no itsnt
30 secs its ok
go for this-> NEW folder -> NEW install -> only add cava plugin -> test
Worked now ! Thank you!
Btw I still have a problem... I've made everything you said, made a folder named Cava inside Default profiles updated your SVN inside it, copied Cava's Plugin into Honorbuddy plugins folder, activated that, opened honorbuddy then Questing mode, then slected "[Quest]1to90By[Cava].xml" and didnt work, here's a copy of my log (I'll just copy and paste that here cause I cant upload files here, dont know why ...)
Honorbuddy v2.5.6948.557 started!
Character is a level 69 Human DeathKnight
Current zone is Blade's Edge Mountains
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Loaded Cava Plugin v1.0.0
[Cava Plugin] is at Rev $11 and up to date!
[Cava QB Updater] is at Rev $8 and up to date!
[Cava Profile Updater] is at Rev $276 and up to date!
Hello Human DeathKnight
Thank you for using TuanHA Death Knight
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Changing current profile to [A-Quest] (67-68) Blade's Edge Mountains [Cava] $Rev$:
[UserDialog-v420(user response) @line 32]: [Attention Required...] Profile in development, Please check again later
Disposition: Continuing profile due to User request
Bot Stopped! Reason: Nothing more to do. Stopping bot.