After completing "Parental Mastery" it used HS and went to flight path. Now it's just stuck there with the flight path window open.
Also, it seems like it should've turned in "Training and Discipline" at this point since it just needed to be turned in and it was in this city where it HS'ed to. When I turned it in manually, I got the achievement for all questhubs in Valley of the four winds. Great job so far!
After turning in that quest, I started it again - and it went to flight path again and tried to fly to Zhu's Watch in Krasarang Wilds (I think it failed or I was too impatient so I helped it, but I don't think that's a profile related problem anyway). But when it arrived, it was just stuck again opening the flight path window:
Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
EDIT: Closing and opening HB fixed that.