For all of you having trouble with Burst on Trinket proc, I'm willing to bet you didn't update the Trinket proc list to include the new Spell IDs that came with 6.1. Mine seems to work OK outside of Arenas but I haven't checked Arenas since updating my proc ID list.
660 Agi - Surge of Conquest - Spell - World of Warcraft
Not sure what is going on. The CR just isn't bursting right. I've tried about every configuration. Currently i'm running double on use trinkets. I have trinket 1 and trinket 2 set to burst. I have burst on focus fire selected and set to 5. I have auto prepare set to 15. I have prepare burst behavior set with both sig and burst selected. I have barrage and AMOC set to burst. In theory this should only use my on use trinkets AMOC and barrage when focus fire hits 5 stacks. Once at 5 stacks it should use the focus fire stacks blow a on use trinket into AMOC then barrage. Prior to that it pool focus and use signature shots and tranq when its appropriate to do so. Its never using the on use trinkets nor is it using AMOC or barrage. It is using focus fire at 5 stacks. Any ideas whats going on?? Nothing on auto burst is selected as i use to let it auto burst off trinket proc but i no longer run a proc trinket. For kicks i selected auto (100) and still nothing.
Barrage still checks whether aoe mode is enabled and there are no CCs it can break so it is still possible it won't be used during burst.This problem is still present. I've decided to try something different and work with the CDs manually I've turned off all burst options and set AMOC barrage and on use trinket to burst. Turned off auto burst for frenzy. Turned off prepare burst behavior burst. Turned off auto burst. Under hotkeys i set burst to number 9. In theory i control 100% of when i get to burst. The CR uses focus fire as soon as i get the 5 stacks which forces me to manually activate burst within that window. Not sure if there's an option to turn off auto focus fire off. Now on to the burst part. There have been several instances where it works correctly and then some that it doesn't work at all. When i activate burst it always uses my on use trinket and BW. That part i'm good on, however with AMOC and barrage set specifically to burst only i can't seem to understand why its 50-50 on whether it uses these abilities during the burst.
Barrage still checks whether aoe mode is enabled and there are no CCs it can break so it is still possible it won't be used during burst.
AMOC on the other hand should always be used and I haven't had any issues with it whatsoever.
Are you sure you are not disabling the burst manually by e.g. pressing too long?
The notifiers are use at own risk because theoretically they can detect these notifications.Why is the chat notifier for use at own risk? Can blizz track it?
The only way to currently stop using auto Focus Fire is by enabling prepare burstIs there a way to disable the auto use of focus fire? It is using AMOC but i think its priority is not at the top.
They are only available through streaming with the buddy storeI have the paid version is it stream only, or can i download it?
i'm now 2.5-2.6 hunter 3s have anyone a good comp for hunter, tips for glad rating?
It will always refocus the unit you chose. To clear it completely you can focus yourselfis there a way to turn auto focus off, ive looked through all the settings
You can always look at the change log on the store.Hi Cokz and Toizi
i notice that CR is acutally 2.12
any change from 2.11 ? it'sa bout Tranq shot ?
If yes pliz explain how tranq shot is working now in your cr
Tks !