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Great plugin, I am having trouble with the planting in the tiller faction. It runs a macro for handling the vines but performs no actions.

Also on the Isle of Thunder for Horde PVE profile it runs into the fire pits once in a while and looks very botish, might want to consider blackspotting them.
Very much appreciate the work you did on this.
Great plugin, I am having trouble with the planting in the tiller faction. It runs a macro for handling the vines but performs no actions.

Also on the Isle of Thunder for Horde PVE profile it runs into the fire pits once in a while and looks very botish, might want to consider blackspotting them.
Very much appreciate the work you did on this.

Bonfires should be reported to mesh guys. Better to make it part of the mesh than have everyone blackspot.
Please provide log files for all reports.
I can run the Cava leveling and it works great. However, I want to level mining/blacksmithing. But, before I donate to get the full 1-600 I want to make sure it's working
by doing the 1-300 free version. The problem is that the radio button in the cava plugin under professions 1-300 is not clickable for some reason.

Also, I'm guessing it doesn't matter but what should be selected for BG buddy options.. profession buddy? or
When i try to load my cava questing profile, there comes an error up saying: "[LoadProfile-v1085(fatal)] Does not have access to Profile '9-armageddoner77-79zuldrak'. Please check if you have Armageddoner access"?

the profile always stucks on quest "Forge Ahead!" trying to kill Itoka while he is immune. it has to deactivate the 4 cauldrons.

Forge Ahead! - Quest - World of Warcraft

Yeah...that quest is...well...its not the only one that needs hugely programmed mechanics.
First, the floor is lava. Need to tell it not to walk over anything lightning...which is not super easy when the boss's location is not set, he wanders around that platform.
Second, this has to be done with a quest behavior, because once the CR takes over, profile's are ignored until combat is ended. That quest behavior wasn't something I was ever in the mood to write due to the intricacies of it........its a lot. Avoid floor, avoid storms/lightning ball thingies (i think there's one/two that float around, isnt there?) click on each one if someone else hasn't already. Basically this quest you're going to either look like a bot trying to kill an immune boss, or look like a bot staggering blindly trying to click on an object. TBH I might as well remove this particular quest from rotation, as its not workable as it is...
Hey Brodie,

Great plugin, I'm using the timeless coin farmer at the moment and its working superbly so far but it seems to be taking some pretty sub optimal routes, I start it at the Gulp Frogs which I feel are the fastest method for me however after around 10 - 15 minutes the profile seems to veer off toward the tigers in the area and moves down towards the other mobs roaming the isle eventually doing a full circuit of the island moving from one type of mob to another. Is there any way to limit the area in which the profile is active? It's not 100% necessary but I just think I might get a better result staying in that one area.

Thanks for your time, and for the amazing plugin.
Cava, can you help me with this error? "Profile has too many errors, please repair the profile". Log attached, completely clean install before this.

[00:01:54.731 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(error)]: The 'DestName' attribute's value may not be an empty string ("").
[00:01:54.732 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcState'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobState', instead.
[00:01:54.733 D] Goal: Nothing
[00:01:54.733 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[00:01:54.733 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(error) @line 1489]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Hey Brodie,

Great plugin, I'm using the timeless coin farmer at the moment and its working superbly so far but it seems to be taking some pretty sub optimal routes, I start it at the Gulp Frogs which I feel are the fastest method for me however after around 10 - 15 minutes the profile seems to veer off toward the tigers in the area and moves down towards the other mobs roaming the isle eventually doing a full circuit of the island moving from one type of mob to another. Is there any way to limit the area in which the profile is active? It's not 100% necessary but I just think I might get a better result staying in that one area.

Thanks for your time, and for the amazing plugin.

The profile actually doesn't farm gulp frogs at all. Or tigers. It probably was in those areas grabbing chests. Here's why:

1) not everyone can survive gulp frogs. I'm a 522 blood tank, and 1 in every 20-30 frogs kills me from lucky hits. Low iLvl chars may not be that lucky.
2) tigers share an area with cliffdwellers. They are no fun. I X'd that area out because of them.

The areas it does farm contain higher volumes of lower strength mobs. Coins might come in slightly slower, but odds of burden of eternity go up by quantity of kills.
Cava, can you help me with this error? "Profile has too many errors, please repair the profile". Log attached, completely clean install before this.

[00:01:54.731 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(error)]: The 'DestName' attribute's value may not be an empty string ("").
[00:01:54.732 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcState'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobState', instead.
[00:01:54.733 D] Goal: Nothing
[00:01:54.733 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[00:01:54.733 N] [TaxiRide-v1085(error) @line 1489]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
fixed, thanks for report
Stopped at "Summoning vendor mount". Bot moves exactly at time when trying to summon, so cast breaks (Wow red error "Cannot do this while moving"). Bot doesn't try again and doesn't interact with nearby repair vendor.
Just staying and doing nothing. Relogger restarts again and again, but this doesn't help.
Getting this, when my Toon tries to do the "August Celestian" Dailys

[23:30:28.673 N] [Brodies Plugin] Profile Swapper: Checking to see if we should change profiles...
[23:30:28.724 N] [Brodies Plugin] Profile Swapper: No profiles left by selection. Halting bot.
[23:30:28.724 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Bot stop requested by Brodies Plugin: Lack of continuing profile selection.
[23:30:28.789 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped

EDIT: Here a second Logfile from an different Toon. Same Issue.
Stopped at "Summoning vendor mount". Bot moves exactly at time when trying to summon, so cast breaks (Wow red error "Cannot do this while moving"). Bot doesn't try again and doesn't interact with nearby repair vendor.
Just staying and doing nothing. Relogger restarts again and again, but this doesn't help.
hi Chaser

profiles "tells" to bot what to do
bot core "tells" how to do

at this point profile says "go to repair and sell", its how the core bot works with that the bug shows up, isnt profile related, profile dont and have any access in the way bot repai or sell itens, real fact is just after bot start sell or repair routine, profiles have none control in bot all travels, fly, moves etc its all in bot core control, untill bot repair or sell the profile isnt working at all.

commom issues i noticed with repair so far:

bot try mount inside houses, or under tents and fail= bot stuck
bot try mount while moving and fail= stuck
bot try move to repair npc, go in mesh issue= bot stuck
Sometimes it happens that my Toon doesnt dismount in this position. He will stay there and AFK out.

[08:07:55.150 N] Mounting: Tawny Wind Rider
[08:07:58.702 D] Destination might be indoors. Trying to find a landing location.
[08:08:04.962 D] Stop and dismount... Reason: Dismounting for landing spot.

but didnt dismount! When i dismount him by Hand, he will go on.
Trillers Dailys

Quest: The Kunzen Hunter-Chief

All my Toons stay on the Ground infront of the Mountain and cant get up the Chief. When i mount my toon on a Flymount and move him up, he will go on.
But sometimes there are 2-3 other Bots waiting at this exact place.
After some restarts by LogMeOut plugin (for inacticity) + Relogger bot unstucked and continued :)
What I really like in your profiles is changing location by character lvl. Kick's profiles 1-58 go with fixed order and my char was doing gray quests on 37 lvl :)
Hello my cavaplugin doesnt work anymore reinstalled everything new map with Cavaplugin svn checkout etc.etc.. any one has an idea what to do ?

This happened after the update.

Hello my cavaplugin doesnt work anymore reinstalled everything new map with Cavaplugin svn checkout etc.etc.. any one has an idea what to do ?

This happened after the update.

you got mail