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Hey Cava. Love your work man. Had an issue last night though. Leveling on a druid it flagged afk for some reason then spent the next 6 hours standing in one stop doing jump ascend trying to clear the afk. When I woke up this morning druid was still sitting there jumping over and over again with afk flag on. I was going to attach the log but deleted the folder when I upgraded to the new release. If it happens again I'll make sure and grab the log next time.

know the issue, the new CavaPlugin have fix for that, but still in test status, probably today or tomorrow will upload it (if none tester report an issue with plugin)
Repair isnt profile related, profiles have no control to what bot do when is selling repairing, wich vendors etc, i add vendors and repairs to all profiles but bot just ignore what i put in profiles, i tried disable the auto-find when have other problem at wetlands when an allliance char ran to horde base to repair, but still the same thing

rong path for testers profiles is fixed, thanks for report

Then is there any way to get the bot to repair other than doing it manually?

I'm new to HB so I was looking through the wiki and found the profile tag for MinDurability (sorry can't post link), but this is "profile related" so I'm curious as to why something like this wouldn't work.
Then is there any way to get the bot to repair other than doing it manually?

I'm new to HB so I was looking through the wiki and found the profile tag for MinDurability (sorry can't post link), but this is NOT "profile related" so I'm curious as to why something like this wouldn't work.

i add this in profiles:

means when bot have less than 20% in gear durability or only have 2 free slots in bags will repair/sell

at that point HB core will stop read profile and will go to mail/sell/repair after that will start again (where bot interrupted profile) and will continue with profile

profiles have no control what bot is doing at that time
if you have an lvl 20 alliance char in Wetlands and he rans to Arathi Higlands (high level zone for lvl 20 char)
or if your Alliance char try repair/sell at Horde base isnt profile related
umm....not working?

View attachment 2552 2013-08-08 06.38.txt

I was gonna try to switch to your profiles from kicks, I like kicks but sometimes I feel the questing in lower zones slowing down leveling. Im lv 74 and STILL questing in Borean Tundra when I should almsot be done with Draongblight area.
umm....not working?

View attachment 101175

I was gonna try to switch to your profiles from kicks, I like kicks but sometimes I feel the questing in lower zones slowing down leveling. Im lv 74 and STILL questing in Borean Tundra when I should almsot be done with Draongblight area.

this is a work in progress

[Attention Required...] Profile in development, Please check again later

means the profile for your level isnt finished/done
Donated ?20; it's not much, but just a little thank you and to say keep up the good work! :)
Just to be Fair...

Bot get stuck at the Elevator in "Stormspire" Netherstorm/Outland. I reported this in the HB Support thread, think this is a HB Core Problem because it doesnt got the right Elevator ID. But Tony told me to post this in the Profile thread. Here it is


when staff says to report nav/core bugs at profiles threads, next probably will say to report CR issues at plugins threads

thats nothing about profiles, its not an profile issue

[16:31:31.662 D] Changed POI to: Type: Buy, Name: Gant
[16:31:31.735 N] [LogMeOut!]: Remaining time before log out : 05h59m59s
[16:31:31.900 N] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Gant
Bot started the buy routine, profile have no control after this, bot do what devs scripted to do
[16:31:32.608 D] Flight time: 00:02:51
[16:31:32.608 D] Run Time: 00:06:17
[16:31:32.608 D] Difference: 206
[16:31:32.609 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Use, Area 52, Netherstorm
[16:31:33.853 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Area 52, Netherstorm
[16:31:33.905 D] Waiting for the elevator
Bot selected use FP from Stormspire to Area 52
[16:31:33.999 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Area 52, Netherstorm
[16:31:34.065 D] Waiting for the elevator
[16:31:34.161 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Area 52, Netherstorm
[16:31:34.226 D] Waiting for the elevator
[16:31:34.323 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Area 52, Netherstorm
[16:31:34.389 D] Waiting for the elevator
Rong mesh elevator id?, bot stuck waiting for elevator

with kicks profile is the same thing but its the sell problem

[16:07:07.048 D] Changed POI to: Type: Sell, Name: Karaaz
[16:07:07.280 N] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Karaaz
[16:07:08.225 D] Waiting for the elevator
[16:07:08.418 N] Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Karaaz
[16:07:08.484 D] Waiting for the elevator
Bot cant use elevator

this isnt profile issue
Some of the staff are more, um, knowledgeable, than others. I've been told what seemed nonsense from that particular staff member before as well.

I would wait and hope one of the "proper" devs sees your post, and suspect they'll give a better answer :)
Had this happen on my last toon as well, in exactly the same place.

Not sure if it's a mesh issue or profile issue as it's from a FlyTo.

In the Hellfire Peninsula profile (Horde), after turning in quest Id 10864 to "Apothecary Antonivich" it then runs

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-144.5695" Y="3191.13" Z="-64.53362" />

This causes the bot to get "stuck" under the apron just hanging over the outside of this building. My last toon was stuck here for some hours (!) but I noticed it right away on my most recent one.

I think this could probably be fixed by doing a "normal move" first to somewhere just outside the building and away from the apron that hangs over, and *then* doing this flyto.

Hope this helps. Aside from this and one other incident, this toon has been almost 100% AFK from level 1 - 62 - great work, profiles getting better each time I run them!
Also stuck in a similar way with FlyTo's *from* the top of the spire at Falcon Watch in Hellfire. It gets stuck on the "lip" at the edge as the FlyTo destination is pointing down.

For some reason there seems no anti-stuck logic when doing a FlyTo.

Perhaps the quests that complete at top of the spire at Falcon Watch could also have an intermediate FlyTo added so that the bot goes up first *then* down.

Also, not sure why as this didn't happen last time but bot failed to open Arelion's Knapstack, to get Areloin's Journal for quest in Hellfire. It proceeded to try and handin quest, but didn't have the item (as it was *inside* Arelion's Knapstack, in bags). I think that on my last toon to level up I was perhaps using a plugin that auto-opened all items when I looted.

Hope this helps!
Not sure if im doing somthing wrong, When i load 85-90 with loot on my Goblin DK it brings up dialog box saying UserDialog-v501(user response) @line 514]: [Attention Required...] There is a problem moving char to quest

Please move your char to: THE LOST ISLES/KEZAN
and start bot.

it also loads 1-12 profile
Also stuck in a similar way with FlyTo's *from* the top of the spire at Falcon Watch in Hellfire. It gets stuck on the "lip" at the edge as the FlyTo destination is pointing down.

For some reason there seems no anti-stuck logic when doing a FlyTo.

Perhaps the quests that complete at top of the spire at Falcon Watch could also have an intermediate FlyTo added so that the bot goes up first *then* down.

Also, not sure why as this didn't happen last time but bot failed to open Arelion's Knapstack, to get Areloin's Journal for quest in Hellfire. It proceeded to try and handin quest, but didn't have the item (as it was *inside* Arelion's Knapstack, in bags). I think that on my last toon to level up I was perhaps using a plugin that auto-opened all items when I looted.

Hope this helps!
need full log to check the error
Had this happen on my last toon as well, in exactly the same place.

Not sure if it's a mesh issue or profile issue as it's from a FlyTo.

In the Hellfire Peninsula profile (Horde), after turning in quest Id 10864 to "Apothecary Antonivich" it then runs

<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-144.5695" Y="3191.13" Z="-64.53362" />

This causes the bot to get "stuck" under the apron just hanging over the outside of this building. My last toon was stuck here for some hours (!) but I noticed it right away on my most recent one.

I think this could probably be fixed by doing a "normal move" first to somewhere just outside the building and away from the apron that hangs over, and *then* doing this flyto.

Hope this helps. Aside from this and one other incident, this toon has been almost 100% AFK from level 1 - 62 - great work, profiles getting better each time I run them!
Also stuck in a similar way with FlyTo's *from* the top of the spire at Falcon Watch in Hellfire. It gets stuck on the "lip" at the edge as the FlyTo destination is pointing down.

For some reason there seems no anti-stuck logic when doing a FlyTo.

Perhaps the quests that complete at top of the spire at Falcon Watch could also have an intermediate FlyTo added so that the bot goes up first *then* down.

Hope this helps!
Improved at rev 63
Thanks for report