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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Awesome work mate, this is one of the best CR's out there, love it with my Prot warrior.
Ravager still not working for me, using prot.
Yep, totally my super stupid mistake. I already pushed a new release which is up for approval:

* Hotkeys: Fixed Ravager casts - On Current Target.
* All specs: Solved issue with detection of all 7th Tier abilities.
* Arms: Fixed Siegebreaker ignoring setting in AoE.
* Gladiator: Shield Charge should not be cast anymore when Bladestorm is active.
* Protection: Added high-priority shockwave when target is not a boss.

The bold line means; It didn't properly detect ANY ability from the 7th tier, like Ravager and Siegebreaker. Is now fixed at next push.

Edit: new version up for approve:

* All Specs: Fixed questing/grinding rotations when above lvl 90.
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-Shield Bloc / Barrier: he use only shield barrier never block

Your rotation is simply the framework into which you must actively incorporate Shield Block and Shield Barrier

Shield Block causes you to block all attacks made against you for 6 seconds, while Shield Barrier provides you with a large damage absorption shield. Due to their exorbitant Rage costs, Shield Block and Shield Barrier are difficult to use simultaneously.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to understand how to properly use these abilities. We remind you that we give them ample treatment in a subsequent section.

7.5. Survival Abilities

As a Protection Warrior, you have two abilites that are essential to staying alive: Shield Block Icon Shield Block and Shield Barrier Icon Shield Barrier. In the following sections, we will tell you everything you need to know about them. Then, we will explain when it is best to use one over the other.

7.5.1. Shield Block
Shield Block Icon Shield Block grants you a 6-second buff that causes you to block all incoming attacks. It does not have a cooldown. Instead, it works on a system of charges. Each charge has a 12-second recharge time, and you can have a maximum of 2 charges.

You can use Shield Block twice in a row (provided that you have enough Rage) without wasting any part of it. Indeed, using Shield Block while the buff from a previous Shield Block is still active will simply add their durations together. For example, if you use Shield Block when you had 3 seconds left on a Shield Block buff, your new buff will have a 9 second duration.

Shield Block has a high Rage cost of 60, so you must learn to use it wisely. To know how to best use Shield Block, you must understand what it is and what it is not effective against.

Shield Block works against physical attacks, but it does nothing against magic attacks (spells cast at you, AoE spells, DoTs).
Shield Block does not work against all physical attacks. Some attacks, such as specific encounter mechanics (Impale-style abilities), and abilities that apply bleeds cannot be blocked.
Shield Block is particularly useful when you are being attacked by multiple targets.
What all this means is that you want to use Shield Block to mitigate powerful boss melee attacks. If the boss you are fighting attacks in a steady and predictable manner, then using Shield Block is easy. If, however, the boss sometimes attacks faster or harder (going into a Frenzy), then you need to have Rage in reserve so that you can use Shield Block at the appropriate times.

7.5.2. Shield Barrier
Shield Barrier Icon Shield Barrier places a damage absorption shield on you, which absorbs an amount of damage (based on and scaling with your attack power). Shield Barrier has a 1.5 second cooldown, and it costs 20 Rage. However, if you have more than 20 Rage, then Shield Barrier will consume up to a total of 60 Rage. Any additional Rage past 20 will increase the amount of damage absorption that it provides.

Unlike Shield Block, Shield Barrier does not stack with itself. In fact, you cannot cast Shield Barrier while a previous Shield Barrier buff is already active, unless the amount of damage absorption of your new Shield Barrier is greater than the remaining damage absorption of your old one.

The absorption effect lasts for 6 seconds, but in practice it will almost always expire within the first one or two attacks you receive.

Also unlike Shield Block, Shield Barrier works against all types of damage (excluding fall damage).

7.5.3. Shield Block or Shield Barrier?
Due to their exorbitant Rage costs, Shield Block Icon Shield Block and Shield Barrier Icon Shield Barrier are practically mutually exclusive. In any case, this is not a problem, since every situation is always ideally suited to one of them, but never to both.

The amount of damage that Shield Block mitigates is based on the power of the attacks it is mitigating. Blocked attacks have 30% of their damage reduced (60% of it is reduced if your Mastery, Mastery: Critical Block Icon Mastery: Critical Block, procs). Therefore, a very powerful attack will result in a much greater damage reduction from Shield Block than a weak attack will.

On the other hand, the damage absorption of Shield Barrier is independent of the incoming damage. Shield Barrier will absorb the same amount of damage, regardless of whether the attack made against you deals 10,000 or 100,000 damage.

Therefore, when deciding which of the two abilities is better to use against blockable attacks, you need to look at which of the following two values is greater:

The absorption amount provided by Shield Barrier.
30% of the attacks received over 6 seconds.
When facing magic damage, bleed damage, or otherwise unblockable damage, Shield Barrier is the superior choice.
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Just wanted to say THX nom, ur awesome! sorry for being a bit harsh before but since your routine is always top notch a never bug i was a bit sad with all those bug, anyway ur the man gg! :p
Hi Nom, seems that the CR does not work when doing mounted combat in Nagrand, ill grab a log when able.View attachment 151413
Yep, once I reach those quests ill fix it. Need info like aura id's

Just wanted to say THX nom, ur awesome! sorry for being a bit harsh before but since your routine is always top notch a never bug i was a bit sad with all those bug, anyway ur the man gg! :p
I just needed some time to fix it all. There is a new one up for approval which fixes a few more bugs related to all new tier 7 attacks.
I have a question, im using grind bot + FU all my bot does is charge the target/heroic leap. I feel like I might be missing something as it says its supported?
I have a question, im using grind bot + FU all my bot does is charge the target/heroic leap. I feel like I might be missing something as it says its supported?
Should work but are you above level 90? There is a bug in the current version which prevents movement rotations above lvl 90. Is fixed once HB approves the new version which I pushed 12 hours ago
are the default settings nice to push good dps in wod or has anyone tweak with the configs to find better dps output?
just wanted to make you aware - ravager has a problem deploying if the mob is not on an ideal path. for example the worm (i forget the dungeon name) boss who is in the water. The CR gets stuck trying to cast ravager over and over since their is nowhere to place it where it usually does it just goes clickclickclickclickclick and does nothing else. Hopefully you can find a work around perhaps either casting it elsewhere or after a failred attempt just moving on in the CR/rotation?

That is all i got atm :P
first time lvling a warrior, been always boomkin + warlock

my main is warrior now in WoD coz of you nomnomnom i tried ur CR and man it kickasses in pve

but the problem now its way behind in dmg, ist becoz the start of exp ? and fury is way more crit depended ?

any reason why my routin wont work? all other routin works. but not fury. i have bought is so
When prot specced, the routine does not use Sudden Death procs whatsoever. Also still issues tier 7 abilities not being used properly.
Are these fixed in the next push?
are the default settings nice to push good dps in wod or has anyone tweak with the configs to find better dps output?
Defaults are very fine if you're a starter.

just wanted to make you aware - ravager has a problem deploying if the mob is not on an ideal path. for example the worm (i forget the dungeon name) boss who is in the water. The CR gets stuck trying to cast ravager over and over since their is nowhere to place it where it usually does it just goes clickclickclickclickclick and does nothing else. Hopefully you can find a work around perhaps either casting it elsewhere or after a failred attempt just moving on in the CR/rotation?

That is all i got atm :P
Yeah, will push a fix for that soon.

first time lvling a warrior, been always boomkin + warlock

my main is warrior now in WoD coz of you nomnomnom i tried ur CR and man it kickasses in pve

but the problem now its way behind in dmg, ist becoz the start of exp ? and fury is way more crit depended ?

Fury is not the most optimal spec for levelling. DPS is being tweaked, but the rotations are pretty good atm.

any reason why my routin wont work? all other routin works. but not fury. i have bought is so
Post a logfile please.

When prot specced, the routine does not use Sudden Death procs whatsoever. Also still issues tier 7 abilities not being used properly.
Are these fixed in the next push?
Yes, the tier 7 is fixed in the next push which is still up for approval. Will check Sudden Death in Prot.