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Gone from Great to Slow

Doubtful since the issue is seemingly random and affects multiple people.

It affects multiple people, and it comes and goes without them changing anything.

I have a horrible feeling that this will be one of those bugs that festers for ages until some wow patch or driver update ends it.

MRBOB2 - did you try the earlier build and post a log?

EDIT - I see you did.

Has anyone else got this problem? If so please post the log from 1.245 and 1.247 showing the issue. Right now I need more data.

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It affects multiple people, and it comes and goes without them changing anything.

I have a horrible feeling that this will be one of those bugs that festers for ages until some wow patch or driver update ends it.

MRBOB2 - did you try the earlier build and post a log?

EDIT - I see you did.

Has anyone else got this problem? If so please post the log from 1.245 and 1.247 showing the issue. Right now I need more data.


I've been running all day with 7 different versions of my CC and can't get it to happen again, wtf.
I did however create a new Alliance Rogue and ran Mords 1-20 Human profile this seems to not suffer the problem.
But If i go back to Northrend and use my Paladin even with 245 fresh install standard Paladin class it HAS the issue

I'm starting to think this involves the Northrend world servers specifically. Anyone else noticing that they only experience these problems when their toons head to Northrend? Could it simply be due to most of the player base being populated on those servers as opposed to the Outland or Azeroth? Just a thought..
I'm starting to think this involves the Northrend world servers specifically. Anyone else noticing that they only experience these problems when their toons head to Northrend? Could it simply be due to most of the player base being populated on those servers as opposed to the Outland or Azeroth? Just a thought..

Wouldn't work in my case, I was having it happen in the same exact spot (profile and location) that my lock is currently testing now.
I'm starting to think this involves the Northrend world servers specifically. Anyone else noticing that they only experience these problems when their toons head to Northrend? Could it simply be due to most of the player base being populated on those servers as opposed to the Outland or Azeroth? Just a thought..

Mines fixed itself, its back (touch wood) working flawlessly again (couldnt tell you why, bit spooky really)
Damnit, its doing it for me now.

[7:02:26 PM:162] Target found: Gorloc Steam Belcher at range of 28 yards.
[7:02:26 PM:164] Correct target was: Gorloc Steam Belcher.
[7:02:26 PM:508] [Navigator (Western Northrend 68-80.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <3236.489, 4494.862, 28.76022>
[7:02:27 PM:327] CastSpellById: 47193
[7:02:27 PM:360] Took 63 ms to cast:Demonic Empowerment
[7:02:28 PM:844] CastSpellById: 27228
[7:02:30 PM:357] Took 1544 ms to cast:Curse of the Elements
[7:02:33 PM:571] CastSpellById: 47812
[7:02:35 PM:86] Took 3102 ms to cast:Corruption
[7:02:41 PM:313] CastSpellById: 27215
[7:02:42 PM:827] Took 2545 ms to cast:Immolate

About 2-3 seconds between each cast. Version 1.248. Here are my combat() and spellrotation() methods that are casting:

    public void Combat(){
         if (initialized == false){
        if (!Me.GotTarget) {
            slog("Combat: Find target.");
            addsList = getAdds();
            if (addsList.Count > 0) {
                if (Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > SpellManager.KnownSpells["Shadow Bolt"].MaxRange - 1) {
                    slog("Add: {0} yard from {1}.", System.Math.Round(Me.CurrentTarget.Distance).ToString(), Me.CurrentTarget.Name);


        if (!fightTimer.IsRunning || Me.CurrentTarget.Guid != lastGuid) {
            lastGuid = Me.CurrentTarget.Guid;
            fearNum = 0;

        if (fightTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 20 * 1000 &&
            Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 95) {
            slog("Combat: This " + Me.CurrentTarget.Name + " is a bugged mob.  Blacklisting for 1 hour.");

            Logic.Blacklist.Add(Me.CurrentTarget.Guid, TimeSpan.FromHours(1.00));

            Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);
            lastGuid = 0;

        WoWUnit myMob = Me.CurrentTarget;

        if (Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > SpellManager.KnownSpells["Shadow Bolt"].MaxRange) {
            slog("Combat: {0} yard from {1}.", System.Math.Round(Me.CurrentTarget.Distance).ToString(), Me.CurrentTarget.Name);


        if (useAffliction == true){
        else if (useDestruction == true){
        else if (useDemonology == true){
        else {slog("Please select a spec");}

public void demonologyRotation(){

    WoWUnit myMob = Me.CurrentTarget;

        if (useDemonicEmpowerment && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Demonic Empowerment")) {
            slog("Demonology: Demonic Empowerment");

        else if (Me.Buffs.ContainsKey("Molten Core")) {
            slog("Demonology: Molten Core, casting Incinerate");

	else if (Me.HealthPercent > lifeTapMinHealth &&
                 Me.ManaPercent < lifeTapMaxMana && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lifetap")) {
            slog("Demonology: Lifetap");
	else if (combatChecks && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > drainLifeMinTargetHealth &&
            Me.HealthPercent < drainLifePercent && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Drain Life")) {
            slog("Demonology: Cast Drain Life");

        else  if (combatChecks &&
            soulShardCount < maxShards &&
            Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < drainSoulMaxHealthPercent && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Drain Soul")) {
            slog("Demonology: Drain Soul");

        else if (Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && useFearPvp && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Fear") && fearNum < fearCount) {
            slog("Demonology: PVP Cast Fear");
            fearNum = fearNum + 1;

        else if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth && !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Curse of the Elements") && useCoE && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Curse of the Elements")) {
            slog("Demonology: Cast Curse of the Elements");

        else if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth &&
            !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Corruption") && useCorruption && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Corruption")) {
            slog("Demonology: Corruption");

        else  if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth &&
            !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Immolate") && useImmolate && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Immolate")) {
            slog("Demonology: Immolate");

        else  if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > directDmgMinHealth && useShadowbolt && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Shadow Bolt")) {
            slog("Demonology: Cast Shadow Bolt");

        else if (Me.HealthPercent < wandHealth && Me.ManaPercent < wandMana && SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Shoot") && Me.HealthPercent > 1 && Me.ManaPercent > 1) {
            slog("Combat: Wanding");

        if (fightAdds) {
            addsList = getAdds();
            if (addsList.Count > 1) {
                if (Me.GotTarget &&
                    Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 50) {
                    foreach (WoWUnit mob in addsList) {
                        if (Me.CurrentTarget.Guid != mob.Guid) {

                            if (SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Immolate") &&
                                !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Immolate") &&
                                Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth) {
                                slog("Adds: Cast Immolate");

                            if (SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Corruption") &&
                                !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Corruption") &&
                                Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth) {
                                // corruption if we have it
                                slog("Adds: Cast Corruption");

                            if (SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Curse of Agony") &&
                                !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Curse of Agony") &&
                                Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > dotMinTargetHealth) {
                                // curse of agony if we have it
                                slog("Adds: Curse of Agony");
                            slog("Targetting: " + myMob.Name.ToString());

    //slog("Sleep " + (averageLag*2).ToString());
ski, the test I need is to compare 1.245 and 1.247.

1.248 is a bad build - its no longer available.
just like me, I only use druid for bg's, and sometimes he rips enemies to pieces, and sometimes it only auto attacks them, real annoying...
ski, the test I need is to compare 1.245 and 1.247.

1.248 is a bad build - its no longer available.

You have my logs posted from both versions and 2 PC's from 1.245 and 1.247, still no closer to a fix today?
You have my logs posted from both versions and 2 PC's from 1.245 and 1.247, still no closer to a fix today?

No - I need more data, especially I need to know if its a version issue and if you have a unique problem or not.

Bump btw.
No - I need more data, especially I need to know if its a version issue and if you have a unique problem or not.

Bump btw.

Ok let me know what you need as I am unsure at this point?

I have posted logs for 2 PC's yesterday for you one with the latest 7 version and with a fresh 5 version you linked too, and DxDiag from one of the PC's as well.

Just say what ya need for further testing.
Ok let me know what you need as I am unsure at this point?

I have posted logs for 2 PC's yesterday for you one with the latest 7 version and with a fresh 5 version you linked too, and DxDiag from one of the PC's as well.

Just say what ya need for further testing.

Sadly I need from other users. Your reports are perfect.
Please test this

1. Unzip and run form the folder it downloads from.
2. Run it 15 minutes so we can log the error as it occurs.
3. Post log here.

I have a pretty good set of possible causes so lets see if we can nail it down in this test.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: re-attaching...seems I didn't upload last time.


Last edited:
ski, the test I need is to compare 1.245 and 1.247.

1.248 is a bad build - its no longer available.

Sorry, that is 1.247, typo. I scrapped 1.248 after the issues that came up.
1. Unzip and run form the folder it downloads from.
2. Run it 15 minutes so we can log the error as it occurs.
3. Post log here.

I have a pretty good set of possible causes so lets see if we can nail it down in this test.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: re-attaching...seems I didn't upload last time.

Does it matter what profile/CC we use with it?
I had a lot of these problems and I found deleting EVERY other class within the CustomClasses folder except the one you're using fixes the problem.