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Gladiator Suite - Hunter


just as a side note - would it be possible to separate mouse over explosive trap from mouse over and focus - i always have a focus and i sometimes want to use explosive trap situational only over my mouseover - is that possible?

It will throw it on Mouseposition if you dont have the right mousebutton pressed and it will throw it on your Focus target if you have pressed the right mousebutton.
Nearly everything where you can read e.g. "MO/Target" or "MO/Focus" is
Mouseover without right mousebutton pressed
Target or Focus with right mouse button pressed.

We've implemented this since you cant throw on mouseposition with the right mouse button pressed
It will throw it on Mouseposition if you dont have the right mousebutton pressed and it will throw it on your Focus target if you have pressed the right mousebutton.
Nearly everything where you can read e.g. "MO/Target" or "MO/Focus" is
Mouseover without right mousebutton pressed
Target or Focus with right mouse button pressed.

We've implemented this since you cant throw on mouseposition with the right mouse button pressed

ah ok thanks for the explanation!
This CR has stopped interrupting players, and the freezing trap healer keybind has stopped working unless I've set the healer as my focus. I didn't change any settings, these issues just randomly started happening. Been using the CR for a month without any issues except for the HB 766 release problems which have since been fixed. I did a clean install of HB (I always download the zip, not the installer) and deleted my WoW cache. I tried using both the latest (768) and 767 builds. Nothing has worked. I've tried using a different CR, and it worked perfectly as intended. This issue is only with Gladiator Suite.

Has anybody else started experiencing this issue?

EDIT: Fixed it. I was running in PVE mode :confused:
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How can I use binding shot on my focus target? The Tier 2 Ability MO/Focus hotkey only works for wyvern sting or MO binding shot. It does nothing for focus binding shot. I do not like the hotkey options for DPS or Healer ccs. I just want to be able to use my ccs on my focus, target, or mouseover.
Would like to add, feigning death on storm bolt is a waste and kind of a giveaway. feign death is better for polly/clones/fears etc.

and using focus fire at 5 stacks is not the best idea when you are burstin, BM is about pet, Bestial Wrath + 5 stacks of frenzy is what Burst is all about.

Other than that great CR just hit 2200 last night.
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Noticed concussive shot is not working. I'm having to manually use it every time. Also the feign stormbolt is pretty useless.
can You set an option: explosive MO/target
Thank you, it is very useful, because when my current target is chasing the attack me, quickly beating he will be very helpful
doesnt any premade profile. cant try and time out my trial :(. Good fight for users. Still my old cr.
Would like to add, feigning death on storm bolt is a waste and kind of a giveaway. feign death is better for polly/clones/fears etc.

and using focus fire at 5 stacks is not the best idea when you are burstin, BM is about pet, Bestial Wrath + 5 stacks of frenzy is what Burst is all about.

Other than that great CR just hit 2200 last night.

About Focus fire on 5 stacks ... CR uses it so yuu dont loose the buff. What is just fine ... what could be done is adding an oprion to Auto Burst on Focus Fire Usage. So everytime it Focus Fires it would Bestial Wrath, Trinket, AMoC !Been doing it by hand what Also works, just had to set Power Auras Addon so i dont miss it. But adding that option would be great ...

Another idea Would be Maybe creating a Custom Dispel Target List speacially for BM (Dont know about Surv/MM) SO it would Completely remove all Buffs/Hots When Bestial Wrath is used. So this way it would keep dispelling important stuff When BW is Down like BoP, Ancestral Swiftness ETC, and completely purge all targets Buffs, Hots when BW is used. What you Guys think ?
Would like to add, feigning death on storm bolt is a waste and kind of a giveaway. feign death is better for polly/clones/fears etc.

and using focus fire at 5 stacks is not the best idea when you are burstin, BM is about pet, Bestial Wrath + 5 stacks of frenzy is what Burst is all about.

Other than that great CR just hit 2200 last night.

The Improved Focus Fire perk makes it worthwhile to use Focus Fire with Bestial Wrath. A 30% bonus to haste and a 25% bonus to attack power certainly beats a 20% bonus to your pet's attack speed.
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Could anyone tell me how good the trapping system is on this CR?

Hunter being my kicked back cba to play something serious class, I'd like to know this bot can land great traps as I constantly miss traps lol.
Trapping is very good but not perfect. I highly recommend you llearning to trap manually. I leave the trap on debuff on, but other than that it's all on me. I've been over 2700 doing it that way. The automated traps via hotkeys are good but not perfect. Btw cokx. An option to snake trap healers to make,it,easier,to trap,would be amazing. As well as a tranq target instead of anything hotkey
This is pretty great but a few issues with Cobra Shot,

Sometimes the bot is pressing Cobra Shot so much that it's re-casting it quickly 2-3 times, it gets slightly into the cast and keeps re-casting it like 2-3 times real quickly...
It's hard to explain but it just feels like a slight DPS loss to me as that global could be uses somewhere else more efficiently.
Anyone else experience this?
It's probably pooling focus up to your focus dump setting and or you have prepare burst enabled. If prepare burst is enabled Itl pool focus until you decide to burst. That's providing you don't have auto burst,enabled
Totaly agree with this!

About Focus fire on 5 stacks ... CR uses it so yuu dont loose the buff. What is just fine ... what could be done is adding an oprion to Auto Burst on Focus Fire Usage. So everytime it Focus Fires it would Bestial Wrath, Trinket, AMoC !

This is a damn good idea! This will be great if it is posible. I hope that this will come verry soon!!!