it closer to the destination it has planned to go to.

View attachment 107009
Hi razer and thanks for report and log

i tested all hotspots wheres say cant move to, and my bot got no issue, cant reproduce your error, can you please report that at nav thread?
love those profiles. went to work as a level 48, came home 12 hours later and I'm 64. no problems whatsoever with the bot :D
can't wait for the 67-74 profiles to be launched.
keep up the great work cava!
Hi azidtrip i tested but cant reproduce error, last hb version have some problems with navigation/stucks etc, probaby you ran into that, cant help with hb issues
Allright, thanks for trying. I just started to combine questing with PPP plugin, logmeout and HBRelog, hopefully this will solve some of the stuck issues or at least keep me safe if stuck. ;)
had first problem ever with bot. got stuck in a place called "desolation hold" in southern barrens. however, when I came back to computer I right-clicked flightmaster and it went to orgrimmar. when I arrived, it wanted to go back.
this is the log:
View attachment log.zip
removed some text from the log because first I wanted it to get to 1mb cause it was maximum for .txt, but I think all the important information is there.
Hello i keep getting an Error "Honorbuddy has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

After i start the Plugin via Plugins and then Cava Profiles.

Can somebody help me how to fix this please.
Hello i keep getting an Error "Honorbuddy has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

After i start the Plugin via Plugins and then Cava Profiles.

Can somebody help me how to fix this please.
Why the bots just afk if theres no fly path for example Changing current profile to
[H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
and he just talk to the fly master and than just afk , is there something im doing wrong ? if anyone could help please do anyone this is best leveling profile / plugin
logs please, whitout log its totaly impossible check wheres the problem
Ok here is my Log File can you check it and tell me how to fix the error.

View attachment 107391

you have few [21:07:28.503 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Sascha\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Quest Behavi...

to fix:
NEW HB instalation (dont use older folder)
download and install cavaplugin from zip dont use svn

update it and enjoy