True, already fixed at revision 165The quest Borderlands [ID 30084], the Memorial Flame of Po is located around <Hotspot X="-634.142" Y="-516.9321" Z="72.00169" /> not -674.163, -574.098, 69.313 where its currently trying to light it.
that is combat routine issue, just change your ccView attachment 74429
My Mage use no spell... he stand everytime at the same spot with the mob in the target and use no spell just melee
check at first post wich races/levels are done, some races/levels are in developmentHello any time i chose the Xlm a 1-90 i get this: Profile in development, Please check again later
hey cava ^^ first i want to say your profiles are sooo good and i have level 2 toons with the profiles theyre working well but after i have updated them today there is an Error with the Kragsang Profile for Alliance there is written:
Name cannot begin with the '<' character, hexadecimal value 0x3C. Line 681, position 4.
I have looked at this line and there is an < missing at the end of the line i had put there an < there comes an other error
look inside scripts folder and load map_name(WL)(level)Is there a way to force your toon to level in an area? I have an 89 spriest that I want to finish out the quests in Townlong Steppes but every time I load that profile it automatically changes it to dread waste.
check first post about wich races/levels are readyI kept trying to run this and nothing would happen (it would start, then stop itself). So I took a look at the code and this is for Alliance only? I don't see anywhere in the code for Horde outside the starter zones (lvl15+). Do I have to switch over to Kick's after the starter zones for a Horde character?
Quest: Learn and Grow I: Seeds
ID: 30535
Trying to turn in the quest when its not complete. To complete this quest you need to talk to Merchant Greenfield [58718] gossip option 1, 1 (gossip option 1 twice). Once you've done that you will have Packet of Green Cabbage Seeds [80295] in your inventory, then you can turn in the quest.
You need to remove the below repair vendor as it is behind a closed door that you need to interact with in order to access. This results in teh character running into the door unable to access the vendor.
Fixxit Redhammer
ID: 61520
Location: 1,849.73, 2,070.55, 455.47