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yes its necessary, most of users dont know they need setup mount char, most of then dont know they need disable random mount or they will call attentions to bot

if you took 5 hrs to do 76.000 exp (at level 62->64) just report the bug (if its profile related), just reply it take 5 hours will not help me to find the problem, if isnt profile related i can do nothing

To be honest I don't think it is your problem to fix that the HB interface for mounts is cubersome, it only penalizes the users who know how it works and causes them problems. I really think the interface needs to be looked at, until recently I was unsure how to make it work properly as there are so many options. I would take all of the mount info from the profiles and let the end user control it personally, just my thoughts. I can't remember it being specified in anyone else's profiles.

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...how-correctly-specify-mounts.html#post1230047 my previous thread where I asked the question.

To be honest I don't think it is your problem to fix that the HB interface for mounts is cubersome, it only penalizes the users who know how it works and causes them problems. I really think the interface needs to be looked at, until recently I was unsure how to make it work properly as there are so many options. I would take all of the mount info from the profiles and let the end user control it personally, just my thoughts. I can't remember it being specified in anyone else's profiles.

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...how-correctly-specify-mounts.html#post1230047 my previous thread where I asked the question.

I completely agree. You want to help the user by making decisions for him concerning simple things that any user can learn very easily. In the end you are making it difficult for everybody because we never know where the problem comes from. I was sure the mount problem was not profile related and it took me 2 days to find out. And if you want to keep making these decisions, please put them in a file that does not get written over each time the plugin gets updated, and publish the list of decisions you have made. This way, we can change them if we need to. For instance, the old problem of food and drinks, now if somebody wants to change the settings, they have to change almost every xml file in the profile, and start all over when the plugin is updated. The same for IgnoreCheckPoints. Put them in a file that does not change each time.


lately i have been getin this problem and not able to use the profile, "Profile in development, Please check again later" i have the newest revision and everything
lately i have been getin this problem and not able to use the profile, "Profile in development, Please check again later" i have the newest revision and everything

wich race? class?

this is a working in progress so far my profiles runs:
alliance 1 to 67 plus 85 to 90
horde 1 to 64 plus 85 to 88
Most of the toons are riding, when they could be flying. It looks new. I don't have a log, because it is all the 60+.
edit: i hope you can see somthing in this log. The toon is riding from one place to another, getting unnecessary aggro all the time.


Hi just wanted to say thanks for the profile but its far from being full AFK i had alot of times where bot got stuck and didnt do anything...Level 21-42 Warrior took 2 days since bot got stuck plenty of times. But once you unstuck it yourself it runs fine for a lil while
Hi just wanted to say thanks for the profile but its far from being full AFK i had alot of times where bot got stuck and didnt do anything...Level 21-42 Warrior took 2 days since bot got stuck plenty of times. But once you unstuck it yourself it runs fine for a lil while

There are 3 main reasons for bot have that stucks:
HB core related
Example: bot dont know how to move to X place
Example: bot keep talking with an NPC

Combat Routine
Example: bot dont attack mobs
Example: bot keep summoning pet while cant

Example: Bot try pick the next quest in chain before turn in the previus one
Example: Bot try pick quest level 40 while char is lvl 39
Example: Bot kill mob X for quest but need have an special aura for finish quest and fail that
Example: Bot need use itens in sequence 1,2,3 but use in 3,2,1
Example: Bot need pick 5 itens, only pick 1 and run to turn-in quest

all errors (and others) in profiles issue i can fix (or try) , hb core and combat routines, cant.

bot stuck in walls, doors, dont dismount, keep taliking with npcs, dont know how to move to X, cant use an elevator, cant buy food/water, are some of bugs that i cant fix

if you find any profile bug, please report it, will try fix it and after that you and others can use same profile whitout that error
There are 3 main reasons for bot have that stucks:
HB core related
Example: bot dont know how to move to X place
Example: bot keep talking with an NPC

Combat Routine
Example: bot dont attack mobs
Example: bot keep summoning pet while cant

Example: Bot try pick the next quest in chain before turn in the previus one
Example: Bot try pick quest level 40 while char is lvl 39
Example: Bot kill mob X for quest but need have an special aura for finish quest and fail that
Example: Bot need use itens in sequence 1,2,3 but use in 3,2,1
Example: Bot need pick 5 itens, only pick 1 and run to turn-in quest

all errors (and others) in profiles issue i can fix (or try) , hb core and combat routines, cant.

bot stuck in walls, doors, dont dismount, keep taliking with npcs, dont know how to move to X, cant use an elevator, cant buy food/water, are some of bugs that i cant fix

if you find any profile bug, please report it, will try fix it and after that you and others can use same profile whitout that error

Awesome will do so, once again many thanks for your awesome profiles been running smoothly for +- 4 hours now after i did full cache clean and re-install and made sure inventory is clean etc. going much smoother now
I think you've already mentioned something about the bot not correctly attacking Neutral ("Yellow") mobs, so you may already be aware.

Quest in Silverpine Forest, "Lost in the Darkness". It's using "grind" but failing to attack the webs (presumably as they are yellow?).

Effectively it just grinds in that area forever (or until I manually attack the webs).

The Bait for Lar'korwi - Quest in Ungoro

Using the contents of Torwa's Pouch, summon Lar'korwi and defeat him. Then bring Lar'korwi's Head to Torwa Pathfinder near the entrance to Un'Goro Crater.


Preserved Pheromone Mixture - Item - World of Warcraft has to be used on the Preserved Threshadon Meat (Preserved Threshadon Meat - Item - World of Warcraft)
Lay down the meat to the rock works - but thew bot does this over and over and over because he doesnt use the pheromone

hi keldorn, i fixed that bug few days ago, please upload your log, need check what is going
I think you've already mentioned something about the bot not correctly attacking Neutral ("Yellow") mobs, so you may already be aware.

Quest in Silverpine Forest, "Lost in the Darkness". It's using "grind" but failing to attack the webs (presumably as they are yellow?).

Effectively it just grinds in that area forever (or until I manually attack the webs).
fixed at rev 61, thanks for reporting
fixed at rev 61, thanks for reporting

Out of interest, was it the FactionID's setting (was set to 7)?

Trying to slowly teach myself how the profiles work so that I might someday be able to submit fixes, and not just bug reports ;)

Tries to repair at "Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel" , wowhead not loading for me or i would post a link :/
This is great...when Horde are controlling it since i am Horde...not so great when Stinking Alliance control it ;)
Maybe have the profile do a user setting to not find vendors automatically for the stoopid/forgetful amongst us?


As a side note, in your 'Next[Cava].xml' for donators you have it set to go to Blades edge mountain using

<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[N-Quest]Blade'sEdgeMountains(67-68)[Cava]" />

Whereas the filename of said file in same folder is


It no like that :D

Tries to repair at "Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel" , wowhead not loading for me or i would post a link :/
This is great...when Horde are controlling it since i am Horde...not so great when Stinking Alliance control it ;)
Maybe have the profile do a user setting to not find vendors automatically for the stoopid/forgetful amongst us?


As a side note, in your 'Next[Cava].xml' for donators you have it set to go to Blades edge mountain using

<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[N-Quest]Blade'sEdgeMountains(67-68)[Cava]" />

Whereas the filename of said file in same folder is


It no like that :D

Repair isnt profile related, profiles have no control to what bot do when is selling repairing, wich vendors etc, i add vendors and repairs to all profiles but bot just ignore what i put in profiles, i tried disable the auto-find when have other problem at wetlands when an allliance char ran to horde base to repair, but still the same thing

rong path for testers profiles is fixed, thanks for report
theres something rong with your path to meshs

path to meshs its user side, not profile related, just open configuration and edit it
Hey Cava. Love your work man. Had an issue last night though. Leveling on a druid it flagged afk for some reason then spent the next 6 hours standing in one stop doing jump ascend trying to clear the afk. When I woke up this morning druid was still sitting there jumping over and over again with afk flag on. I was going to attach the log but deleted the folder when I upgraded to the new release. If it happens again I'll make sure and grab the log next time.