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I'm getting some errors on this new version, bot won't start. See attachment.
cria uma nova pasta (n?o reinstales sobre a pasta antiga porque os errors ir?o continuar)
RE-instala o bot para essa nova pasta
re-instala o cavaplugin nessa nova pasta
testa se tudo funcionar bem ent?o poder?s re-instalar os outros plugins/ rotinas de combate

na presente pasta tens alguns quest behaviors errados e com conflitos
hi cava

sorry for that , im from kuwait and my english not good , 90% i use google translation to read/write , i copy everything and paste in google to see what you or other people say , and i write arabic then i translation to english word by word and paste here

i do hard job to understand english language site , but i cant speak live with anyone because i will never understand

I hope you understands my situation and do not bother to my problem will be trying to find a solution to it

thanks for your time
i dont use skype to talk
i use it to chat

its impossible via forum help you, ask one question , wait one day for reply, explain what todo, wait one more day......
Hope it's navigation issue only :) This post in nav thread

it's both things
it's nav/mesh issues that city isnt perfect
but its also profile because i need improve my profile to:
- fly indoors
- fly to vendors

i think scripting its a learning thing
since i write that profile i learn better methods and improved myself and techics i use to force bot do somethings, also bot have new and better ways to work, all profiles previus dragonblight must be rescripted, some of then are very old (not the Zangarmash).

at end,
yes with good mesh that error never appens
yes i can improve the profile to have less mesh issues
Hi cava, i have one problem, my character is stuck, always at this "Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run" mount dont summon and he goes to AFK, how to fix this problem? (sry for bad english)
Hi cava, i have one problem, my character is stuck, always at this "Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run" mount dont summon and he goes to AFK, how to fix this problem? (sry for bad english)
not profile/plugin related

there are 2 ways to bypass (isnt a fix,issue wil apens from time to time)
to bypass the problem1:
stop/shutdown bot
manualy clean your bag = sell+repair+buy food/water
manualy pick all quests where that issue apens (if there are any)
clean cache or run cavaplugin_fix
start bot

to bypass the problem2:
when that issue apens manualy move your char to open field and summom repair mount
Please exclude quest What Came First, the Drake or the Egg? from your Blade's Edge Mountains profile.
It's really hard even for legit tank in heirlooms. This quest isn't needed for any chain and can be safely excluded. Reward is standard.
If someone wants Loremaster he can do this quest manually :D

Bot dies a lot, because:
-- those dragons from eggs do big damage
-- there are a lot of aggro mobs around
-- after interacting an egg bot runs away (oO) random direction, often falls from a rock and dies or stucks at crystals.

I have diagnostic log with those odd random runs (lines after [03:07:17.364 D] [InteractWith-v1306(debug)] Interacting with 'Яйцо дракона Пустоты' ).
View attachment 8312 2014-03-04 06.03.txt
Another issue:
After learning riding skill, profile throws exception "cannot learn riding skill" and stops :) Maybe HB cannot update skill list? But for sure profile successfully learns skill (I saw it :D).
LogMeOut + Relogger restart me for inactivity and profile continue working. May be there are some another way to continue? Maybe force HB restart by profile if it cannot update learned skill.
I keep getting this whenever I try to use the bs/mining profile.

Err: Does not have access to Profile http://cavaprofiles.org/index.php/profiles/profiles-list/cavaprofessions/mining/87-freemb-1. Please check if you have Profession access Error code: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at HighVoltz.Composites.EnableProfileAction.Load() in e:\Program Files (x86)\Honorbuddy 2.5.9831.727\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\EnableProfileAction.cs:line 197

Any idea why?
I know its not an AFK profile, but on my lvl 85 Horde druid in Jade Forest (on the airship). It accepted the quest to shoot cannons and military units. But it mounts the gun and just shoots in one place. I had to aim manually. Up until that point it seemed to be okay. Actually because I went away, when I came back a few hours later, I found the quest giver had even phased out and I couldn't hand in the quest lol

Then later on, trying to get on the top floor of thunder hold to engage the npc that runs away, my toon got stuck and stayed still on the corner before going up the stairs. Here I just got logged out for inactivity.

Sadly my logs are mixed up with Kick's profiles, so I am unsure which to send. But I hope anyway the description helps.
I know its not an AFK profile, but on my lvl 85 Horde druid in Jade Forest (on the airship). It accepted the quest to shoot cannons and military units. But it mounts the gun and just shoots in one place. I had to aim manually. Up until that point it seemed to be okay. Actually because I went away, when I came back a few hours later, I found the quest giver had even phased out and I couldn't hand in the quest lol

Then later on, trying to get on the top floor of thunder hold to engage the npc that runs away, my toon got stuck and stayed still on the corner before going up the stairs. Here I just got logged out for inactivity.

Sadly my logs are mixed up with Kick's profiles, so I am unsure which to send. But I hope anyway the description helps.
levels 85 to 90 arend afk, i scripted that profiles one year ago, im sure most of then have now high problems, as soon i finish level 85 will re-script all 85 to 90 to be afk like 1 to 85
I keep getting this whenever I try to use the bs/mining profile.

Err: Does not have access to Profile http://cavaprofiles.org/index.php/profiles/profiles-list/cavaprofessions/mining/87-freemb-1. Please check if you have Profession access Error code: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at HighVoltz.Composites.EnableProfileAction.Load() in e:\Program Files (x86)\Honorbuddy 2.5.9831.727\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\EnableProfileAction.cs:line 197

Any idea why?
check you PM
Another issue:
After learning riding skill, profile throws exception "cannot learn riding skill" and stops :) Maybe HB cannot update skill list? But for sure profile successfully learns skill (I saw it :D).
LogMeOut + Relogger restart me for inactivity and profile continue working. May be there are some another way to continue? Maybe force HB restart by profile if it cannot update learned skill.
need this log
Please exclude quest What Came First, the Drake or the Egg? from your Blade's Edge Mountains profile.
It's really hard even for legit tank in heirlooms. This quest isn't needed for any chain and can be safely excluded. Reward is standard.
If someone wants Loremaster he can do this quest manually :D

Bot dies a lot, because:
-- those dragons from eggs do big damage
-- there are a lot of aggro mobs around
-- after interacting an egg bot runs away (oO) random direction, often falls from a rock and dies or stucks at crystals.

I have diagnostic log with those odd random runs (lines after [03:07:17.364 D] [InteractWith-v1306(debug)] Interacting with 'Яйцо дракона Пустоты' ).
View attachment 119291
if its possible to remove that quest im sure will remove it, too high problematic one
Hello, i've been using this from 53-60, this went great but now its stuck in Thrallmar, and trying to get a quest from Martik Tor'seldori the blood elf i think.

The log gives a error called: error trying to save the settings file: can not perform the requested operation on a file is assigned with an open user section.

Please help me.
(Beside, Nice bot!)
Hello, i've been using this from 53-60, this went great but now its stuck in Thrallmar, and trying to get a quest from Martik Tor'seldori the blood elf i think.

The log gives a error called: error trying to save the settings file: can not perform the requested operation on a file is assigned with an open user section.

Please help me.
(Beside, Nice bot!)
please do this:
stop bot and shutdown
run cavaplugin_fix or clean cache
start bot, if still have any issue upload log

Firstly, amazing work Cava. I've not used HB for quite some time and when I was using it last, this is the kind of profile i was hoping for but there were only grind bots around and to come back to find that somebody is actually making a profile that I always wanted is pretty awesome so thanks.

Ok so I ran this as a level 1 Human mage and everything was perfect up until the bot could not move to Salma Saldean in Westfall. Here's a link to the log.
Cava Error - Pastebin.com

Keep up the good work mate.
Boas Cava , queria apenas fazer-te uma pergunta. Comecei agora a utilizar o teu profile e desde já posso afirmar que está a funcionar plenamente até agr, a pergunta era se o teu profile tbm faz o achievement do Loremaster . Thks plo teu profile e agradeço a tua resposta. Cheers
Boas Cava , queria apenas fazer-te uma pergunta. Comecei agora a utilizar o teu profile e desde já posso afirmar que está a funcionar plenamente até agr, a pergunta era se o teu profile tbm faz o achievement do Loremaster . Thks plo teu profile e agradeço a tua resposta. Cheers
infelizmente não loremaster precisa de um pouco mais
por enquanto o trabalho que tenho feito centraliza-se em levelar o mais rapido possivel , para isso o bot frequentemente muda de mapa sem ter finalizado todas as quests desse mesmo mapa

Firstly, amazing work Cava. I've not used HB for quite some time and when I was using it last, this is the kind of profile i was hoping for but there were only grind bots around and to come back to find that somebody is actually making a profile that I always wanted is pretty awesome so thanks.

Ok so I ran this as a level 1 Human mage and everything was perfect up until the bot could not move to Salma Saldean in Westfall. Here's a link to the log.
Cava Error - Pastebin.com

Keep up the good work mate.
logs show this:
[MyCTM-v1129(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-10112.83, 1043.376, 37.47673> from <-10121.99, 1041.121, 37.78118>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.

please upload full log or send it to [email protected]
from this small log i can say bot dont know how to travel from point A to B
i neeed know if profile moved bot to point A or... something else