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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

yes, its al over the war forums. and yea. blizz is real stoked about a tank talent doing 6k more dps than pure dps specs lol. have a blue post to back that up?

common sense bud, common sense.
One other glitch to please fix, every time a DK casts horn of winter the routine instant casts battle shout to over write it. Looks extremely suspicious, I've disabled buffs for now as a work around. Thanks!
yes, its al over the war forums. and yea. blizz is real stoked about a tank talent doing 6k more dps than pure dps specs lol. have a blue post to back that up?

common sense bud, common sense.
Oh come on. common sense my ass. It's working as intended and it's supposed to be a 100% viable damage spec. Gtfo with this it'll be nerfed shiz. "Pure dps specs" have never meant anything to blizzard. Use some common sense.
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Really love the routine... been using it for 2 years. Thanks!
One suggestion I have would be to add an interrupt toggle hotkey option. Sometimes I want to interrupt myself, sometimes I'd rather let FU2 handle it.
Would be nice to just hit SHIFT-I to enable or disable interrupting instead of manually going into the settings.
Also, wish the default hotkey settings were set to ON instead of OFF (I sometimes forget to turn on AOE when I start the routine).
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Let me put a little context into your step so I can bring you down to earth a bit and calm your nerves.

I'm 633 and I've done at least 30 - 35 heroics and MC. While they certainly can nerf Glad Stance .... I'll tell you straight up, Hunters are right there with Glad Stance ... I've also seen Rogues and I've especially seen Monks kick Glad Stance in DPS. In fact, a good Druid is right there. You my friend forget that FU2 does an exception job at the rotation. I've seen a ton of Glad Stance Warriors not even coming close to great dp

There are a lot of classes doing excellent dps and in 25% - 30% of the heroics I'm in .... Im not top DPS
Anyone experience that the routine just doesn't wanna use Bloodbath at all? I checked everything to use "Always" and I rebooted HonorBuddy multiple times but I still need to cast it manually.
Worked fine yesterday, but today it just bugged out.
Hi everyone, my apologies for being so quiet the last few days and not actively pushing updates. While working on my new house, I've strained my back and are having very nasty sideeffects because of this. When I sit upright, after a few minutes my toes begin to tingle and after abour 15 to 20 minutes I have no feeling left in my legs. Feeling comes back when I lay down for a few minutes, but this keeps me from sitting long times and work behind my PC.

I'll be having some hospital investigations upcoming week, and I hope this gets resolved quickly. My doctor is pretty confident that a chiropractor can solve it quickly, but they need photo's first etc ...

I will edit this post and respond to a few questioins/remarks in the upcoming minutes. I'll also try to push a new version of the routine.

Edit: New version up for approval, release notes are:

Version & R
* All Specs: Added AutoAttack() back in the regular rotations.
* Core: Added a few catches to catch errors.
* Core: MeleeRange calculations should be more accurate now and also account for moving unit's adjusted range.
* Core: Reverted some changes to the multidot system.
* Core: Updated multidot system to be more reliable.
* All Specs: Fixed detection of aura's when other warriors are present in the group.
* Gladiator: Improved Thunderclap logic to spread DeepWounds more realistic and reliable.

* Core: Redesigned the preliminary checks before performing combat.
* Fury: Fixed ragedump Execute to take Glyph of Unending rage into account.
* Fury: Fixed ragedump Wildstrike to take Glyph of Unending rage into account.

* Core: Changed default setting for Interrupt Method to Always.
* Core: Added logger for Ingame FPS.
* Core: Fixed mounted-combat - Should be able to fight now on the Horde and Alliance combat mounts.
* Core: Solved an issue where combat would halt - even when we have a valid target selected.
* Core: Added DiagnosticLogging for the Casting methods - Can see what spell is trying to be cast.
* Core: Replaced MeleeRange method for HB API method.

* All Specs: Improved ravager's placement logic.
* All Specs: Fixed a range issue with Heroic Throw.
* Fury: Added ragedump execute to Fury.
* Prot/Gladiator: Should not use the appropriate Shout when in Gladiator or Defensive stance.
* Prot/Gladiator: Distinguished defensive and gladiator stance in the questing rotations.

Is there a way to have the routine use intervene?
Not yet - How would you like it to be used? I can add it to the todo list.

Anyone experience that the routine just doesn't wanna use Bloodbath at all? I checked everything to use "Always" and I rebooted HonorBuddy multiple times but I still need to cast it manually.
Worked fine yesterday, but today it just bugged out.
Kindly post a logfile. Would really help in diagnosing this issue.

Does this routine work while mounted on the combat mount in Nagrand?
After the update which I will push today, it does.

Let me put a little context into your step so I can bring you down to earth a bit and calm your nerves.
I'm 633 and I've done at least 30 - 35 heroics and MC. While they certainly can nerf Glad Stance .... I'll tell you straight up, Hunters are right there with Glad Stance ... I've also seen Rogues and I've especially seen Monks kick Glad Stance in DPS. In fact, a good Druid is right there. You my friend forget that FU2 does an exception job at the rotation. I've seen a ton of Glad Stance Warriors not even coming close to great dp
There are a lot of classes doing excellent dps and in 25% - 30% of the heroics I'm in .... Im not top DPS
FUP2 DPS will improve in all classes, but you are right.

Really love the routine... been using it for 2 years. Thanks!
One suggestion I have would be to add an interrupt toggle hotkey option. Sometimes I want to interrupt myself, sometimes I'd rather let FU2 handle it.
Would be nice to just hit SHIFT-I to enable or disable interrupting instead of manually going into the settings.
Also, wish the default hotkey settings were set to ON instead of OFF (I sometimes forget to turn on AOE when I start the routine).
I'll look into these things - Im also going to add a manual cast thing soon tm.

One other glitch to please fix, every time a DK casts horn of winter the routine instant casts battle shout to over write it. Looks extremely suspicious, I've disabled buffs for now as a work around. Thanks!
Good point - Added to the to be fixed list - I had a system for that but it seems its broken for Horn of Winter.

any way to turn off whirlwind? its causing me major headache on yikkun izu or w/e that brawlers guild boss is >.<
Can you get me more info regarding this? What spec, why etc.

Can the CC tell whether or not you want to be in gladiator or the defensive stance? Because even though i want to tank, it still wants to DPS so i think its using the gladiator rotations instead of protection.
If you're specced with Gladiator's resolve, it hooks into the gladiator rotation. Then it checks your stance - If you're in Gladiator stance it does the Glad rotation using gladiator settings. if you're in defensive - It does prot rotation with your prot settings.

I just ran my first MC running this with Enyo and I had awful lag... running a Radeon 7800 HD video card, 16gigs ram, 256 SSD, i7. Any thoughts on why Im experiencing this? I was running it on minimum graphics setting as well.

To add, I dont seem to experience that much lag in 5 mans, so Im wondering if its a graphics card issue... Any help would be greatly appreciated
Start with posting a logfile please :). Maybe I can see if something is wrong with your HB or so.

Is thunderclap being looked at? or is it already fix because it never wants to do it.
Being looked at and on the todo list. Should be fixed shortly - I assume you're talking about Gladiator?

Now the Trial is gone, i did buy the routine, cause it was amazing in glad stance (tanking was great also)... Does have issues in arms\fury atm, though. Low damage rates, 100% rage not being dumped... But hey, who the fuck cares? Glad stance is top dps spec atm :) Still wish id did work for fury though, want to check out the dps difference :)
Some rage fixes will come. And more finetuning is also coming for the other specs.

Hi Nomnom,

Thanks for the quick work on fixing the issues since WOD. 2 more which I haven't seen anyone else post about yet!

For Gladiator stance, execute seems to be very low priority and gets rarely cast.
For Undead warriors, it uses the will of the forsaken racial on cooldown (work around is to disable racials for now, would be nice if it used it to break cc's though!)
You can select under general how your racial should be used! There is a massive list - Including some movement impairing options.

Just bought it, I love it! Ran a few dungeons with Enyo as botbase and it is amazing, topped DPS charts in every dungeon!

Thanks nomnomnomnom!
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@ Nomnomnom - Sorry to hear about your back issues. I know how you feel, have back issues myself but I hope it's nothing serious and maybe just a strained muscle or more than likely a pinched nerve which would cause the numbness you feel in a sitting position. You might want to look into some massage therapy too! Anyways, thanks for the update and looking forward to more pushes and tweaks especially with glad stance.
Hi Nomnomnom,

Hope you feel better soon! On the issue with will of the forsaken being used on cooldown, the long list of options for when to use racials doesn't include a "when cc'd" option for me.
The options I see are:
OnManaPercent (this one seems odd?)

It may be in the latest revision which doesnt seem available via streaming just yet. I'll check in there and delete this post if it appears later today thanks =)
Ive tried this trial, and in my opinion it sucks.
It's doing around 9k dps in dungeons with standard settings on my arms warrior ilvl 632, even singular does better dps.

Also in some dungeons the CC get stuck and you'll get a message in game "Path not found" or something, the dungeon with the snakes coming out of the lake and the dungeon with the bird next to the roof, looks very very botish.

People who get good dps with this cc as arms warrior, can you tell me what settings you guys are using? Not going to buy this if singular is even doing better dps.
Aware of that and it's being worked on :)
Ive tried this trial, and in my opinion it sucks.
It's doing around 9k dps in dungeons with standard settings on my arms warrior ilvl 632, even singular does better dps.

Not sure what is going on there, but my Glad Warrior is easily doubling your dps. This CC is much better than singular, maybe you need to tweak your settings.
Not sure what is going on there, but my Glad Warrior is easily doubling your dps. This CC is much better than singular, maybe you need to tweak your settings.

Mind providing your settings? I'm getting 4.5k dps with this routine at 615 ilvl and 12k with singular...
There is a major bug in Gladiator rotation atm - Fixed when approved.

* Core: Simplified MultiDoT and made it more reliable.
* Gladiator: Fixed a major mistake in Thunderclap DeepWounds spread mechanic.
* Gladiator: Added support for Wind and Thunder and Resonating Power glyphs.
* Gladiator: Added a development rotation (Selectable via GUI) with Execute completely disabled.

Mind providing your settings? I'm getting 4.5k dps with this routine at 615 ilvl and 12k with singular...
Post a logfile of an actual fight with FUP2 - Thats just wrong. I'm getting so many reports of users facestomping other people in Gladiator.

Not sure what is going on there, but my Glad Warrior is easily doubling your dps. This CC is much better than singular, maybe you need to tweak your settings.
Gladiator is in a good shape, as is Protection. Arms on the other hand does need work! :).
Great work nom.
Running this as glad, pushing my own thunder clap though, but constantly hitting 21/23k dps in 5mans with 618 ilvl.

Can I ask why the experimental rotation does without execute?
I'd like intervene to be optional. I'd like it to have settings like use on focus or healer at % health. Basically just like Tuanha's warrior routine.
Hello nom, one thing i would like to see for Protection (not gladiator) is a setting or the cr saving rage for shield block on cd at least!

Many time in multi target situation it doesnt save any rage for shield block wich mean you take terrible dmg as a tank, offc it does greater dps than if you were using shieldblock but the main role of prot war is to TANK !!! and mitigate dmg

This happen always on multi target situation, but sometimes on mono target too, and what suck the most is it spend the rage so fast its impossible to use shield block manually cuz the cr wont ever reach 60 rage!

Plz fix this, its very important for good tanking!