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[PAID] GarrisonButler

This botbase is currently freezing HB on startup. I know its GarrisonButler causing the frozen unresponsive Honorbuddy because when I went to the BuddyStore and disabled every single streaming product it loaded fine, upon enabling solely GB it then froze. This is with a fresh install of Honorbuddy and no settings or config files copied over from previous installs.

Unfortunately the logs provide little information.

[20:11:03.565 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13042.771 started.
[20:11:05.561 N] Logging in...
[20:11:06.289 N] T: 5247298713083235731 H: 1520257857
[20:11:10.626 N] Attaching to D3D9
[20:11:10.966 N] Attached to WoW with ID 5292
[20:11:11.156 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13042.771 started!
[20:11:11.156 D] Using WoW with process ID 5292
[20:11:11.156 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[20:11:11.156 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\Z\Desktop\6\HB 2015 02 27\Honorbuddy.exe
[20:11:11.156 N] Character is a level 100 Undead Rogue
[20:11:11.156 N] Current zone is Frostwall
[20:11:11.168 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[20:11:11.168 D] Activity: Initializing
[20:11:11.169 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while

Edit: Actually this is indeed an HB issue not GarrisonButler. My fresh installation of HB will not stream any products at all from the BuddyStore. If any product whatsoever is enabled on the BuddyStore, including Butler but also any combat routine or even questing profiles, the program will freeze on startup.

You get what you pay for with HonorBuddy huh. No subscription fees = no maintenance = me feeling like an unpaid tech support worker spending all my days doing arcane and boring reinstalls of Microsoft redistributables and other equally painful and time-consuming chores. Maybe God is sending me a sign to quit WoW
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This botbase is currently freezing HB on startup. I know its GarrisonButler causing the frozen unresponsive Honorbuddy because when I went to the BuddyStore and disabled every single streaming product it loaded fine, upon enabling solely GB it then froze. This is with a fresh install of Honorbuddy and no settings or config files copied over from previous installs.

Unfortunately the logs provide little information.

[20:11:03.565 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13042.771 started.
[20:11:05.561 N] Logging in...
[20:11:06.289 N] T: 5247298713083235731 H: 1520257857
[20:11:10.626 N] Attaching to D3D9
[20:11:10.966 N] Attached to WoW with ID 5292
[20:11:11.156 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.13042.771 started!
[20:11:11.156 D] Using WoW with process ID 5292
[20:11:11.156 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[20:11:11.156 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\Z\Desktop\6\HB 2015 02 27\Honorbuddy.exe
[20:11:11.156 N] Character is a level 100 Undead Rogue
[20:11:11.156 N] Current zone is Frostwall
[20:11:11.168 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[20:11:11.168 D] Activity: Initializing
[20:11:11.169 D] Activity: Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while

Hey sorry to see you're having issues. If you can post or send me a log via PM that would help. According to that small log you posted, GarrisonButler hasn't been loaded by Honorbuddy yet. This could be a bug in the HB store since HB has recently been updated (and has bugs). I'm not saying this is the case, but just going based on the small clip you posted GarrisonButler has not loaded or started to run yet. One thing is can you make sure your output is set to Diagnostic from your HB settings and then post a full log? Also you can PM me on skype and do a desktop screenshare if you'd like. Thanks!
When doing any of the job work orders, is there a way to use the "create all" button rather than doing 1 job order at a time. To me this is something that should be fixed asap since they added that into the game. It would be weird to click 1 job order at a time till you cant anymore when there's the create all one.
When doing any of the job work orders, is there a way to use the "create all" button rather than doing 1 job order at a time. To me this is something that should be fixed asap since they added that into the game. It would be weird to click 1 job order at a time till you cant anymore when there's the create all one.

It's in the next release, hopefully today or tomorrow.
Thanks, I wont use it till its been released then

Just FYI, the LUA code on the backend is the exact same between both. Blizzard calls the same function whether you're clicking a single work order or multiple. The only change is that instead of requiring a single argument, the funciton now accepts a collection of objects to "start". This means they've removed the gating that used to be required (you couldn't just spam call the function in LUA to start work orders). So there isn't some new "start all" function, it just now allows you to spam call the function. This means there's really no reason to stop using the bot as it is still the SAME code, only difference in the new version of GB is that it will just call the same function with the entire list instead of 1 item at a time.
I found a HB support thread about the BuddyStore streaming issue from 3 weeks ago, nothings been done but at least you now know theres no mystery bug in your own code.
I found a HB support thread about the BuddyStore streaming issue from 3 weeks ago, nothings been done but at least you now know theres no mystery bug in your own code.

Thanks for the research, could you post the thread here so everyone can see (and we can link to people when they have issues)? I checked a log from someone else and it confirmed my suspicion that Honorbuddy is the culprit. Thanks!
Release - 1/17/2015 - Waiting for confirmation

I paid the extra for the ICE version on the promise that I would see faster more frequent updates, yet I'm still only having version

Can you please sort this out between yourself and the store to get the version updates actually confirmed, the version im running is 2 months old and I'm frankly getting to the point where I'm considering asking for a refund
I paid the extra for the ICE version on the promise that I would see faster more frequent updates, yet I'm still only having version

Can you please sort this out between yourself and the store to get the version updates actually confirmed, the version im running is 2 months old and I'm frankly getting to the point where I'm considering asking for a refund

Version: (2/18/2015 11:25:08 PM)

It's been 2 weeks since our last push, during which time I had been VERY sick (and still trying to work) and Deams has had to travel to a different country in order to deal with personal family matters. I know all people hear is "blah blah excuses" but that's the simple truth and as such there's literally NOTHING that can be done about it. What we can control, we work hard at. There are things that can't be controlled, and that's all I can say to you. We are working as hard as we are able to.

This user had the exact same experience as I.

"the devs are working on it. its a known issue." - Feb 15th

Oh so they haven't fixed it in about 6 months ... must be that all the HB devs are super lazy just taking all the money we all paid and running! (/sarcasm ... HB dev team is great :))

In all seriousness, thanks for confirming that it's an Honorbuddy bug. Lots of bugs end up being Honorbuddy that get blamed on Plugins, Quest Profiles and BotBases. C'est la vie ...
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Oh so they haven't fixed it in about 6 months ... must be that all the HB devs are super lazy just taking all the money we all paid and running!
C'est la vie ...

Three weeks, and I think they are regretting the lifetime membership business model.
Three weeks, and I think they are regretting the lifetime membership business model.

Haha I was being sarcastic @ all the people who misrepresent when the last GarrisonButler update was while simultaneously blaming us for Honorbuddy bugs. :) Little tongue in cheek.
Haha I was being sarcastic @ all the people who misrepresent when the last GarrisonButler update was while simultaneously blaming us for Honorbuddy bugs. :) Little tongue in cheek.

Justin, there are still bugs in GarrisonButler, HonorBuddy, HBRelog, my computer, your computer, my Aunt Agnes' computer (the one with the cat and the crazy hair), log files, the Internet, American Net Neutrality, European Currency in general, human susceptibility to disease, and the number of hours in the day. You state that you would provide frequent updates on a timeline I interpret to mean faster than the time it takes me to double-click HB and click my heels 3 times repeating "There's no update like mine, there's no update like mine." I assumed when purchasing GarrisonButler that you would just know which features I personally needed, and would put them in the front of the list because *I* voted for them. Further, I am disappointed in the order in which you fix things as I cannot enjoy my botting so long as Aunt Agnes keeps pestering me about the colorblind feature-set of Minesweeper and why when she double-taps the cat it won't spit out the mouse it caught. How dare you and Deams sleep, eat, drink, get sick, visit family, post any update except the one I care about, post an update and not correct the front page/HB Store with the latest version/date, not post an reply to the 16.4th posting about the same thing over 60 pages (all me under different usernames, just to keep you on your toes) while I am stuck eating chicken and only saving 2.5 hours of work daily over my 11 garrisons!? I am disappointed with the quality of service you have provided on GarrisonButler and will, in punishment of you, switch to another botbase that will leave my character outside a Dwarven Bunker attempting to run through the wall to get inside for 3.2 hours until I am banned BECAUSE AT LEAST THEY UPDATE the location I might get stuck in. That is progress, and you have shown none. Stop the excuses about a stable and well made botbase, because it is falling on deaf ears. I will only return to troll you for fun for the next 6 months or until Aunt Agnes gets a new cat.

Best regards,

beta tester here, there was a new beta pushed, with missions ui and its working perfectly. still there are things beyond devs control. rome wasnt built in a day
Justin, there are still bugs in GarrisonButler, HonorBuddy, HBRelog, my computer, your computer, my Aunt Agnes' computer (the one with the cat and the crazy hair), log files, the Internet, American Net Neutrality, European Currency in general, human susceptibility to disease, and the number of hours in the day. You state that you would provide frequent updates on a timeline I interpret to mean faster than the time it takes me to double-click HB and click my heels 3 times repeating "There's no update like mine, there's no update like mine." I assumed when purchasing GarrisonButler that you would just know which features I personally needed, and would put them in the front of the list because *I* voted for them. Further, I am disappointed in the order in which you fix things as I cannot enjoy my botting so long as Aunt Agnes keeps pestering me about the colorblind feature-set of Minesweeper and why when she double-taps the cat it won't spit out the mouse it caught. How dare you and Deams sleep, eat, drink, get sick, visit family, post any update except the one I care about, post an update and not correct the front page/HB Store with the latest version/date, not post an reply to the 16.4th posting about the same thing over 60 pages (all me under different usernames, just to keep you on your toes) while I am stuck eating chicken and only saving 2.5 hours of work daily over my 11 garrisons!? I am disappointed with the quality of service you have provided on GarrisonButler and will, in punishment of you, switch to another botbase that will leave my character outside a Dwarven Bunker attempting to run through the wall to get inside for 3.2 hours until I am banned BECAUSE AT LEAST THEY UPDATE the location I might get stuck in. That is progress, and you have shown none. Stop the excuses about a stable and well made botbase, because it is falling on deaf ears. I will only return to troll you for fun for the next 6 months or until Aunt Agnes gets a new cat.

Best regards,

Good one.

On another note, I've just purchased this after testing both GarrisonBoss (although very briefly) and this. I have 11 Garrisons to manage so the bot base being able to do quick work of my Garrison is important for me. With GarrisonButler it takes around 2-2½ hours per day, with GarrisonBoss I gave up because it was so slow. It would literally only do 5-6 characters in that time. Probably due to getting stuck in random places, waiting around for ages randomly. It would literally pause for 5 seconds between each Salvage Crate openings and most other actions. I do not know whether these issues were fixed, or if they were only present for me, Nonetheless, I came to the conclussion that for me GarrisonButler was the obvious choice, because it seemed more stable to me. Everyone is able to test a bot base before buying it, and I suggest everyone does the same to figure out what works best for you.

In conclusion, GarrisonButler is completely AFK-able for me in its current state, and it does everything properly and in a timely manner. Also; if you need more beta testers I'd love to become one. PM me for more info if interested.

e: oh and the only notable bug I've seen is that it mounts vendor mount at the Salvage guy (and gets stuck for a short while when trying to run out), rather than just talk to him directly.
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Haha I was being sarcastic @ all the people who misrepresent when the last GarrisonButler update was while simultaneously blaming us for Honorbuddy bugs. :) Little tongue in cheek.

The problem is not like that people are getting mad cause we bought the ICE edition with promises of great things that just dont seem to be getting followed up i have no problem with the actual botbase i have been using it since beta and it is absolutly fantastic and worth every penny of the 5.99 for the lite edition but in its current state and with its really irregular updates i dont personally think the ICE edition was worth it and it is driving me insane hearing how good you beta is i want to use it i want to try it myself if you released it in the state it is in and then kept patching updates for bugs i think everyone would be much happier im getting even more mad cause garrison boss is slow so at the minute i have had to buy garrison boss im using that for my missions and yours for everything else it would make my life easier if i could just use yours for everything
The problem is not like that people are getting mad cause we bought the ICE edition with promises of great things that just dont seem to be getting followed up i have no problem with the actual botbase i have been using it since beta and it is absolutly fantastic and worth every penny of the 5.99 for the lite edition but in its current state and with its really irregular updates i dont personally think the ICE edition was worth it and it is driving me insane hearing how good you beta is i want to use it i want to try it myself if you released it in the state it is in and then kept patching updates for bugs i think everyone would be much happier im getting even more mad cause garrison boss is slow so at the minute i have had to buy garrison boss im using that for my missions and yours for everything else it would make my life easier if i could just use yours for everything

Give me a few hours to add a description of the new options, maybe a tutorial and we should be ready to go live with the release. ;)