[16:20:02:984] Starting ARelog v1.0.112.95
[16:20:05:300] Starting Game
[16:20:05:354] Waiting for Game to idle
[16:20:24:119] [PID: 1388] Selecting character and entering world.
[16:20:24:473] [PID: 1388] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[16:20:35:978] [PID: 1388] Starting buddy
[17:18:41:835] [PID: 1388] Restarting buddy.
[19:38:44:714] [PID: {0}] The bot has sent an exit code to no longer run. Terminating monitor.
[19:38:47:863] [PID: 1388] Terminating monitor on request.
[19:38:47:863] All monitors are terminated.
is there a solution for this problem?
[16:20:05:300] Starting Game
[16:20:05:354] Waiting for Game to idle
[16:20:24:119] [PID: 1388] Selecting character and entering world.
[16:20:24:473] [PID: 1388] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[16:20:35:978] [PID: 1388] Starting buddy
[17:18:41:835] [PID: 1388] Restarting buddy.
[19:38:44:714] [PID: {0}] The bot has sent an exit code to no longer run. Terminating monitor.
[19:38:47:863] [PID: 1388] Terminating monitor on request.
[19:38:47:863] All monitors are terminated.
is there a solution for this problem?