View attachment 106365
I hope thats the right log. I have no idea why this is happening, I have the profile and the plugin.
Hi Skeletonboy360
I scripted Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml to check in Cava quest behaviors for one file, if that file isnt there probably all instalation is broken
[23:15:04.346 D] Loading profile from C:\Users\Anthony\Downloads\1hb\Profiles\Cava\Cava_Starter_Profiles.xml
[23:15:04.388 N] Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 5
and this is the case bot skip the some lines because cant find the right behavior
after that you got this message:
There is a problem with Cava Profiles Instalation
Please check you have Cava Plugin Instaled and Enabled
and yes you have it instaled and enabled like your log show:
[23:12:50.846 N] Please Wait While [Cava Plugin] Check For Updates, This Can Take Several Minutes
[23:12:53.176 N] [Cava Plugin] is at Rev $30 and up to date!
[23:12:53.556 N] [Cava QB Updater] is at Rev $36 and up to date!
[23:12:53.720 N] [Cava Profile Updater] is at Rev $77 and up to date!
so only one thing can be rong here, you copied cavaplugin from older instalation but forgot copy quest behaviors
ites realy easy to fix this.
unzip it
all files in bot/Plugins/CavaPlugin
after this cavaplugin will update himself with latest version at this moment= 4.0.5
after that will need close and restart bot for changes take efect and you are ready to go