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Another bug :/. My toon was humping against a obstacle (ground) . Just gotta hope this won't get me banned, :/.Please add blackspot around this cordinate. Log attached at botton of post. Hope it helps. :)

[EDIT 7-Oct-2013 by chinajade]: Abusive cut-n-paste of log removed.



Non AFK Profiles
[Alliance and Horde] The Jade Forest(85-86)
[Alliance and Horde] Valley of the Four Winds(86-87)
[Alliance and Horde] Krasarang Wilds(87)
[Alliance only]Kun-Lai Summit(87-88)
[Alliance only]Townlong Steppes(88-89)
[Alliance only]Dread Wastes(89-90)[/B]


My question is if I can use this profiles on level 90 and when I have done a few of the quests.
I mean I leveled a my priest by hand on level 90. I did a few quests, a few instances, a bit of all what you can do for leveling.
Now I wish to do all the questing achievements. If I could do a part of the quests with your profile, It won't take so much time for me.
But will the bot find the next quests? And will he do them if my character is on the maximum level?
Some quests are still in my questlog, other quests I had to delete.

Actually not nessecary to use separate install. Cava store it's behaviors in it'sown subfolder. I run it without much issues other than a little stuck wich bot solves itself.

I will also report a bug regarding Donova Snowden in Winterspring. If user have picked up Call to Arms it will loop on the questpickup. Please add check for that quest present before picking up any quest at this npc. Else I applaud for a GREAT plugin and profilepack. I mix this with kick's and Brodie's and minimalize risk of the banhammer. ;) Thank you.

Please upload log with Donova Snowden issue, i was made made a check for quest Delivery for Donova need analize the problem
My question is if I can use this profiles on level 90 and when I have done a few of the quests.
I mean I leveled a my priest by hand on level 90. I did a few quests, a few instances, a bit of all what you can do for leveling.
Now I wish to do all the questing achievements. If I could do a part of the quests with your profile, It won't take so much time for me.
But will the bot find the next quests? And will he do them if my character is on the maximum level?
Some quests are still in my questlog, other quests I had to delete.

yes, select 85 to 90 all quests (bot will do all quests in all maps for map qchievments)
bot will pick first quest in list and continue from that (if you did some quests im middle, bot will ignore that and only pick/do the missing ones
Another bug found. Stuck in hill after killing npc Shade OF The Spiritseeker in the quest In Pursuit Of Shades. I tried to restart bot, but it went back to same spot. 2 logs attached as zip as they are large.

[22:43:41.337 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:43:41.354 D] Could not generate path from {6250.15, -4104.423, 720.2249} to {6586.487, -3872.67, 664.0745} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
Another bug :/. My toon was humping against a obstacle (ground) . Just gotta hope this won't get me banned, :/.Please add blackspot around this cordinate. Log attached at botton of post. Hope it helps. :)

...non necessary copy/past...

Fixed at rev 82
Thanks for reporting
Cava get's stuck in a loop trying to learn a skill at lvl 29. Logs attached.
bot is finishing map Arathy Higlands under level 30
and profile is scripted to finish that map at level 30
then will learn talents

theres only 2 ways bot finish that map under level 30

A) you swich chars and didnt restart bot, that will make cache issues
Fix= clean bot cache ...more info HERE

B) you started Cava's Profiles but already did some quests there before start profile and now you are missing exp
Fix= grind/pvp/Bg's till level 30

c)other, if you are sure that dont have cache issues, and never did any quest at that map before start using Cava's profiles, please let me know
hey cava & community, does it matter where i put my quest bevahiors (svn) folder and my cava profiles folder???
hey cava & community, does it matter where i put my quest bevahiors (svn) folder and my cava profiles folder???
yes questbehaviors must be at specific folder, but you dont need put any

Cavaplugin will download all questbehaviors , profiles etc, and put then at right place
Can not turn in quest Priestess of the Moon.

Started a fresh Monk and at second handin I got this.:

Can not turn in quest Priestess of the Moon (ID: 28723) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)

EDIT: I found reason, and it was because of the monk (train on dummy) quest The art of the monk. I think this should be added to profiles and also higher level monk quests as well as it may be confusing for people when things don't work as intended.. Just suggestion. ;)

Log attached. (See end of log) :)

Another problem is that it didnt work well with Tuhana Monk. (Same also happened on my hunter). Do we have to use singular only for this?. Tuhana make bot look more human I think. ^_^


Started a fresh Monk and at second handin I got this.:

Can not turn in quest Priestess of the Moon (ID: 28723) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)

EDIT: I found reason, and it was because of the monk (train on dummy) quest The art of the monk. I think this should be added to profiles and also higher level monk quests as well as it may be confusing for people when things don't work as intended.. Just suggestion. ;)

Log attached. (See end of log) :)

Another problem is that it didnt work well with Tuhana Monk. (Same also happened on my hunter). Do we have to use singular only for this?. Tuhana make bot look more human I think. ^_^

Fixed at rev 86, thanks for reporting

The Tuanha CR issue its realy strange, maybe rong settings? is it the free version?
The A 1-90 profile does something really strange when starting in Nagrand, it starts to kill Wild Elekks for no apparent reason. There is not quest for that so its just super strange. Please look at this! Also the bot got stuck in the start of blasted lands.
The A 1-90 profile does something really strange when starting in Nagrand, it starts to kill Wild Elekks for no apparent reason. There is not quest for that so its just super strange. Please look at this! Also the bot got stuck in the start of blasted lands.
bot is killing eleks for 3 itens, will need then latter
need log to know wheres the problem in blasted lands
any idea when LichKing Expansion is gonna be done? Just curious :)
hi Darklyte 420

right now im fixing the profiles from 67 till 74, this last 2 months i just did the profession profile mining+bs 1 to 600, got more than 80 reports to fix, did 50% so far, im fixing the last ones. As soon i finish this will continue with Northrend, dont know when they are ready to be released but they will asap
Fixed at rev 86, thanks for reporting

The Tuanha CR issue its realy strange, maybe rong settings? is it the free version?
Free version yes and set it full afk defaulted.

Please upload log with Donova Snowden issue, i was made made a check for quest Delivery for Donova need analize the problem

Sorry. Had issues with gb2 and reverted to backup, so log lost. Didn't think of it. :( I rereport when it happen again (if it do) as I have a couple new toon projects im leveling now. :) Keep up the good work. I am impressed so far. ;)
Hi. New bug report. Doing quest Ocean Not So Deep in Darkshore. Character stuck while doing quest near questgiver (trying to run in questgivers direction of bottom of the rock halfway in the quest., attached screenshot+log. :)


New stuck at quest Denying Manpower in ashenvale. No log needed as it's just a blackspot needed. Got stuck at one of the huts there. Please add (small blackspot) at <Blackspot X="7881.215" Y="-1019.681" Z="32.67192" Radius="14.5461" /> to [A-Quest] (11-16) Darkshore [Cava].xml

Thanks :)