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I am still not convinced it prioritizes mailing over selling. I am currently leveling a lvl85 and a lvl47 character, I have watched the 87 mount my travelers tundra mount and repair and sell everything in my bag while standing next to a mailbox, my lvl47 has done the same, sold everything in the bag it could to a vendor while a mailbox was available close by on the map. Both characters have a mail recipient setup in HB. narrowly missed a whelp that goes for 8k on my server getting vendored instead of mailed. Is there anyway to make everything (except soulbound) be mailed by default and not got rid of any other way ?
are all the mailboxes known and prioritised ?

Other than that I am really enjoying the profiles, very few errors, keep up the great work.


EDIT: just watched it sell everything in my bag again at Thorium point, there was no mailbox nearby that i could see, I am fine with greys being sold(sorta), but can the greens and blues not be sold and kept until your character is near a mailbox ? or have a button like GB where you can send it to a mailbox to mail ?


EDIT: just watched it mount my tundra mammoth, sell off 6 greens worth about 1k on the AH, then ride 100 yds to a mailbox and mail some worthless cloth to the mail recipient, I just don't get it :(

there are big diferences from 85->90 to 1->72(so far)
part 85->90 are full of bugs i scripted that just because HB users dont have MOP profiles and asked for that, im thinking re-script all of that
theres a big chance some parts have problems whit quests, or other small things like sell itens etc etc

will look in profile for level 47 to check the script to sell itens, maybe i didnt edited that one when change the profiles to dont sell white itens (thorium point)
i remember when i scripted, there is some profiles whit no mailbox near and only for that ones bot will sell whitout mail then

the itens bot sell just before ran to mail probably they are soulbound, i need know which map/profile to check
now the plugin works, but crashing when i try to press start selecting 1-90 horde :S

bad HB instalation
do this
Make NEW folder
download and install HB there
download and install CavaPlugin in side plugins folder
start bot
wait 2 minutes for cavaplugin update
shutdown /restart bot

upload new log if still have problems

NOTE: dont overrite over the damaged instalation, will not fix
In nagrand: test profile.
The toon seems unable to attack a mob when it is mounted. When you dismount manually, it attacks immediately.

if the mob is "yellow" got report for that, in my todo list,
its a HB bug, not profile related, but i have an fix for it

but... if you wait bot will dismount and keep questing, because will be afk and CavaPlugin will remove afk forcing char to jump and dismonting
Would it be possible to save the cava start settings instead of having to fill in the popup each time? After all, we can always change it in the plugins. And when loading the test profiles it is even more annoying.

wich settings? can you be more specific?
Hey Cava,

Rev 354 - [A-Quest] (85-86) The Jade Forest [Cava]

On lines 1172/1173, I find this :

<If Condition="HasQuest(29887) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(29887)" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" LootMobs="True" />/>

Is the double end-tag on line 1173 correct?


PS - same goes for the "with loot" script
wich settings? can you be more specific?
When you start HB, you get after a while the cava screen where you have to choose for leveling, armaggedoner etc. It would be nice if what you choose (levelling 1-90, or download private profiles) was saved and you did not get the screen the next time you restart HB.
Hey Cava,

Rev 354 - [A-Quest] (85-86) The Jade Forest [Cava]

On lines 1172/1173, I find this :

<If Condition="HasQuest(29887) && !IsQuestCompleted(29887)" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="1" LootMobs="True" />/>

Is the double end-tag on line 1173 correct?


PS - same goes for the "with loot" script
fix at rev 55, thanks for reporting
When you start HB, you get after a while the cava screen where you have to choose for leveling, armaggedoner etc. It would be nice if what you choose (levelling 1-90, or download private profiles) was saved and you did not get the screen the next time you restart HB.

that info is saved, and have diferent save for diferent chars
next time you start same char, cavaplugin will " remember" last profile selected
and cant skip that scrren, because if you want bot do a diferent thing?
for now only have leveling, but soon will have more, like professions, grinding, achievments, dailies etc

everytime you start an char, Cavaplugin will "wait" 15 seconds, thats for you change the profile or what you want bot do, after that 15 secs, if you dint change, cavaplugin will load last selected profile
that info is saved, and have diferent save for diferent chars
next time you start same char, cavaplugin will " remember" last profile selected
and cant skip that scrren, because if you want bot do a diferent thing?
for now only have leveling, but soon will have more, like professions, grinding, achievments, dailies etc

everytime you start an char, Cavaplugin will "wait" 15 seconds, thats for you change the profile or what you want bot do, after that 15 secs, if you dint change, cavaplugin will load last selected profile
I did not know that. I thought i had to fill in the info each time. Please make the screen smaller? Much smaller?
Sometimes the pet is set to passive. Is that the profile or HB?

probably quest behaviors

to do some things, sometimes behaviors need change settings
example while escorting will disable herbing, minning etc
Toon just keeps flying around in Zangarmarsh, not attacking or anything, even if it is near quest mobs.

hehehe, the problem seams you look to much for bot, let him run

[15:17:51.353 D] Loading Expansion01_16_30
[15:17:51.460 D] Loading Expansion01_16_32
[15:17:51.587 D] Loading Expansion01_16_31
[15:17:51.725 D] Loading Expansion01_16_29
[15:17:51.794 D] Loading Expansion01_15_29
[15:17:51.843 D] Loading Expansion01_15_30
[15:17:51.901 D] Loading Expansion01_17_31
[15:17:52.077 D] Loading Expansion01_17_32
[15:17:52.185 D] Loading Expansion01_18_31
bot is downloading mesh ( maps to know where to go) sometimes its fast like few seconds, but sometimes need 2 or 3 minutes

dont stop when its downloading mesh

NOTE: after 5 minutes downloading mesh probably your bot have an bug/issue, an fast stop/start will fix that and bot will be good to go
I am sorry Cava, but i have now 4 or 5 toons in outland, and they are all having problems. Which was not the case before. The log i sent you was a new one. I went to buy groceries and came back and there was still nothing happening. so i deleted all logs, because it is easier to find a new one. Now i am making a special directory for each toon so i can easily find the right log without starting anew.
her is another eample of a toon just flying around.

edit2: 4 hours for 150000XP!


edit3: the profile does not know if at level 64 it must gon in zangarmarsh or go to terokkar forest!
edit3: the profile does not know if at level 64 it must gon in zangarmarsh or go to terokkar forest!

62-> 64 + 16bars runs at Zangarmarsh
over 64 + 16bars runs at Terokkar Forest
I am sorry Cava, but i have now 4 or 5 toons in outland, and they are all having problems. Which was not the case before. The log i sent you was a new one. I went to buy groceries and came back and there was still nothing happening. so i deleted all logs, because it is easier to find a new one. Now i am making a special directory for each toon so i can easily find the right log without starting anew.
her is another eample of a toon just flying around.

edit2: 4 hours for 150000XP!

150000 xp in 4 hours, its low for level 64

wheres the problem with the log?

can only see this:
[18:42:56.047 D] Could not generate full path from {125.492, 8148.756, 100.7666} to {258.0556, 8492.625, 23.60706} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
Ok, just sold non soul bound items again (some green boots and a recipe), in bogpaddle where there is a mailbox, I am currently lvl52.

Is there not a global variable you can set where mailing takes precedent over everything else ? or can you make it wait until it finds a mailbox ?

62-> 64 + 16bars runs at Zangarmarsh
over 64 + 16bars runs at Terokkar Forest
right now i have a toon in zangarmarsh that did it much better. It has less then 4 bars left to level 65, in just 3 hours. But it is ready to go to terokkar forest and abandon 4 completed quests with a total of almost 50000xp! Enough to reach level 65!
Ok, just sold non soul bound items again (some green boots and a recipe), in bogpaddle where there is a mailbox, I am currently lvl52.

Is there not a global variable you can set where mailing takes precedent over everything else ? or can you make it wait until it finds a mailbox ?


fixed at rev 56, thanks for reporting

no, thers no thing like that