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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

The settings are easy to configure and you should tweak them to how you want to use them, here's my settings I use for example.

Fury specialization. I have it do my normal rotation whilst disabling major defensives so I can use them when I need to, e.g calling for Rallying cry or Demo banner.
View attachment FUP_Specialization_WarriorFury_26-09-2014.xml
General settings. I've disabled pre-combat buff so I can battle-shout before the pull, Vigilance at 80% on either tank (unless my raid leader is going to call for it during the fight), I've disabled racials since panda racials suck -.-
View attachment FUP_General_WarriorFury_26-09-2014.xml

You can import these by going into Class Config -> Load from file (near the bottom) and selecting the appropriate one.
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Here's a logfile with the low health/FPS issue. I just had a mob attack my back till I was low HP, then I activated the bot. Had the issue for a second or two at the start, I think this happens around [06:32:41.003 D] in the logfile. Thanks.

View attachment 3912 2014-09-26 16.30.txt

Got a question. If we were to change talents/specs between bosses. Is it required to restart HB? Back when I was using FU1 it was required, not sure about now.

Got a question. If we were to change talents/specs between bosses. Is it required to restart HB? Back when I was using FU1 it was required, not sure about now.

wasn't required with FU1 and is neither for FU2
@nom³ or Dev

Will this Rotation be updated before WoD? aka to include a Gladiator Rotation for both Tank and DPS.
It's called planing ahead. As some will level faster then others.

Don't get rude!

And there will be a downtime for HB. By the time you hit level 100 HB won't be ready.

And don't tell nomnomnom what to do. Maybe he doesn't want to add Gladiator? Ever thought about that?
When you have purchased FU2 you agreed to some terms and as I understand you, you didn't even read them.

best wishes,

can someone PM me about my purchase of FU2? I purchased it, but my moms bank blocked it because it was out of country (im in USA). but she went to the bank yesterday and they said they let the payment go through with her permission, yet i still dont have FU2...I need confirmation that nomnomnom received my payment....
Nom is the best & this is the greatest Warrior dps routine available. Simcraft DPS is 487k and routine pulled 485k on Iron Juggernaut.
have any of you guys tested out parsing the 4 set warrior bonus vs a few ilvl difference from WF pieces? most posts i see say it's basically crap, but a few of the top warcraftlogs parses are using the 4pc set sacrificing some ilvl's and optimal secondary stats. i assume FU2 fully utilizes the set bonus if it detects it?
have any of you guys tested out parsing the 4 set warrior bonus vs a few ilvl difference from WF pieces? most posts i see say it's basically crap, but a few of the top warcraftlogs parses are using the 4pc set sacrificing some ilvl's and optimal secondary stats. i assume FU2 fully utilizes the set bonus if it detects it?

The last time I tried the 4pc set bonus it only proced like 2 times in a fight. i nvr went back again.
The last time I tried the 4pc set bonus it only proced like 2 times in a fight. i nvr went back again.

thanks, i'll do some testing on a dummy this weekend over a long period just to see what it's like over thousands of hits so we can get some better data on it. i'll start the free trial on FU2 to see if it also reacts to the procs. i was just being greedy not wanting to spend 2k valor yet on 2 of the pieces since i'm getting gear faster than i can upgrade them, but i need them upgraded for a fair DPS comparison so i'll stop being a hoarder :)
just cleared SOO part normal part heroic with FU2 as Arms, can find the logs later if needed but it doesn't seem to do SB inside CS windows unless it's by random chance. I know Arms doesn't always line up because of the procs for CS makes it less consistent, but I can't see any internal mechanic that the CR uses to see if it's worth it to wait X secs to SB in Arms to get the huge dmg bonus inside CS window. at a glance the dps is basically identical to FU1 or Tuanha as far as I can tell so far from about 3 hours of raiding, but I think most of the tweaking was done to Fury anyways. For most fights I use Bloodbath but for Garrosh accidentally putting a huge bleed on MC targets is bad so I always swap to SB. Was hoping Arms would get more of a boost but I'll test out Fury when raid resets and hopefully it's a lot higher than the other CR's.
so just ran through 2 wings of Flex as Fury just for fun since I didn't want to wait for next week's reset. About 576 ilvl with heroic upgraded EOG so SB always matches CS. Fury is much better tuned than Arms IMO right now, seems to line up abilities very well. Guess I stick with Fury for a while even though I wanted Arms to be the main spec. As Arms to maximize dps I have to completely turn off the talents and manually time them within the proper windows which isn't hard to do, but just something I hoped the CR would manage internally, like if CS is up with 3 secs, then don't use SB. I fairly sure the huge dmg boost is worth losing the 3 secs inside vs outside CS.

Gonna test out 4pc bonus vs losing 2 pieces of WF next and leave some objective feedback. Won't have enough points to fully upgrade the 4 piece till Tuesday though.
Hey Nom,

I wasn't going to ask this, but as this is now a paid CC i think it's relevant. What kind of downtime are we looking at for the 6.0.2 drop and for WoD? Are you currently working on this?
