so just ran through 2 wings of Flex as Fury just for fun since I didn't want to wait for next week's reset. About 576 ilvl with heroic upgraded EOG so SB always matches CS. Fury is much better tuned than Arms IMO right now, seems to line up abilities very well. Guess I stick with Fury for a while even though I wanted Arms to be the main spec. As Arms to maximize dps I have to completely turn off the talents and manually time them within the proper windows which isn't hard to do, but just something I hoped the CR would manage internally, like if CS is up with 3 secs, then don't use SB. I fairly sure the huge dmg boost is worth losing the 3 secs inside vs outside CS.
Gonna test out 4pc bonus vs losing 2 pieces of WF next and leave some objective feedback. Won't have enough points to fully upgrade the 4 piece till Tuesday though.