Hot key your abilities in fu2, set it to hockey mode from automatic. Works for me, no need for pauses and no delays.Wtb numpad + and numpad - hotkey settings please
Or an auto pause on cast feature. Using manual cast pause isn't an option because A) it pauses my entire rotstion when I try to talk via mumble (the blacklist key for my PTT isn't in the list either) and B) regardless of the PTT issue - I still have to spam my keybind and hope it gets off.
The only two fixes I see for this (both should be in place tbh) is 1) having the routine pause itself until the ability fires (similar to sbr and soon tuanha) and 2) having the hotkeys I mentioned entered in which does exactly what number 1 does, allows the ability to fire before carrying on. (Problem being the last few keys on the razer naga aren't hotkeyable at current)
Hot key your abilities in fu2, set it to hockey mode from automatic. Works for me, no need for pauses and no delays.
The problem being that the last 2 keys on the naga aren't hot keyable/not in the list. Otherwise yea, this would work.
Dude, simply rebind your Nagakeys to a suitable hotkey in FUP...
I think mentioning it more often won't help Nom work faster, like I already told you!
Dude, no. I use the Naga as numkeys for a reason. Likely the same reason every proficient player does.
Does anyone know how to reset to default settings? Also I want to either cast BS and Ravager manually or with 3+ mobs but no matter what I change in the settings it just uses them on CD. Last thing, I have to untarget the boss before it will let me use Heroic Leap even if I change setting to stop on manual cast. Are these known bugs? Or am I doing something wrong?
hello, How is manage "Burst" Like trinket, CD Ect... for exemple on BL ?
is it automatic? or there is an Hotkey for that?
Thank you! I'll do that when I get home fro, work tonight.BS: Set to "always" for aoe, to "never" for singletarget, then scroll down in your specoptions, at the bottom there is an option, where you can decide at which addcount BS is used.
Ravager: Set to "never" for both aoe and singletarget. No option for addcount available.
Leap bug never occured to me. Post spec and a log, so nom can investigate
Does anyone know how to reset to default settings? Also I want to either cast BS and Ravager manually or with 3+ mobs but no matter what I change in the settings it just uses them on CD. Last thing, I have to untarget the boss before it will let me use Heroic Leap even if I change setting to stop on manual cast. Are these known bugs? Or am I doing something wrong?
What difficulty?Just to report that it's working well. Got a hand full of 96% + kills last night with fury and arms.