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Why the bots just afk if theres no fly path for example Changing current profile to
[H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
and he just talk to the fly master and than just afk , is there something im doing wrong ? if anyone could help please !This is best leveling profile / plugin !

Log :


Heres the new Log
View attachment 107400

I can?t even start anythign else in Honorbuddy i get the same errors as in the last few lines of the Log in the HB Screen.

same error in same folder

Did you instaled to a NEW folder?
did you instaled cavaplugin from zip? dont use svn's for cavaplugin
Why the bots just afk if theres no fly path for example Changing current profile to
[H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens
and he just talk to the fly master and than just afk , is there something im doing wrong ? if anyone could help please !This is best leveling profile / plugin !

Log :
in log:
[22:23:27.571 N] Current zone is Northern Barrens
[22:24:07.067 N] Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev$:
you are not in map to quest bot will move to orgrimar and from that to destiny

[22:24:08.309 N] [LoadProfile-v533(info) @line 312]: Loading profile 'MovetoMainCity[Cava].xml'
[22:26:12.426 D] Loading profile from D:\Honorbuddys\Default Profiles\Cava\Scripts\[H-Quest](44-47)Tanaris[Cava].xml

bot dont know flight to Gagtezan, will move to nearest fp and from there to tanaris:
[22:26:43.069 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Use, Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens

and finaly:
[22:27:58.989 N] Stopping the bot!
[22:27:58.989 D] Stop called!

means bot will do all that again because you stoped it just when bot is moving to tanaris:

To fix:
manualy move to Tanaris and start bot
dont stop bot, eventualy bot will arrive at tanaris and start questing

edited: fixed the reporter name
Yes i installed in a new Folder i uninstalled the last one. And yes i installed cavaplugin from zip.

This happend to lvl 36 aswell and it afked for like 6 hours so the only thing is to go menually ?
log attached. toon just zips back and forth
hi pheelgood

bot is doing quest Li Li's Day Off
need bring lili to special spot and use item ( if i remember right about that quest )
maybe wow changed the zone to use item, maybe other issue bot is failling that
please manualy move lili to right zone use the item and start bot
i need script all MOP maps again
Now heres where the bot just stop doing nothing at lvl 36 and he afked from 03:31 to 10:27 when i stopped the bot this happend now too just i was baby siting the bot :)
LoG: View attachment 107406

[03:31:07.856 D] [Mount] Magnificent Flying Carpet is known, but we don't have the skill to use it!
[03:31:07.984 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Orgrimmar, Durotar
[10:07:28.693 N] Stopping the bot!
[10:07:28.693 D] Stop called!

Hi crzzmax and thanks for yor reply and log
and yes you are right bot stuck there 6 h and half doing nothing
but isnt profile issue its hb core issue
please report that at Honorbuddy Support staff can analise and probably fix that for next releases
Yes i installed in a new Folder i uninstalled the last one. And yes i installed cavaplugin from zip.
thats why i asked to install to a diferent folder, uninstalling it dont fix the issue maybe you forgot some files there

that error usualy its because you instaled CavaPlugin 2 times, one from zip and one from svn.
if you download cava quest behaviors, cava plugin or cava profiles from svn , please dont
Cavaplugin does that all, or you will end with duplicated files and that error
why would i go from pandaria to tanaris at lvl 86?

hi again , sorry for that you got the rong reply:
right one:

hi pheelgood

bot is doing quest Li Li's Day Off
need bring lili to special spot and use item ( if i remember right about that quest )
maybe wow changed the zone to use item, maybe other issue bot is failling that
please manualy move lili to right zone use the item and start bot
i need script all MOP maps again
Gets stuck at alot of the flight masters to pay to fly somewhere! almost all of them. Will get right on top of the guy and not do aything. Will only work if you move the character away manually then it will turn and click on him
bot logs out when reaching full bags, second time.
here's the log:
View attachment log.zip
the problem is somewhere after 18.00 in the logs :) ty!

extra info:
both times, bot has stopped by it self with message "We have just done a sell run and bags are still full. Stopping the bot."
both times, the character bot is running, has logged out as a ghost.
bot logs out when reaching full bags, second time.
here's the log:
View attachment 107416
the problem is somewhere after 18.00 in the logs :) ty!

extra info:
both times, bot has stopped by it self with message "We have just done a sell run and bags are still full. Stopping the bot."
both times, the character bot is running, has logged out as a ghost.

hi jonnysnasker
[19:29:35.299 N] Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (40-44) Eastern Plaguelands [Cava] $Rev$:
and that profile have <MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots>
means when bot only have 2 free slots in bags must go to vendor and mail/sell itens
bot is failling that, but isnt profile related
I am having a problem at level 60 (maybe has nothing to do with level). My character had just stoped when I woke up this morning and I decided to restart the bot. When I loaded the 1-90 settings, the bot just said "[Profile Message]: Compiling Move to Main City" and then it starts runing. It started in blasted lands and it's still just runing to somewhere. It isn't taking any flight paths and it tells me nothing of where it's going. I attached a log for you to look at in hopes that there is a solution!

