Same here, if choose Siegebraker talent routine casts it 1 time, and then says ability not ready, while it on CD and do nothing. Enable/Disable tier 7 won`t work. Choose passive Anger Managment to make routine work.Hit level 100 and profile quit working. Tried reinstalling new honorbuddy in different folder etc hit start and it does nothing.. just auto attack but if i click abilities myself it logs them.
This is fixed in next push.Yo Nom !
Cr doesnt use execute on Arms spec, both sudden death procs and on low hp target, kinda suck !![]()
Yes. I'm recruiting one or two fulltime arms warriors as beta testers so we can improve this part massively.Nom, will arms get more love i WoD? Read alot of the specc to go is arms in many of the fights. I understand fury got a special place in you heart, but would be awesome with a strong arms rotation also.Thx for all your work u put in to this cr.
Send an email to Honorbuddy support - I cannot help with payment/store issues.Whenever I click on the paynow for this one it just times out. I've bought at least 15 other profiles but this wont allow me to check out in the buddy store. Any help?
All solved in the next update!Arms routine dont use sudden death proc, storm bolt and bloodbath!!!
Yes its on the todo list - I will get to those functions after the Rotations are settled downDon't mistake me - the DPS numbers are awesome. But I definitely like/want the ability to have the bot do facing. I can totally handle the movement aspect. Targeting the next target (any target) when the first one is dead is also great because the bot can do this quicker than a human - usually.
It worked in Fury Pre-WoD - Maybe not in Arms.100% agree
lve2raft, Sudden death proc works for you in fury?
It is not but I need information - What specialization etc, what dungeon cause the ID's of bosses might not be in the routine. So please, more infoI was wondering if im doing something wrong... I got trial version to check it out, cause my mate said it was rly awesome and I did see him wtfpwn dps charts with it. But now Draenor hit, it doesn't use whirlwind on aoe packs, doesn't use burst CDs on bosses in dungeon. Anything could be wrong with my settings? Or is trial version limited to some point in it's performance?
Yep, fixed in the next update!hey is it only me or anybody have too problem with arms spec that allways full rage and dont uses execute`?
First of all - Sure you will get a quality product - Secondly all issues reported should be fixed next push. Shockwave is incredibly low priority in single tgt for arms though. I just tried all spells you mentioned for Arms and those worked in next push.Not only Sudden death procs!!!
For Arms :
- Actually the routine is complete shit for Arms, it doesnt Suddent death, t4 execute proc, OR NORMAL EXECUTE WHEN target is under 20%, it doesnt use storm bolt, avatar, bloodbath, showave, dragon roar, IT ONLY USE MS CS WIRLWIND !!!!
And for Fury :
- Doesnt use Raging blow in AOE situation, even after Meat cleaver is fullt stacked!!!! SUCK !!!!
i didnt test prot/glad yet, but i'm really disapointed with the routine and it doesnt like usual Job....
Could we have the high quality product as promised ???
(sorry for your irl problem hope it solve in a positive way!)
Meat Cleaver/Raging Blow issue is solved next release.I can confirm that the routine often doesn't use Raging Blow (when Meat Cleaver is fully stacked) and just continues to use whirlwind.
I have to manually try to spam Raging Blow since the routine keeps on whirlwinding 2-3-4 times before I finally see a Raging Blow go off.
Priority should be set to Raging Blow as soon as Meat Cleaver hits three stacks.
Otherwise, really happy with this routine, tested prot and fury.
All Warrior specs and talents should be supported - And if you find an error in it, report it and I will get it sorted out. All PvE only though!Will it support a good warrior dps routine with gladiator stance and is it working fine with tanking right now? Thinking of buying it cause pressing all the buttons gets annoying. Though for prot you use something like this now: Warlords of Draenor Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft ... Is Unyielding Strikes supported properly?
Thanks in advance!
Correct - Solved in next release!Also wanted to mention .
Tier 7 Ability Ravager does not get used in Aoe Situation's/ Single Targert Even afer Setting a hot key for it it just adds to the Que but does not cast.
It is, and being worked on to improve.Im not lvl100 yet (You can guess why) but my plan was going Glad stance when I do hit it.
Im way to tired to read all the post but is Glad stance supported right now?
Gladiator isnt meant as a tank ... But defensive stance issues should be solved.hi nom, tried out gladiator stance today, noticed a few problems, works fine as i can see in glad stance, but when i switch to defensive stance to tank it wont use mitigation, its set to true in the gui and set at 60% but it just wont use it, maybe its detecting glad stance talent and is ignoring the switch into defensive stance ?ill try and put a log up later, but the log today had been going for hoursso its fucking massive
ill also test if it uses mitigation when i take another talent, will keep u posted
but if anyone else has this pls let us know![]()
Get me a logfile for this one please.ok just took anger management and its using mitigation straight away so must just be an issue with glad stance, not a major problem for me as i only use the cc cause im lazybut for people who dont know how to play warrior they may get shouted at alot by healers for not usign block and barrier
Both fixed at next pushHello,
As everyone mentioned above
Fury was working very good before WoD or atleast in the events of WoD,
and while lvling
but when i hit 100
Tier 7 Ravager wont be used at all,
And the Raging below also,
Thanks nomnomnom for product take ur time fixing it![]()
Most of them should be fixed next push - The mount this is something I have to think about.Thx for reply Nom, didtn expect you reply today and i think u should fix ur irl in priority!! we can wait.
I've tested this long time today and io must admit that even singular is better for the moment.
What i dont get is how your cr was so top notch perfect op in MoP wich has way more depth rotation and complicated, and now this is way more easy and basic, it doest work good ^^
Anyway, here is the list if thing thats broken :
Arms : Whole rotation is broken, no talents ability are used. (not any!)
Fury :
-T7 talents not working
-Cant use ability ourselve, hotkey function is broken and add the ability to the queue but never use it!
-Raging blow not used in AOE after meat cleaver stack, sometimes not used at all
-Wild strike not used often too..
-Rotation seems broken sometimes it sit at 100 rage, use bloodthirt, still 100 rage, do nothing until another bloodthirst when RB and WS are up!
-t4 execute proc from SoO pvp armor set isnt used.
-sometimes it doest use anything not even bloodthirst.
MOST important !!! : Hotkey doesnt work and we cannot use ability by ourself when we bind it in the game to use ourself, cuz the cr keep saming shittt and its very hard getting a RB or a ravager off when the cr is running, pausing it idoersnt fix it because its every 2 second that we have to use spell manually and its to boring to pause/unpause the cr every 2-3second!! :
-Genreral : The cr isnt working with the WoD nagrand perks when we can combat while mounted : Frostwolf War Wolf - Spell - World of Warcraft for HORDE, Telaari Talbuk - Spell - World of Warcraft for ALLIANCE. It use an aura so it should be able to be fixed i think.
i Will add prot/glad once i've tested it.
Should be fixed next push.Seems very selective when it's using shield charge. Actually holding it after 2 stacks have been accumulated. Is this intended?
It doesnt use heroic leap unless you enabled do i disable the bot from using heroic leap? also the hotkey function doesn't seem to be working for me tried binding leap etc and no luck.
Post a logfile please of when it happened.nope don't have movement on strange..
All are fixed at next push - Except the Intimidating shout thing - Its on todo.TANK:
- The logic for activating "Shield Block's gold Barriers" is flawed, the routine spam permanently Shield Barrier never once use Shield Block.
- The "Required rage" option does not work because even at 100% it starts Shield Barrier soon as he can!
- There should be a option to launch "Intimdating Shout" when we have a certain% of pv.
- Ravager doesn't work.
The first new upcoming version has a shytload of fixes, including Arms fixes like Execute.Hey mom - when you say execute in arms is fixed in next push, do you mean the one about to go up? Or the one coming after that?
Btw - <--- lifetime arms warrior. Was ranked top ten arms in all of mop several number 1s throughout mop up to soo. (Went fury at that point for the guild as arms just couldn't keep up).
They are in a much more competitive place now thank God.
I'm sure you have about a million and a half beta testers already chomping at the bit but if you need another I figured I'd throw this out there. We are a 14/14M guild so will be raiding bright and early on 12/2 as well fwiw.
All are fixed at next push - Except the Intimidating shout thing - Its on todo.
Will happen automatically. It's almost ready to push for approval - once I pit it up for approval ill post here. Then HB team needs to verify my code and id theu approve it updates for you allRe thx for reply ,the next update is when? We need to do something or the "buddystore" the update will happen automatically?
Thx 4 your job!Will happen automatically. It's almost ready to push for approval - once I pit it up for approval ill post here. Then HB team needs to verify my code and id theu approve it updates for you all!
LOTS of issues will be solved!!! Close to all.
Yes its on the todo list - I will get to those functions after the Rotations are settled down