You = Awesome.
As for the current state of the BotBase:
There seems to be a lot of issues with the Dwarven Bunker (3) at the moment. I have experienced a loop several times where once the bot accepts/turns in the daily for the free Follower Upgrade Token, the bot will run out of the bunker, only to return to the Work Order NPC, open the GUI for the vendor, close the GUI for the vendor, and then run out of the Bunker - to repeat the cycle again. Also, the bot seems to get stuck in/around the bunker in 1 of 2 ways quite consistently: Either inside the bunker, in the corner of the ramp and wall to the left of the entrance when walking out of the Bunker, or, behind and outside the bunker, doing what looks like attempting to turn in the daily token quest to the NPC through the wall at the back of the bunker.
Apparently being triggered by the Work Order NPC's location within the structure, the Alchemy Lab (3) is a hotspot for stucks. It occurs when the bot cycles between being stuck to the left of the ladder between it and the wall when attempting to exit the structure, and the back corner of the building. It's as if once the bot gets too far into the corner towards the back of the building, it forgets entirely it's in the building and just attempts to run through the wall, before eventually backing up, realizing it is in the building, and then running into the ladder/wall before eventually backing up and repeating the process again.
The fruit tree's fruit on the ground in the Herb Garden (3) is not being fully looted, with maybe half of the fruit available to be looted actually being looted by the bot.
If you have bank usage enabled, as well as mail, the bot will stash items into the bank that are selected to be mailed to specific characters. It might be worth implementing a check while running the bank stash routine to ensure that any item on the "mail" list does not get stashed. Either that, or move the bank/stash routine to the final step of the cycle and place the mail routine right before it - This wouldn't be an eloquent of a solution as the previous recommendation, but would be an easy temporary quick fix.