Issue since I am using the 7.34 or 7.35, HB close and not open again.
[13:42:30:459] [PID: {0}] The bot has sent an exit code to no longer run. Terminating monitor.
[13:42:32:627] [PID: 5000] Terminating monitor on request.
I have the same problem, I configured everything for 24 hours and does not last six
[21:50:03:322] [BNet: ail.com Account: ail.com] Please make sure that you selected Honorbuddy.exe or Demonbuddy.exe (Discard this message if you renamed it
[21:50:03:657] Starting ARelog v1.0.112.95
[21:59:10:897] Waiting for initial wait time to end. End time: 02/06/2014 23:59:10
[23:59:11:552] Starting Game
[23:59:11:601] Waiting for Game to idle
[23:59:27:352] [PID: 8440] Moving Game Window to: 0, 0 - With size: 250x250
[23:59:30:477] [PID: 8440] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[23:59:36:282] [PID: 8440] Selecting character and entering world.
[23:59:37:206] [PID: 8440] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[23:59:37:206] [PID: 8440] Disposing hooks
[23:59:50:711] [PID: 8440] Starting buddy
[0:01:20:174] System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Se ha anulado una conexión establecida por el software en su equipo host
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer)
en ..(Byte , Byte[] )
en ..( )
en ..()
en ARelog.Monitor.()
[1:59:12:949] [PID: 8440] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[1:59:22:951] [PID: 8440] Buddy proc didn't respond to close command. Killing it forcibly.
[1:59:25:321] [PID: 8440] Current Task: Botname: toohaa - ProfilePath: C:\Us\I\D\d\wow\gb2 pr\[GB2] MoP-Megaroute V1.2.xml - Finish Time: 03/06/2014 3:59:25 - Run Count 0
[1:59:28:217] [PID: 8440] Restarting Game
[1:59:28:217] Starting Game
[1:59:28:280] Waiting for Game to idle
[1:59:44:962] [PID: 2704] Moving Game Window to: 0, 0 - With size: 250x250
[1:59:47:884] [PID: 2704] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[1:59:54:961] [PID: 2704] Requesting realm list.
[1:59:55:692] [PID: 2704] Selecting realm
[1:59:57:523] [PID: 2704] Selecting character and entering world.
[1:59:58:163] [PID: 2704] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[1:59:58:163] [PID: 2704] Disposing hooks
[2:00:09:700] [PID: 2704] Starting buddy
[3:59:28:628] [PID: 2704] Reached end of task. Terminating.
[3:59:38:628] [PID: 2704] Buddy proc didn't respond to close command. Killing it forcibly.
[3:59:40:803] [PID: 2704] Current Task: Botname: tolbarad - ProfilePath: C:\U\I\D\d\wow\gb2 pr\[GB2] MoP-Megaroute V1.2.xml - Finish Time: 03/06/2014 5:59:40 - Run Count 0
[3:59:41:92] [PID: 2704] Restarting Game
[3:59:41:92] Starting Game
[3:59:41:138] Waiting for Game to idle
[3:59:56:182] [PID: 6960] Moving Game Window to: 0, 0 - With size: 250x250
[3:59:59:1] [PID: 6960] Hooking EndScene and starting Lua
[4:00:04:824] [PID: 6960] Requesting realm list.
[4:00:05:449] [PID: 6960] Selecting realm
[4:00:07:37] [PID: 6960] Selecting character and entering world.
[4:00:07:912] [PID: 6960] Logged in! Waiting on loading screen.
[4:00:07:912] [PID: 6960] Disposing hooks
[4:00:20:913] [PID: 6960] Starting buddy
[5:09:13:955] [PID: {0}] The bot has sent an exit code to no longer run. Terminating monitor.
[5:09:16:121] [PID: 6960] Terminating monitor on request.
[5:09:16:121] All monitors are terminated.
at least 1 week with this error