Why the bots just afk if theres no fly path for example Changing current profile to
[H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
and he just talk to the fly master and than just afk , is there something im doing wrong ? if anyone could help please !This is best leveling profile / plugin !
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Why the bots just afk if theres no fly path for example Changing current profile to
[H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
and he just talk to the fly master and than just afk , is there something im doing wrong ? if anyone could help please !This is best leveling profile / plugin !
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