No - you decide. I only need to see the error.
Sorry I haven’t been around to test today, first sunny day of the year so I choose to strip my cars turbo, the ERG valve and take the inlet manifold off and clean it all out..... I just got it all back together anyone know what this extra screw is for?

I’m going to spoil Hawkers day now, I set the bot running in a Windows 2008 RC2 this morning b4 I set to work on my car.
I used the same installed faulty HB 1.247 that’s been causing problems the last couple of days and guess what? yup It worked flawlessly!! /slitwrist
I have just tested the same installed 1.247 (same install folder as the 2008RC2) that wouldn’t work the last couple of days on my main PC the Windows7 64bit and guess what? It's working flawlessly!!! /slitwrist
I just tested on my 2nd pc Windows7 32bit ofc different install of HB but same 1.2.47 version and guess what? It’s working flawlessly!!! /slitwrist
I aint changed a thing, the only thing that has occurred is Wednesday maintenance.......
More than one person got the problem at the same time and at the same time the problem vanished??
Still want me to test the version posted above?
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