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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Wait!, no support for PvP?, is that's so?, I used the free version in Panda and did arenas and BG's. Now I paid for it, it won't support PvP?...... say it aint so.

This selling routines has gotten out of hand, 15euro for pve then 15 euro for pve, then 20 euro for resto, then 15 euro for feral pve, then 15 euro for feral pvp, then 15 euro for balance pve and so on and so on.

I know people will moan at me for this, but really the bot should come with all these routines as standard, and I'm talking profs and farming too. I'd even pay say premium membership to get everything and have it coded fast.
Wait!, no support for PvP?, is that's so?, I used the free version in Panda and did arenas and BG's. Now I paid for it, it won't support PvP?...... say it aint so.

This selling routines has gotten out of hand, 15euro for pve then 15 euro for pve, then 20 euro for resto, then 15 euro for feral pve, then 15 euro for feral pvp, then 15 euro for balance pve and so on and so on.

I know people will moan at me for this, but really the bot should come with all these routines as standard, and I'm talking profs and farming too. I'd even pay say premium membership to get everything and have it coded fast.

You can always start getting into coding. :)
And this is not bitchting at you, this is just the inconvinient truth.
You can have all for free but you have to make it yourself.

best wishes,

I understand that the people making routines for this bot aren't doing it for the fun of it, and it takes a lot of time to code and test a routine and keep it up to date, and some of these people also work a day job. What I'm saying is this should be working from day one, I shouldn't have to spend another 200 euro on top.

Yes I'd love be able to code myself, By the time I learned the basics, I think WoW would be a thing of the past.
Is there any way to add an option to make the routine put you in glad stance any time you are not already in glad stance? Due to nature of glad I have to swap talents a lot for AOE fights vs single target and if I forget to click on glad stance again I'm stuck in defensive since the game stupidly defaults to having no stance whenever you change a talent.

This would improve quality of life of glad stance by like 10000%.
ok pause hotkey doesnt work... anyone knows why? i hold pause button and it doesnt pause the rotation... also rotation seems to stop sometimes when i move around (if i stand still it keeps going flawless) anyone knows why? or how to fix it? hotkeys are set ok and mouse is set ok
could it be that fu doesn't detect talent switching? ... switched talents from dragonroar to shockwave and it didn't cast it till i restarted the bot
could it be that fu doesn't detect talent switching? ... switched talents from dragonroar to shockwave and it didn't cast it till i restarted the bot
Seems to be a bug yep, can you provide a logfile? It doesn't always happen - For instance it works just fine for me.

ok pause hotkey doesnt work... anyone knows why? i hold pause button and it doesnt pause the rotation... also rotation seems to stop sometimes when i move around (if i stand still it keeps going flawless) anyone knows why? or how to fix it? hotkeys are set ok and mouse is set ok
I'd need a logfile for this. Kindly post the logfile.

I can't get it to Hamstring or Piercing Howl, even though its enabled in the settings.
Will look into it, but what specialization?

Is there any way to add an option to make the routine put you in glad stance any time you are not already in glad stance? Due to nature of glad I have to swap talents a lot for AOE fights vs single target and if I forget to click on glad stance again I'm stuck in defensive since the game stupidly defaults to having no stance whenever you change a talent.

This would improve quality of life of glad stance by like 10000%.
Nope - It's a users choice whether they are a tank or DPS that fight. I can't decide for you if you need to be in defensive or gladiator for that specific fight.

I understand that the people making routines for this bot aren't doing it for the fun of it, and it takes a lot of time to code and test a routine and keep it up to date, and some of these people also work a day job. What I'm saying is this should be working from day one, I shouldn't have to spend another 200 euro on top.

Yes I'd love be able to code myself, By the time I learned the basics, I think WoW would be a thing of the past.
Sorry that you feel that way - I've provided to the community and still do in the form of Enyo and my AntiAFK botbase.

Wait!, no support for PvP?, is that's so?, I used the free version in Panda and did arenas and BG's. Now I paid for it, it won't support PvP?...... say it aint so.

This selling routines has gotten out of hand, 15euro for pve then 15 euro for pve, then 20 euro for resto, then 15 euro for feral pve, then 15 euro for feral pvp, then 15 euro for balance pve and so on and so on.

I know people will moan at me for this, but really the bot should come with all these routines as standard, and I'm talking profs and farming too. I'd even pay say premium membership to get everything and have it coded fast.
At this point there is absolutely 0 pvp support - Hence why it's a PvE routine. That doesn't mean that PvP will never come. If I decide to go on the pvp tour, it willnot be a separate routine.

ok i noticed it only does it when i hold the right clikc of mouse (not when i strafe)... so any idea of what could it be? i didnt find this problem with any other rotation
Right click - Isn't that click to move?

my issue is that it randomly stops the rotation (ive noticed that it does it when i strafe right or left just before the bot should cast a spell) and starts again when i move again... can u try to reproduce and fix it please? i cant use it otherwise....:/.... or does anyone know how to fix it? it doesnt happen with any other rotation ive tried
That move thing should actually be fixed as of version if it still happens today - Post a logfile of a fight when it happens.

anyone else have an issue with it chain casting rend for some reason? its like it get stuck on rend and seems to randomly go back to normal when it wants to..
Solved as of

Just a suggestion: Would it be possible to start a fight in Gladi Stance and switch to Def Stance (through Hotkey eg)?
This would be nice eg when Tank dies and there is no BR available...
Impossible - You cannot change stance during a fight when you have Gladiator's resolve as talent.

hey i have a problem in PVP with this routine when i join Arena Matches it just dont work anymore dont do spells and nothing anybody knows the issue?in pve it is very good and great but in pvp only in arena it doesnt work in battleground it is working flawless too:(plz help
No PvP support - Sorry :(. But not attacking isn't the plan - I'll look into it. What botbase do you use?

I know it might not be the best place to post this but will there still be a free version of this routine? I saw the thread for that one got moved to archive.
Hello nom, one thing i would like to see for Protection (not gladiator) is a setting or the cr saving rage for shield block on cd at least!

Many time in multi target situation it doesnt save any rage for shield block wich mean you take terrible dmg as a tank, offc it does greater dps than if you were using shieldblock but the main role of prot war is to TANK !!! and mitigate dmg

This happen always on multi target situation, but sometimes on mono target too, and what suck the most is it spend the rage so fast its impossible to use shield block manually cuz the cr wont ever reach 60 rage!

Plz fix this, its very important for good tanking!

i'm quoting myself since u seems to have miss this message :) dmg isnt the most important for prot war (not glad) and mitigation is the most important, it often doesnt save rage for shield block on cd specially for mul;ti target fight and its a big big flaws in the routine, can you try fix this please Nom ? :)
after todays 20% nerf glad seems to have suffered ALOT... going from topping meters to struggling to keep up ... wtf :( and no buff to fury or arms.... guessing glad is still better than fury and arms atm but its alot closer :(
i'm quoting myself since u seems to have miss this message :) dmg isnt the most important for prot war (not glad) and mitigation is the most important, it often doesnt save rage for shield block on cd specially for mul;ti target fight and its a big big flaws in the routine, can you try fix this please Nom ? :)
I know - Been pointed out by my prot tester as well ;). It's Probably due to the fact that I prioritize Shield Barrier when a spell is being cast on us - If you're having 4 adds of which one casts spells and the rest is melee ... Anyway fixed at next push.
Hi Nom,

Thanks for the routine and for the support. It really is amazing.

First of i made this account to provide some feedback, so sorry if i don't follow correct etiquette.

I'm Arms spec, using the Arm's part of the rotation. IIRC my routine is pretty much default configuration. Enyo is set up to disable mouseclick and 35 TPS.

The first issue I'd like to bring up is the problem with Multi Dot and Rend (On a smaller note, you only need to rend 4 mobs when AoE'ing. Anymore and its a DPS loss generally), it seems to be casting it on minions/minor elites when pulled with packs of mobs. As these die generally too fast, you end up spamming Rend the entire battle until they die. A perfect example of this is the Fire Elementals before Forgemaster Gog'duh, you pull a big fire elemental and 3-4 smaller ones, if the tank pulls more say 2-3 packs (Or the mini gauntlet) you spend most of your fight spamming Rend and since the elemental minions have low health they die fast and it cycles through spamming Rend. One more example is the pack of say 15 non elite spiders in Auchindoun, same issue here. Now i just pause the rotation and AoE like normal, but i was wondering if you could allow us to turn multi dot off or put a blacklist for mobs not to target? Before the B1 patch you did, i could cycle through the targets and the routine would apply rend on targets and then it would start hammering away doing AOE, i personally felt this was a good place for it as you had more control over things.

The next issue is with the boss Ragewing the Untamed in UBRS, the bot either doesn't work or the routine, (as with a fresh install of HB) you just stand there auto attacking and occasionally using Bloodbath and Storm Bolt. This is mainly when its pressed up against the side of the bridge, as soon as it lands the routine kicks in. Had the same issue with Xelganak in Nagrand, he's a flying rare that is hovering just slightly off the ground.

The last issue is with Rage pooling, sometimes I'm capped on Rage and its seems to be struggling to spend it. I'm not sure if this is an issue as it could just be my gear has hit the sweet spot for Rage generation.

Would it at all be possible for you to explain how and when the routine uses Ravager, Bladestorm and Recklessness? I can't seem to find that sweetspot where it'll use it in a predictable manor. For example the last boss in UBRS Warlord Zaela during the first phase you need max DPS, sometimes it uses Recklessness and sometimes not, along with Ravager too. I've also pulled packs of mobs (Say 5) and the routine has decided not to use Bladestorm or Ravager and instead opted to use Rend and Wirlwind, then i pull one mob and it uses Ravager on it. I'm sure this is probably a lack of configuration or understanding on my behalf, so i was hoping you could shed some light on this?

Again, thanks for this fantastic routine.
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Just wanted to ask a question here. I read there was an update, that should have improved the thunderclap logic for all specs (i.e. Deep wound spreading). Been testing glad stance dps right now, still doesn't use clap. I could be wrong and clap could be not effective as glad though. Also, I have a problem with Prot. It will only use clap, if Glad stance talent is taken. Otherwise it just won't clap. Any idead on how I can fix this? (If I can, ofc) I double checked the settings, multi-target dotting is On at all times. :( Please give me some advise\help on that. I did reinstall HB a couple of times, didn't help.
I was using it earlier tonight and it was just fine. It worked pretty consistent for me and was much much better than before.
Could it be bot config settings or anything like that? I just did a clean install again and nothing changes. It does good single target dps though. Tried both Tyrael and Enyo. Nothing. Also tried to adjust a hotkey for multi dot aoe. Does nothing too. Would love to see it use thunder clap to spread my deep wounds as glad and see it also use clap with other talents as prot. Thought anger management would be my choise, but I can't tank packs well enough without clap...
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@Everyone having probs with Gladiator stance. I'm really puzzled as to why so many people are having problems with the Gladiator Stance routine. I don't have any special settings or configuration and mine seems to be working as well as I can expect it to. I ran another MC raid last night and was typically 5-15k more DPS than everyone else minus a hunter or two here and there. Thunderclap is working as I believe it should, rage management seems to be working as intended. I have yet to experience any other issues other than it being unable to attack some of the worm enemies that come out of the lava which have seen been fixed.

I strongly recommend those of you who've still been having problems completely delete your existing Honor Buddy folder, download a brand new copy and start fresh. Old settings/configurations could be what's affecting your CC, also try using the CC with all your addons disabled and see if that changes things. Some addons may be causing some problems with the CC.
@Everyone having probs with Gladiator stance. I'm really puzzled as to why so many people are having problems with the Gladiator Stance routine. I don't have any special settings or configuration and mine seems to be working as well as I can expect it to. I ran another MC raid last night and was typically 5-15k more DPS than everyone else minus a hunter or two here and there. Thunderclap is working as I believe it should, rage management seems to be working as intended. I have yet to experience any other issues other than it being unable to attack some of the worm enemies that come out of the lava which have seen been fixed.

I strongly recommend those of you who've still been having problems completely delete your existing Honor Buddy folder, download a brand new copy and start fresh. Old settings/configurations could be what's affecting your CC, also try using the CC with all your addons disabled and see if that changes things. Some addons may be causing some problems with the CC.

I tried everything except for switching off all the addons. Will try when I wake up tomorrow, thank you.

Edit: couldn't sleep. Didn't help :( still no thunderclaps in gladiator stance and same problem with protection without the glad stance talent. Reinstalled HB like 20 times this week :)
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Suggestion #1: Is it possible to increase priority on Sudden Death procs while playing prot (both tank and gladiator)? As it is now it uses it "fairly" quickly, (not instant) when dpsing or tanking a solo mob but as soon as you got multiple adds, the prio is fairly low. Considering the Sudden Death, along with Shield Slam, is our hardest hitting ability and free we should use it instantly.

Suggestion #2: When queueing an ability through the hotkey tab, such as Shockwave, is it possible to have the queue reset when combat drops? Looks pretty weird to have it queued and then the combat drops and the character pops Shockwave in thin air.
Such a scenario can happen when the user thinks you have Shockwave up since you thought you had hit 3 enemies before, but in reality you still have 20 sec of cd left. And then it goes off randomly.