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Gladiator Suite - Hunter

Hi, first thanks for a great CR. So, seen that you guys are on sale I decided to be "smart" and ask for a refund so I could take advantage of the new deals but now I can't buy it again since it is flagged on the store as refunded, how can I fix this and buy the CRs again? Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks!
Hunter 2.11 has been submitted and is waiting for approval

- Fixed stopcasting issue with KillShot

I'm sorry if you've refunded it once you cant repurchase it again. But try to contact [email protected] they might be able to reset your refund
Cokx and Toizi,

Since the newest update, I'm not seeing Barrage activate at ALL. Even had an entire 2s game where BW nor Barrage activated whatsoever. Not sure if there's some setting I missed, but I'm not used to BM and I played your CR with SV all the way beyond 2k. Was something changed that I need to check/uncheck?
hey.. i have a problem! wen i start the bot it runs two minutes well . and then stucks the rota.. pls help me! and sorry for my englisch! here is thhe log:

Honorbuddy Deutsche v2.5.13042.771 started.
Logging in...
T: 5247302276795386646 H: 3904746099
Attaching to D3D9
Attached to WoW with ID 5792
Honorbuddy v2.5.13042.771 started!
Character is a level 100 Human Hunter
Current zone is Sturmschild
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: BGBuddy
New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Party Bot
New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
New bot added!: Combat Bot
New bot added!: Raid Bot
Streamed store routines:
* Gladiator Suite Warrior 2.18.0
* Gladiator Suite Hunter 2.10.0
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Gladiator Suite Hunter 2.10.0 by Cokx & Toizi.
Internal Revision: 2.10.0.
Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.1.0.
Your specialization is Hunter Beast Mastery and your race is Human.
Framelock is enabled at 15 ticks per second.


Initialized Rotation
Installed plugins
Anti Drown - Disabled
BuddyMonitor - Disabled
DrinkPotions - Disabled
Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled
Refreshment Detection - Enabled
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
Current zone is Sturmschild (Stormshield - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Next kick percentage: 78%
Not in game
Casting: Kill Command on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Glaive Toss on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Concussive Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Command pet to attack my target Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Arcane Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Cobra Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Arcane Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Kill Command on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Arcane Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Concussive Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Arcane Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Cobra Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Kill Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Glaive Toss on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Cobra Shot on Lvl 100 Horde Mage
Casting: Binding Shot
Not in game
Casting: Trap Launcher on Lvl 100 Alliance Hunter
Casting: Glaive Toss on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: A Murder of Crows on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Glaive Toss on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Command pet to attack my target Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Kill Command on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Kill Command on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Kill Command on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Kill Command on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Kill Command on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Arcane Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
Casting: Cobra Shot on Trainingsattrappe des Schlachtzuges
the Cr looks bit broken atm.. no Dps enought but after i changed few settings it worked fine :

after 2 hours testing, i started doing 14 k dps with my ilevel 640 hunter, after some settings changed y gained 4 k dps. and reached 18 k sustain dps.
the key is active burst ALL the time, how? setting the option burst enemy lower than 100% hp. so ir casts crows and BWrath every minute,

looks so stupid but worked fine and destroyed the recount at 2k mmr with my 2 day level 100 hunt

btw , can any1 tell me how prepare burst hotkey works? i know the description but when i push it all my dps is fucked even after pressing burst key.. how can i return after presing Prepare burst + burst , to my 100% time burst sustain rotation again?

please fix the sustain rotation its not casting barrage as it shoulds and this is a huge lack on Dps , and fix the delay on casting with RB binding shot
Does the routine benefit from the faster focus regeneration from the BM Hunter set bonus?
Or does the routine calculate with the focus regeneration without this bonus, making it an easy choice to go for 2 set bonus rather than the 4 set bonus one since the routine wont use this extra focus at all.
Still asking.
Hello I bought this cr 1 week ago however you have a sale now.. is it possible to have a refund for that?
the Cr looks bit broken atm.. no Dps enought but after i changed few settings it worked fine :

after 2 hours testing, i started doing 14 k dps with my ilevel 640 hunter, after some settings changed y gained 4 k dps. and reached 18 k sustain dps.
the key is active burst ALL the time, how? setting the option burst enemy lower than 100% hp. so ir casts crows and BWrath every minute,

looks so stupid but worked fine and destroyed the recount at 2k mmr with my 2 day level 100 hunt

btw , can any1 tell me how prepare burst hotkey works? i know the description but when i push it all my dps is fucked even after pressing burst key.. how can i return after presing Prepare burst + burst , to my 100% time burst sustain rotation again?

please fix the sustain rotation its not casting barrage as it shoulds and this is a huge lack on Dps , and fix the delay on casting with RB binding shot

The sustain rotation is fine. If you want to use Barrage on CD then you have to adjust your settings.

Obviously your overall dps will increase if you activate every cooldown as soon as it is ready.
BM has very short cooldown though allowing huge burst every minute which makes activating burst all the time pretty ineffective.

Do you have any notifiers enabled for the toggles?
They will show you whether you deactivated a key or not.
If you activate burst via hotkey prepare burst will be disabled automatically
hey.. i have a problem! wen i start the bot it runs two minutes well . and then stucks the rota.. pls help me! and sorry for my englisch! here is thhe log:

Honorbuddy Deutsche v2.5.13042.771 started.
Logging in...

I'm not sure what I should see here.
If you're more comfortable describing your problem in German you can PM me with a more thorough explanation of the issue
The sustain rotation is fine. If you want to use Barrage on CD then you have to adjust your settings.

Obviously your overall dps will increase if you activate every cooldown as soon as it is ready.
BM has very short cooldown though allowing huge burst every minute which makes activating burst all the time pretty ineffective.

Do you have any notifiers enabled for the toggles?
They will show you whether you deactivated a key or not.
If you activate burst via hotkey prepare burst will be disabled automatically

unfortunately all tier6 talents are broken in bm rotation, it use one time on start then not use in any case... more strange that same thing with glave toss, not use it at all, only 1 time at start.
in surv all looks fine)
unfortunately all tier6 talents are broken in bm rotation, it use one time on start then not use in any case... more strange that same thing with glave toss, not use it at all, only 1 time at start.
in surv all looks fine)

You should try to fix your HB, everything is working fine for me and our beta testers
You should try to fix your HB, everything is working fine for me and our beta testers

Can confirm that everything is working as intended with the exception of using explosive trap to interrupt next heal. Barrage logic is outstanding
You should try to fix your HB, everything is working fine for me and our beta testers

Yes sir! Fresh install fix this issue with tier6 usage.
I was confused with surv... it works perfect in same case/
Not sure what could be the issue though already tried a fresh install. The routine works fine on target dummies but in arenas sometimes barrage and moc are not used even though the burst key is pressed with high focus and only the burst option is activated.
Haven't had to ask this before, but I'm stumped on how the CR handles BM. I've played this with SV all the way to 2k, but I can't figure out how to get the BM routine to automatically burst similar to how it did with SV. Still barely seeing it use Barrage or BW in Arenas, and I know it has to be something that I checked/unchecked incorrectly. I mainly plan to do 2s and RBGs so I'm more or less looking for as much automatic burst as possible. Does anyone have a screenshot of how the 1st Routine tab is supposed to be configured in order to achieve this?