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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Uploaded version for approval to the store.

* Added Death Behavior. We should now properly release the body so we can walk towards our corpse.
* Added icons to clarify the type of settings on the GUI - Shield for Protection, Knife for Arms and Fury, Keyboard for hotkeys and Settings for general.
* Split the revision of Settings and actual versions - Should not reset your personal settings anymore after a new version has been pushed (Unless I want them to reset ;)).
* Updated the Talent Manager to not throw errors on start-up anymore.
* See topic for more minor bugfixes.

* Proper Charge and Heroic Leap usage now to close the gap between you and your target.
* Fixed a bug on which we might "stick like flies" to our target. Minimum range set to 2.

* Updated the Shield Block and Barrier logic's to the latest and more optimized formulas.

* Slightly changed the UseEnragedStormbolt code.

* New arms rotation - still work in progress.


From here, I will not look at at previous bug reports - They were either without a logfile and/or I could not reproduce them
If your bug/issue persist, please repost it with a logfile attached.
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Target hotkey ( Tab by default ) is blocked or so in the routine, not working and only is happening with your routine, i mean when i activate it, when i stop it, works like always. Check it please.
Actually, the problem is not the target, it began to occur on Saturday after upgrading the combat routing.With this unique routing problem does not occur.Remembering that not all monsters, but some.
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I can't change specialization, tried everything. I'm trying to change to arms.. look the ironic:

[FUP] Settings for Fury Unleashed Premium saved!
[FUP] Loaded file: D:\#Programas Instalados\Hbuddy\Settings\Fury Unleashed II - Premium\FUP_Settings_Driverz-Rev0.0.0.2-R1_Arms.xml
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : ArchaeologyBuddy
The class profile currently loaded is Warrior - Fury, but the current toon is Warrior - Arms. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.

The arms profile isnt ready yet?
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Target hotkey ( Tab by default ) is blocked or so in the routine, not working and only is happening with your routine, i mean when i activate it, when i stop it, works like always. Check it please.
Actually, the problem is not the target, it began to occur on Saturday after upgrading the combat routing.With this unique routing problem does not occur.Remembering that not all monsters, but some.
Will need a logfile. I was unable to reproduce quickly. So need more info (Like what botbase and settings) ... Basically provide the full logfile! :).

I can't change specialization, tried everything. I'm trying to change to arms.. look the ironic:

[FUP] Settings for Fury Unleashed Premium saved!
[FUP] Loaded file: D:\#Programas Instalados\Hbuddy\Settings\Fury Unleashed II - Premium\FUP_Settings_Driverz-Rev0.0.0.2-R1_Arms.xml
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : ArchaeologyBuddy
The class profile currently loaded is Warrior - Fury, but the current toon is Warrior - Arms. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.

The arms profile isnt ready yet?
It is, can you please provide me with a Full Logfile?

follows the log of the error of not attacking the beast saying it is too close or too far into the grind bot.
Thanks, helpful log. Will be fixed next release.
Hello nomnomnom and thanks -yet again- for an amazing CC :)

Question : FU2
On klaxxi , if TANK SPEC and tanking the Klaxxi-Rik-kal-the-Dissector how do u disable usage of shieldblock but keep the rest of the routine?

Question2 : I have donated multiple times before you got this on Paid version. You mentioned us donators had to PM you and i did. Is there a purpose for this? ( do we get this ver for free or smth? )

Suggestion: If TANK SPEC and TANK 1 or TANK2 ( Taken from Roles setting ) is dying , could a tick be added to go like "Intervene or safeguard" the other tank?
Suggestion2 : if TANK SPEC on on SHA ( first tier ) when the other Tank gets http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144358 ( wounded pride ) can it auto-taunt? Can this be 'GUI-ized?'
just to confirm - is the Arms rotation still pretty similar to FU1? there's a few notes on it needing to be worked on/work in progress. I have more toons than I can actually even play regularly now so I prefer to play Arms since it shines in cleave fights and you don't see as many at higher levels. For single target damage Fury is great, but not that different than a similar ilvl feral/lock/hunter/WW so I rotate my toons out multiple times during each weekly 2-3 SOO clears I do since all these toons are in the same 570-580 range. I will likely get the premium once it's confirmed that the Arms portion is close to perfected.
1. It's in the Protection settings, you can disable/tweak it there.
2. -
3. You can set up the routine to auto cast safeguard OnFocus at a certain HP percentage (I think) but to be honest you should be using Vigilance as a tank.
4. There's an option for smart-taunting, whether this covers wounded pride I dunno.
just to confirm - is the Arms rotation still pretty similar to FU1? there's a few notes on it needing to be worked on/work in progress. I have more toons than I can actually even play regularly now so I prefer to play Arms since it shines in cleave fights and you don't see as many at higher levels. For single target damage Fury is great, but not that different than a similar ilvl feral/lock/hunter/WW so I rotate my toons out multiple times during each weekly 2-3 SOO clears I do since all these toons are in the same 570-580 range. I will likely get the premium once it's confirmed that the Arms portion is close to perfected.
Just use the free trial in the store, see how it runs for you. In my runs I'm usually top 4+ on cleave with arms.
Im having this on trial before purchasing, but i realised there are no settings to turn auto targeting on/off?
I think some routines out there do, but you should be able to enable it through the botbase you're using (depending on what botbase you're using of course).
I don't think the routine does auto targeting.
Can do, enable movement :). Otherwise it does not.

Im having this on trial before purchasing, but i realised there are no settings to turn auto targeting on/off?
Depends on what purpose you have? If you want to use it just for combat, just keep movement disabled. Movement setting does targetting, facing and move.

does it more dmg than the free one?
What specialization? :). Fury is definitely better yes.

just to confirm - is the Arms rotation still pretty similar to FU1? there's a few notes on it needing to be worked on/work in progress. I have more toons than I can actually even play regularly now so I prefer to play Arms since it shines in cleave fights and you don't see as many at higher levels. For single target damage Fury is great, but not that different than a similar ilvl feral/lock/hunter/WW so I rotate my toons out multiple times during each weekly 2-3 SOO clears I do since all these toons are in the same 570-580 range. I will likely get the premium once it's confirmed that the Arms portion is close to perfected.
Arms is still work in progress, but should be pretty good next push :).

Hello nomnomnom and thanks -yet again- for an amazing CC :)

Question : FU2
On klaxxi , if TANK SPEC and tanking the Klaxxi-Rik-kal-the-Dissector how do u disable usage of shieldblock but keep the rest of the routine?

Question2 : I have donated multiple times before you got this on Paid version. You mentioned us donators had to PM you and i did. Is there a purpose for this? ( do we get this ver for free or smth? )

Suggestion: If TANK SPEC and TANK 1 or TANK2 ( Taken from Roles setting ) is dying , could a tick be added to go like "Intervene or safeguard" the other tank?
Suggestion2 : if TANK SPEC on on SHA ( first tier ) when the other Tank gets http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144358 ( wounded pride ) can it auto-taunt? Can this be 'GUI-ized?'
1: Don't think i have that setting, but you can disable the automated logic :).
2: Yes. if you can prove that you donated I can provide you with a free key. If you already bought this, I cannot refund the money.

3: Sure good idea. Can make that I guess.
4: Already does, make sure you have smart taunting enabled and tank properly marked in your group.
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