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Hello, I got some problems when doing the starting quests to a Death knight. The character never jump on the Horses at the quest Grand Theft Palomin. It just run to the safe spot and waits there untill the patrol guy is 85 yards away and after that my character just run back to the questgiver trying to complete an uncompleted quest :S
tried loading it today but it doesn't seem to work, tried fresh copy of HB and used the svn and once only the zip but this is the error i keep getting when i try to load the starter profile.
after this the whole bot crashes.

hope someone can help me.



tried loading it today but it doesn't seem to work, tried fresh copy of HB and used the svn and once only the zip but this is the error i keep getting when i try to load the starter profile.
after this the whole bot crashes.

hope someone can help me.


dont use svn
just use cavaplugin

you added cava quest behaviors to bot, and cavaplugin downloaded then too

to fix:
New hb instalation
download /unzip cavaplugin
put cavaplugin in plugins folder
Hello, I got some problems when doing the starting quests to a Death knight. The character never jump on the Horses at the quest Grand Theft Palomin. It just run to the safe spot and waits there untill the patrol guy is 85 yards away and after that my character just run back to the questgiver trying to complete an uncompleted quest :S

[18:51:26.167 D] [WaitForPatrol-v574(debug)] Behavior completed in 2m09s[18:51:26.167 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[18:51:26.168 D] Goal: VehicleMover-v574: "In Progress (no associated quest)"
Returning Havenshire Stallion, Havenshire Mare, Havenshire Colt to <2347.104, -5695.789, 155.9568>
From what ive noticed looking at the timings it seems like it is the behavior who thinks instantly when called that it has mounted the horse, and returns to the questgiver on foot

Fixed, thanks for reporting
For some reason your profiles doesn't work with Tuanha classes ?
That is a problem with the custom class right :)?

Each time I try to launch the bot I got the following error (even the Archeologybot)
Is this something I can fix by myself ?
View attachment 106710

Thanks in advance.
[11:48:31.531 N] EnabledPlugins:
[11:48:31.531 D] Anti Drown
[11:48:31.531 D] AutoEquip2
[11:48:31.531 D] LeaderPlugin
[11:48:31.531 D] Refreshment Detection
[11:48:31.531 D] Talented2
[11:48:31.531 D] TheBrodieMan's Compendium
dont have CavaPlugin, istall it and enable to download new files
you are using an old quest behavior in Quest behaviors/Cava/ who need be updated
Actually not nessecary to use separate install. Cava store it's behaviors in it'sown subfolder. I run it without much issues other than a little stuck wich bot solves itself.

I will also report a bug regarding Donova Snowden in Winterspring. If user have picked up Call to Arms it will loop on the questpickup. Please add check for that quest present before picking up any quest at this npc. Else I applaud for a GREAT plugin and profilepack. I mix this with kick's and Brodie's and minimalize risk of the banhammer. ;) Thank you.
Another bug found. Stuck in hill after killing npc Shade OF The Spiritseeker in the quest In Pursuit Of Shades. I tried to restart bot, but it went back to same spot. 2 logs attached as zip as they are large.

[22:43:41.337 N] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[22:43:41.354 D] Could not generate path from {6250.15, -4104.423, 720.2249} to {6586.487, -3872.67, 664.0745} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

