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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

The randomly stopping issue seems to be happening to more routines - Could anyone experiencing this with FU2 confirm that it also happens when using a different routine?

Seems HB close by it self every 30 min or something without giving errors
Hey, I really like the look of this. Could someone tell me how this routine + gladiator stance is looking on meters?
Just bought it, I love it! Ran a few dungeons with Enyo as botbase and it is amazing, topped DPS charts in every dungeon!

Thanks nomnomnomnom!
Hi Nomnom,

Thanks for the quick work on fixing the issues since WOD. 2 more which I haven't seen anyone else post about yet!

For Gladiator stance, execute seems to be very low priority and gets rarely cast.
For Undead warriors, it uses the will of the forsaken racial on cooldown (work around is to disable racials for now, would be nice if it used it to break cc's though!)
Now the Trial is gone, i did buy the routine, cause it was amazing in glad stance (tanking was great also)... Does have issues in arms\fury atm, though. Low damage rates, 100% rage not being dumped... But hey, who the fuck cares? Glad stance is top dps spec atm :) Still wish id did work for fury though, want to check out the dps difference :)
I just ran my first MC running this with Enyo and I had awful lag... running a Radeon 7800 HD video card, 16gigs ram, 256 SSD, i7. Any thoughts on why Im experiencing this? I was running it on minimum graphics setting as well.

To add, I dont seem to experience that much lag in 5 mans, so Im wondering if its a graphics card issue... Any help would be greatly appreciated
Can the CC tell whether or not you want to be in gladiator or the defensive stance? Because even though i want to tank, it still wants to DPS so i think its using the gladiator rotations instead of protection.

Gladiator Warrior (639 ilvl) on 40-man Ragnaros @ lvl 100 using FU2.
Thank you for your good work! :D

Build as requested: Warlords of Draenor Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Settings are standard.
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any way to turn off whirlwind? its causing me major headache on yikkun izu or w/e that brawlers guild boss is >.<