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Hi , first , thanks for this nice work . I got a problem with the bot . When he wants to sell something , he moves near vendor and did nothing more . In console its write " Summoning vendor mount for vendor run " . So i manually summom traveler's tundra mammoth and he sell without problem . how can i fix this problem ? I just have to find how auto summon traveler's tundra mammoth and it's will be ok . Thanks
i try to instal cavar plugin i become a error "Honorbuddy has encountered a problem." can every one help me
Hi , first , thanks for this nice work . I got a problem with the bot . When he wants to sell something , he moves near vendor and did nothing more . In console its write " Summoning vendor mount for vendor run " . So i manually summom traveler's tundra mammoth and he sell without problem . how can i fix this problem ? I just have to find how auto summon traveler's tundra mammoth and it's will be ok . Thanks
See my issue above. The summoning of the Vendor Mount works fine, the problem is; it runs all the way TO the vendor and THEN mounts my own vendor mount. This is, well, stupid :)
Hi , first , thanks for this nice work . I got a problem with the bot . When he wants to sell something , he moves near vendor and did nothing more . In console its write " Summoning vendor mount for vendor run " . So i manually summom traveler's tundra mammoth and he sell without problem . how can i fix this problem ? I just have to find how auto summon traveler's tundra mammoth and it's will be ok . Thanks
not profile related, the way bot sell repair etc its all in core HB
Ive got the same message!! Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!

Ive made the settings like in your tutorial, and loading the Start_cava.... file... then i start by pressing start in the Cava plugin program.

What am i doing wrong ?
Honorbuddy v2.5.9775.726 started!
Character is a level 87 NightElf Hunter
Current zone is Kun-Lai Summit
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.3304
[Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
[Singular] GCD check fix spell set to: Hunter's Mark
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Hunter Beast Mastery
[Singular] Your Level 87 Night Elf Mastery Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Kun-Lai Summit
[Singular] ... Zone: Pandaria using my SOLO Behaviors
[Singular] Initialization complete!
[CavaPlugin]4.2.0: Loading CavaPlugin
[CavaPlugin]4.2.0: Please wait while the Cava Plugin checks for updates.
[CavaPlugin]4.2.0: is up to date and ready to use.
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
AutoEquip2 - Enabled
CavaPlugin - Enabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Talented2 - Disabled
Initialization complete.
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 7
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
Changing current profile to Cava Profiles by [Cava] $Rev: 165 $
Error trying to save the settings file: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Settings\Nordrassil\P*****k\CharacterSettings.xml' because it is being used by another process.
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: Errors in quest behaviors!
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 21
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\ekb\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Hooks\UseTransport2.cs(91,17) : error CS0246: Det gick inte att hitta typ- eller namnomr?desnamnet ConfigMemento (saknas ett using-direktiv eller en sammans?ttningsreferens?)
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 35
Changing current profile to [Quest]MOP 85 to 90 With Loot By [Cava] $Rev: 165 $
[CavaPlugin]:Is now ENABLED
[CavaPlugin]:[System Anti-Stuck: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Summon Random Pet: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Accept Level 25 Guild Invites: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse Guild Invites: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse Party Invites: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse Trade Invites: Disabled]
[CavaPlugin]:[Refuse Duel Invites: Disabled]
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Thanks for your great profiles thebroadieman

I just wondered if there were any plans to introduce ploughing and seed-bag options to the Sunsong ranch module?

Also, is it deliberate that it randomly picks the weeds, regardless of the order?

Finally, there seems to be a problem with Honorbuddy not attacking the vermin/birds that appear, I think this is an honorbuddy problem itself, but do you have any idea when this will be fixed?

Thanks for your great profiles thebroadieman

I just wondered if there were any plans to introduce ploughing and seed-bag options to the Sunsong ranch module?

Also, is it deliberate that it randomly picks the weeds, regardless of the order?

Finally, there seems to be a problem with Honorbuddy not attacking the vermin/birds that appear, I think this is an honorbuddy problem itself, but do you have any idea when this will be fixed?


Plowing will not be implemented as it involves delicate commands of positioning, facing, moving that I do not plan to add in, as its...well...a bit more work than its worth. Same with seed bags. There is no added advantage other than being slightly faster.
The weeds are picked in the order HB deems.
The targeting issue is with InteractWith (as far as I know) and no I do not have a time frame, sorry. It's one of those "precisely when it means to" things, I'm sure ;)
Hi Brodie how you doing?

Brodie, after the last plugin update i seen that it says "Public Version" so i was wondering if there is a "Premium Version" available or something and if so, how much cost it and whats the difference between Public and Premium? I love your Plugin and i cant without it anymore hehe im using it every single night for all my chars :)

Oh and Brodie, for some reason my toon is not attacking the Mobs anymore when I let the plugin handle my farm for Songbell seeds at The Tillers, my toon just stands there doing nothing when beeing attacked it just ignores the Mobs, anyone else has the same Problem or a solution to fix it?

Log is attached.
Hi Brodie how you doing?

Brodie, after the last plugin update i seen that it says "Public Version" so i was wondering if there is a "Premium Version" available or something and if so, how much cost it and whats the difference between Public and Premium? I love your Plugin and i cant without it anymore hehe im using it every single night for all my chars :)

Oh and Brodie, for some reason my toon is not attacking the Mobs anymore when I let the plugin handle my farm for Songbell seeds at The Tillers, my toon just stands there doing nothing when beeing attacked it just ignores the Mobs, anyone else has the same Problem or a solution to fix it?

Log is attached.

The issues at the farm are known, and being worked on by the HB team. The issue is with InteractWith apparently (or so I'm told) and so an update will most likely be out in one of the future HB updates.

As for my plugin, at this time there is no additional version. This copy has been deemed a public version as there may come a time when I do release a "premium" version, but there is no such version right now. All profiles included with the public version will remain (minus Animus, which will be released at a later date as a standalone plugin) and continue to be supported. More information will come later, but for now, please continue to enjoy the public release as it continues to grow.
AFter the update it doesnt farming any chest any more, it just kill mobs over and over dont search for Chest anymore :(
Hey Brodieman on the timeless isle when you farm rep for shaohao some of the Mobs give themself a shield.
Your plugin is trying to go in the back of this mob to attack it. Please make sure it goes very close to the mob during the shield is up.
Currently casters make a huge circle around the mob and sometimes fall off the hill.
Second is that sometimes the bot runs again a tree or wall when trying to come in the back of the mob which looks very bottish.
If it hits a tree and/or wall it should simply stand still until the shield is gone again.
Can you fix this please?
Hey Brodieman, I need help with the Shaohao rep farm. When I start the rep farm profile it starts killing normal elites on the isle like the panthers etc and they dont give rep to shaohao right? Is there any way to fix so it only kills the elites that give rep?