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[PAID] GarrisonButler

asking for new features? bold move nikolai

why exactly? i see features like catching elites or farm furs too disperse for this addon, but this?

you can follow all wishes here - if there is something not in there - justin or deams will put it there and the users can vote for if they find it usefull



Tried to do that when I posted this but i couldnt vote or create anything, I wasnt new, just a month without loging there.. It seems that I can vote now but I cant find where to ask for features.
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Hello every body

Sorry for my english but it's not my language.
First, thanks for this bot it is very useful for me :) However, i have a problem with all my Caractere that's all don't want take work order at mine and garden

this is the message i have

[GarrisonButler ICE] [Loot] Looting Commande de la mine.
Looting Commande de la mine Guid:0x2816EC90E0E65B8000652600007D3C52
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!


Please, can you halp me?

Thanks a lot
Hello every body

Sorry for my english but it's not my language.
First, thanks for this bot it is very useful for me :) However, i have a problem with all my Caractere that's all don't want take work order at mine and garden

this is the message i have

[GarrisonButler ICE] [Loot] Looting Commande de la mine.
Looting Commande de la mine Guid:0x2816EC90E0E65B8000652600007D3C52
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!


Please, can you halp me?

Thanks a lot

can you post a full log pls


can you post a full log pls



Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : GarrisonButler ICE
Current zone is Chutelune (Lunarfall - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Buildings database.
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Missions database.
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Followers database.
[Singular] Your Level 100 Human Protection Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the GarrisonButler ICE bot in Chutelune [5-player Normal]
[Singular] ... Dungeon using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[GarrisonButler ICE] Custom navigation System activated!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!

Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : GarrisonButler ICE
Current zone is Chutelune (Lunarfall - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Buildings database.
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Missions database.
[GarrisonButler ICE] Refreshing Followers database.
[Singular] Your Level 100 Human Protection Warrior Build is
[Singular] ... running the GarrisonButler ICE bot in Chutelune [5-player Normal]
[Singular] ... Dungeon using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[GarrisonButler ICE] Custom navigation System activated!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!


this is not a full log.... sry....

here is a GUIDE....
Just FYI, the LUA code on the backend is the exact same between both. Blizzard calls the same function whether you're clicking a single work order or multiple. The only change is that instead of requiring a single argument, the funciton now accepts a collection of objects to "start". This means they've removed the gating that used to be required (you couldn't just spam call the function in LUA to start work orders). So there isn't some new "start all" function, it just now allows you to spam call the function. This means there's really no reason to stop using the bot as it is still the SAME code, only difference in the new version of GB is that it will just call the same function with the entire list instead of 1 item at a time.
Actually, Natfoth did find a way around that with his Garrison bot. Before the "Create All" feature was implemented, he pushed all work orders at once somehow. This already saved a lot of time back then. In short; he already found a way to do "create all" in 6.0 and it worked great. Other than that, that product is now retired ;)
Deams, can you explain how the new features/switches work; what they do? I can tell from the screen shot a lot is possible, but for example:
"Scavenger priority for Garrison resources"
"Keep Scavenger for Garrison Resources"
"Max number of Epic followers for Boost"
etc etc...
Is it possible for you, seeing you have a lot of space left in de GUI, to put a short explanation of all features IN the GUI? Saves a lot of questions.
Once again thanks for this great botbase.

FYI, it appears the bot doesn't use Preserved Mining Pick (from minecarts) if you have Peon's Mining Pick (treasure).

As of 6.1 these items now stack:

Preserved Mining Pick no longer has a stack limit, is now bind on pickup, has a sell price, and offers a bonus even if you have the Peon's Mining Pick.

Can the botbase be updated to use the Preserved Mining Pick even if you have Peon's Mining Pick?


Deams, can you explain how the new features/switches work; what they do? I can tell from the screen shot a lot is possible, but for example:
"Scavenger priority for Garrison resources"
"Keep Scavenger for Garrison Resources"
"Max number of Epic followers for Boost"
etc etc...
Is it possible for you, seeing you have a lot of space left in de GUI, to put a short explanation of all features IN the GUI? Saves a lot of questions.

that should answer your questions
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why exactly? i see features like catching elites or farm furs too disperse for this addon, but this?

I was being very sarcastic. But we got almost identical screenshots of what's to come that we got a month ago, so there's that.
I was being very sarcastic. But we got almost identical screenshots of what's to come that we got a month ago, so there's that.
so they had a concept for the GUI and haven written the routine then + testing.
or had you problems with the settings already back then and made suggestion for improvements which wheren´t taken into account?

-- general --
i know some people might have expected more features or the release to be sooner, but after this weekend (tryed some other botbase since so many ppl compalined) iam still happy with bg. (rock solid and bugfixes are prio 1)
other have really strange pathing or always to somewhere if the option is checked even if the task can´t be completed + waiting time between the the steps (even if not setup to be there) -> bg does 1 toon in less the 15min for me (mine + garden + collecting workorders and starting them + open 15-25 crates and selling the items, the only problems which happen are if my chars are out of materials which they need which happens rarely since you can just set gb to keep 400 herbs / ores on that singel char and you just have to restock every 1-2 weeks which is also a feature which other botbases are lacking (you just can set the amount when its starts mailing and it will always mailing everything of that item)

since i don´t got every class / profession combo there might be issues which i can´t encounter -> i.e. i got no tauren -> problems with mounts inside buildings and so on....

every 1-2 week i send each toon farming for savageblood / barn since the flight also takes some time + walking to the riverbeasts it wouldn´t make sense from my point of view for less then 50 -> i usally let each farm 1-2 hours. (its a trap + the profile from the author works like a charm even for pet (tank) classes.

sell-o-matic works nearly flawless (wow addon wrote a guide in the thread) sometimes it won´t sell all items since it will just sell about 20 items with one npc interacting but it also happens when i do it per hand -> can´t blame hb / gb for it.

about the people who complain about "updates" not sure where they got that kind of definition from, but iam glad that i don´t need to check all my toons 1-2x per week and even buy archo stuff to complete rare missions since gb did what blizzard and bossland (no offence) could not fix -> work around for that archo fragment cap (afaik still not possible with other garrision botbases)

i hope no one takes this personal, but when you read this thread daily and see how often questions are asked about something from post 1 or other stuff which was already asked on the same page.
i get the feeling that people are just to lazy to use functions like search this thread and enter a singel keyword -> look over the first results (which usually takes less then a minute).
afterwards ppl complain about the progress which is made in the remaining time (keep in mind its not a fulltime job and they also have a life)
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so they had a concept for the GUI and haven written the routine then + testing.
or had you problems with the settings already back then and made suggestion for improvements which wheren´t taken into account?

-- general --
i know some people might have expected more features or the release to be sooner, but after this weekend (tryed some other botbase since so many ppl compalined) iam still happy with bg. (rock solid and bugfixes are prio 1)
other have really strange pathing or always to somewhere if the option is checked even if the task can´t be completed + waiting time between the the steps (even if not setup to be there) -> bg does 1 toon in less the 15min for me (mine + garden + collecting workorders and starting them + open 15-25 crates and selling the items, the only problems which happen are if my chars are out of materials which they need which happens rarely since you can just set gb to keep 400 herbs / ores on that singel char and you just have to restock every 1-2 weeks which is also a feature which other botbases are lacking (you just can set the amount when its starts mailing and it will always mailing everything of that item)

since i don´t got every class / profession combo there might be issues which i can´t encounter -> i.e. i got no tauren -> problems with mounts inside buildings and so on....

every 1-2 week i send each toon farming for savageblood / barn since the flight also takes some time + walking to the riverbeasts it wouldn´t make sense from my point of view for less then 50 -> i usally let each farm 1-2 hours. (its a trap + the profile from the author works like a charm even for pet (tank) classes.

sell-o-matic works nearly flawless (wow addon wrote a guide in the thread) sometimes it won´t sell all items since it will just sell about 20 items with one npc interacting but it also happens when i do it per hand -> can´t blame hb / gb for it.

about the people who complain about "updates" not sure where they got that kind of definition from, but iam glad that i don´t need to check all my toons 1-2x per week and even buy archo stuff to complete rare missions since gb did what blizzard and bossland (no offence) could not fix -> work around for that archo fragment cap (afaik still not possible with other garrision botbases)

i hope no one takes this personal, but when you read this thread daily and see how often questions are asked about something from post 1 or other stuff which was already asked on the same page.
i get the feeling that people are just to lazy to use functions like search this thread and enter a singel keyword -> look over the first results (which usually takes less then a minute).
afterwards ppl complain about the progress which is made in the remaining time (keep in mind its not a fulltime job and they also have a life)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to blablub again.

apparently i rep'd you recently lol. +4 from me.

Its just following the natural course of all things I think. People expected to be waited on hand a foot for 30 bucks. I had expected it too, but I'm a big boy and I was able to realize I was being an impatient ass. I always try to remember criticism is awesome, but if you aren't offering it constructively or even alternatives to the current problem you are actually compounding the problem.
Is there an eta on fixes to this product, so it AL
t least functions at a level that it did before the patch? I loved this product for the week before the patch I got to use it. Please... some information would be nice. Yes, I've done all the normal cache cleaning.
Once again thanks for this great botbase.

FYI, it appears the bot doesn't use Preserved Mining Pick (from minecarts) if you have Peon's Mining Pick (treasure).

As of 6.1 these items now stack:

Preserved Mining Pick no longer has a stack limit, is now bind on pickup, has a sell price, and offers a bonus even if you have the Peon's Mining Pick.

Can the botbase be updated to use the Preserved Mining Pick even if you have Peon's Mining Pick?



Peon's Mining Pick's tool tip says that it doesn't need to be equiped. Just have it in your bags and you are fine. Bot doesn't need to care about it.
Is there an eta on fixes to this product, so it AL
t least functions at a level that it did before the patch? I loved this product for the week before the patch I got to use it. Please... some information would be nice. Yes, I've done all the normal cache cleaning.
what not working for you ?

as i said above i have 0 problems, the only recent problem was caused by the first hb testing build where profession cd´s didn´t work.
besides cleaning the cache, if you do a fresh install there is another place where the stream store data is saved.

user\your loginname\AppData (hidden folder)\Local\Buddy Store\cache.bin <- all the stuff from the store

if you descripe your problems or post a log iam sure justin and deams will look into that (forgive me if you already explained the problem in detail / posted a log)