there is a HUGE problem with something called "MoveToMainCity"If I let the bot 100% afk with this plugin im sure i'll be level 20 or so..., Im not saying this doesn't work, but sometimes (free version) gets stucked and keeps like that, and there is a HUGE problem with something called "MoveToMainCity" when the plugin changes profiles (I look at zygor at the same time to get the best way to get thru this problems.
In my particular case, Mage Frost Draenei (AOE Activated) doesn't cast blizzard (always flamestrike) or another talent, (I have wow in spanish)
BUT, great work, this is by far the best botting profile/plugin.
Another thing, this insn't 100% afk for sure, at least not with Frost Mage, so what im doing right now is questing with your plugin while I wait the queue for a dungeon, levels faster I guess.
I don't want to let your work down because it is probably the best, but I want you to know there are still some bugs/glitches.
PD: Sorry 4 bad english, im from Argentina.
there is a HUGE problem with something called "MoveToMainCity"
Need log and better discription to find the bug
MoveToMainCity its only used when bot need travel to X map or to buy Mount skills
doesn't cast blizzard (always flamestrike)
not profile related, probably you want change the combat routine (combat routine handle combat issues, not profiles)
What profile in EPL should did after you start bot:The bot has worked perfectly up to 40 but I am now having a issue in EPL. All the bot does is fly to each of the towers in an endless cycle. It won't pick up any quests, it just flys to one tower, then talks to the flight master, and flys to the next. Any idea what is going on? Ive already tried cavaplugin_fix and cleared the cashe.
View attachment 119993
[13:06:40.222 N] Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run
[13:26:37.374 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: 1197.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStop)
[13:26:37.264 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing
check your pmany reason your blacksmith and mining doesnt work not going to donate with for the full one if i cant even get the 1-300 to work does nothing but say Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\Justin\Documents\Honorbuddy\Settings\Frostwolf\M*****t\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process. no matter what i do or how many times i reinstall really getting tired of tring to get something on this bot and only helping or giving them a good profile if they pay
please upload logYea, similar to me, went so far to "learn a flypoint" that I already know, and then backed walking (I mean on a mount) instead on a flying mount... idk happens then :c
check your pmSorry im new to this botting thing, now its working pretty well, if I get stuck again can I send you a PM with the log?
PD: it's possible to quest with ur plugin while doing dngs automatically?
What profile in EPL should did after you start bot:
learn 2 FPs move to Light's Hope Chapel
learn last FP
sell repair buy food/drink
fly back and start questing with clean bags+food/water
what failed:
after bot land in Light's Hope Chapel and need sell/repair, bot called the repair mount
[13:06:40.292 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Traveler's Tundra Mammoth#61447 failure: 'Can't do that while moving'
PHP:[13:06:40.222 N] Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run [13:26:37.374 D] (Singular) (Singular) info: 1197.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStop) [13:26:37.254 N] INACTIVITY TIMER TRIPPED! LOGGING OUT! [13:26:37.264 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Main window is closing
this bug isnt profile or plugin related, hb try summom mount while moving and the stop dont try summom again, all this its in HB core, the way bot handle with repair issues isnt privided by profiles, profile only say-> go repair
staff knows the issue and are working on that
what can you do to bypass the problem (isnt a fix every time bot try summom mount vendor and is moving will fail)
when you see this: Summoning vendor mount
manuanly summom your mount vendor (dont stop bot)
Like i told, when you start profile bot will do that travels, will do this for ever untill pick up first quest in that map, if you stop bot and restart it again (and bot didnt picked up first quest) will repeat the routineRight. So I will manually summon the mount like you said to do, but it will keep doing the same thing...flying between LHC and the towers.
ser possivel é basta ativar isso no bot em settingsEae Cavas,
Usei seu bot já para upar 2 personagens do 85-90, muito bom valew. Agora queria te perguntar eu tenho um 85 gatherer ele tem herba e mining, com o seu profile é possível enquanto ele upa já ir subindo as profissões? ou seria melhor eu jogar ele pro 90 e depois usar outra coisa.
Is there any way to make the bot not attack alliance players? Several times when my toon is going to turn in or pick up a quest, if there is a alliance player it will attack them and then die from the guards.
attack, combat, etc. aren't profile relatedIs there any way to make the bot not attack alliance players? Several times when my toon is going to turn in or pick up a quest, if there is a alliance player it will attack them and then die from the guards.
no, its an hb core issuehi cava is there any way how to desable the use of the vendor mount ? cause some time its summoning it and some time not . i just want to desable it completley, but where thank you