Could anyone with 2.4k+ CR as bm post their settings ? Would be awesome!
because you suck, just telling the dmg sucks without explaining why... this means your completely dogshit and not playing above 1,8+Sadly the cr is shit for BM.. Normaly i outdamage EVERYONE as SV and MM.. but the bm dmg is just shit
because you suck, just telling the dmg sucks without explaining why... this means your completely dogshit and not playing above 1,8+
if you were any good you would see what the rotation does wrong in your eyes, but your just saying the dmg is shit, no , youre shit.
could you please share your settings?)then you should know what the bot does wrong, youre not 2,7+, stop lying fag
so tell me what comp youre playing with your hunter and tell me whats going wrong, and I will tell you what youre doing wrong ( 2,9+ php hunter eu, as BM and WITH this routine)
could you please share your settings?)
then you should know what the bot does wrong, youre not 2,7+, stop lying fag
so tell me what comp youre playing with your hunter and tell me whats going wrong, and I will tell you what youre doing wrong ( 2,9+ php hunter eu, as BM and WITH this routine)
If it is true (2.9k on eu) there is only a few hunter at this rating. You taking really big risk to saying that herethen you should know what the bot does wrong, youre not 2,7+, stop lying fag
so tell me what comp youre playing with your hunter and tell me whats going wrong, and I will tell you what youre doing wrong ( 2,9+ php hunter eu, as BM and WITH this routine)
who the fuck caresIf it is true (2.9k on eu) there is only a few hunter at this rating. You taking really big risk to saying that here![]()
still no explanation why this routine for BM sucks.... why? because youve no idea whyHey, i'm about to make guides for druid, warlock and maybe warrior. But i need time first
And now.. you want to tell me 2.9k is something special since there's honorbuddy and many many faggots on this rating? Ah cmon..
still no explanation why this routine for BM sucks.... why? because youve no idea why
You have done it this way? Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:"Clean installing" Honorbuddy - The Buddy Wiki
Not sure what is going on. The CR just isn't bursting right. I've tried about every configuration. Currently i'm running double on use trinkets. I have trinket 1 and trinket 2 set to burst. I have burst on focus fire selected and set to 5. I have auto prepare set to 15. I have prepare burst behavior set with both sig and burst selected. I have barrage and AMOC set to burst. In theory this should only use my on use trinkets AMOC and barrage when focus fire hits 5 stacks. Once at 5 stacks it should use the focus fire stacks blow a on use trinket into AMOC then barrage. Prior to that it pool focus and use signature shots and tranq when its appropriate to do so. Its never using the on use trinkets nor is it using AMOC or barrage. It is using focus fire at 5 stacks. Any ideas whats going on?? Nothing on auto burst is selected as i use to let it auto burst off trinket proc but i no longer run a proc trinket. For kicks i selected auto (100) and still nothing.