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@clorex - I'm sorry nothing helped my friend. I really don't know what to tell you, thunderclap is working just fine for me.
Post a logfile - Those pullmethods are implemented - You have to enable Ranged Attacks in the GUI under General.I downloaded the trial today. 2 things I've noticed so far:
1. The CR is not using Victory Rush at all.
2. It won't range pull at all. The CR just sits and spams charge or heroic leap while in Fury with a No Path Available message. It should be using heroic throw to pull mobs out of range.
This.I am confused about your comment ... struggling to keep up .... 20% damage reduction doesn't always mean literally ..... and especially in this case. It turns out the DPS loss was only about 5%.
I'm still topping dps meters. The only problem I see is that sometimes hunters are close to me. I have BiS gear and all the right talent and glyphs chosen. What do you have?
I can absolutely tell you ... you're doing something wrong ..... what does your gear look like, do you have cleave and TC glyphs .... what talents are you using? Are you an intelligent player and maximize your damage up-time. You have to push your time on boss like a M O F O ( charge is your friend ) ..... there are so many factors. Fury Unleashed is not going to do all that for you.
Please don't come on here and make blanket statements like .... Glad Stance has suffered so much unless you are 100% certain you know what you are talking about. Just ask for help ... control your emotion.
Hmm, can you post a logfile of that fight?hi nomo
tnx for updataing for arms but it have some problem on fly boss in dungen like dragon *4) on UBL routain didnt work good and didnt use anthing
I'm unsure on this - I do know gladiator's rotation is performing very well for my testers. But I think DPS really depends on lots of factors.I'm doing 11k dps single target in Glad Stance with ilvl636, 5kdps against pvp targets, are these numbers correct, this is fresh install. Last xpac I was top of dmg in Mythic.
On the how does glad stance work, if i swith to it from def stance do i need to restart the bot and routine or does it do it on the fly?
Your log shows a out of memory error - I think this is a HB issue. Can you try a fresh install?I got this problem for a couple of days now when i engage in dungeons 5+ mobs. Bot just stops working and waiting the CD to use only aoe skills
Setting added at next push.Hi! can you say me how can i disable begin combat with Charge and heroic leap? thx!
Post a logfile pleaseHello, there is very nice routine, but i have one little trouble.
Do not work (mb for me) with BGBuddy (also tried mixed mode enyo+bgbuddy). In battle my char just going toward target in melee range and keep going into it all time with no using skills.
Ravager is something I need to work on. But at this point it should cast Ravager at the location of your current target. My plan is to pause the routine when you press the hotkey so you can properly place it.Hello,
I am using a hotkey for Ravager, it only seams to work 20% of the time. (I have the hot keys bound to my razer naga not sure if that is the issue) but all other hotkeys work just fine.
Here is what I see on my side, I press the hot key > I see the hotkey spam Ravager (1 - 4 times) > Ravager does not cast. I understand that Ravager is a "placed spell meaning I would normally select where to put the spell on the ground.
Or maybe my tps is to high? I have it set at 30.
I have attached a log. View attachment 154259
On the same time, Execute costs a lot of rage - So Im not giving it any high priority in Defensive Stance as we need the rage for active mitigation. I think in AoE situations, Executes priority becomes lower as well.Suggestion #1: Is it possible to increase priority on Sudden Death procs while playing prot (both tank and gladiator)? As it is now it uses it "fairly" quickly, (not instant) when dpsing or tanking a solo mob but as soon as you got multiple adds, the prio is fairly low. Considering the Sudden Death, along with Shield Slam, is our hardest hitting ability and free we should use it instantly.
Suggestion #2: When queueing an ability through the hotkey tab, such as Shockwave, is it possible to have the queue reset when combat drops? Looks pretty weird to have it queued and then the combat drops and the character pops Shockwave in thin air.
Such a scenario can happen when the user thinks you have Shockwave up since you thought you had hit 3 enemies before, but in reality you still have 20 sec of cd left. And then it goes off randomly.
Please post a logfile - Thunderclap should be working perfectly - It only uses it for spreading in AoE situations and when there are 3 or more viable targets without the debuff.I tried everything except for switching off all the addons. Will try when I wake up tomorrow, thank you.
Edit: couldn't sleep. Didn't helpstill no thunderclaps in gladiator stance and same problem with protection without the glad stance talent. Reinstalled HB like 20 times this week
Hi Nom,
Thanks for the routine and for the support. It really is amazing.
First of i made this account to provide some feedback, so sorry if i don't follow correct etiquette.
I'm Arms spec, using the Arm's part of the rotation. IIRC my routine is pretty much default configuration. Enyo is set up to disable mouseclick and 35 TPS.
The first issue I'd like to bring up is the problem with Multi Dot and Rend (On a smaller note, you only need to rend 4 mobs when AoE'ing. Anymore and its a DPS loss generally), it seems to be casting it on minions/minor elites when pulled with packs of mobs. As these die generally too fast, you end up spamming Rend the entire battle until they die. A perfect example of this is the Fire Elementals before Forgemaster Gog'duh, you pull a big fire elemental and 3-4 smaller ones, if the tank pulls more say 2-3 packs (Or the mini gauntlet) you spend most of your fight spamming Rend and since the elemental minions have low health they die fast and it cycles through spamming Rend. One more example is the pack of say 15 non elite spiders in Auchindoun, same issue here. Now i just pause the rotation and AoE like normal, but i was wondering if you could allow us to turn multi dot off or put a blacklist for mobs not to target? Before the B1 patch you did, i could cycle through the targets and the routine would apply rend on targets and then it would start hammering away doing AOE, i personally felt this was a good place for it as you had more control over things.
The next issue is with the boss Ragewing the Untamed in UBRS, the bot either doesn't work or the routine, (as with a fresh install of HB) you just stand there auto attacking and occasionally using Bloodbath and Storm Bolt. This is mainly when its pressed up against the side of the bridge, as soon as it lands the routine kicks in. Had the same issue with Xelganak in Nagrand, he's a flying rare that is hovering just slightly off the ground.
The last issue is with Rage pooling, sometimes I'm capped on Rage and its seems to be struggling to spend it. I'm not sure if this is an issue as it could just be my gear has hit the sweet spot for Rage generation.
Would it at all be possible for you to explain how and when the routine uses Ravager, Bladestorm and Recklessness? I can't seem to find that sweetspot where it'll use it in a predictable manor. For example the last boss in UBRS Warlord Zaela during the first phase you need max DPS, sometimes it uses Recklessness and sometimes not, along with Ravager too. I've also pulled packs of mobs (Say 5) and the routine has decided not to use Bladestorm or Ravager and instead opted to use Rend and Wirlwind, then i pull one mob and it uses Ravager on it. I'm sure this is probably a lack of configuration or understanding on my behalf, so i was hoping you could shed some light on this?
Again, thanks for this fantastic routine.
Post a logfile - Those pullmethods are implemented - You have to enable Ranged Attacks in the GUI under General.
Edit: Separated the Ranged attack settings for Raid rotations and questing rotations.
I'm considering to buy the routine. My questions is: is protection ready for lvl 100 and working good? Can anyone share their experience? What about if the talents are different from what is recommended in the first post - does it still perform good? (for example, shockwave instead of dragon roar for prot specc...). Is there a proving grounds option and did someone already try it (as tank)?
Never used a tank routine before, would love to hear some experiences before buying it![]()