Thx for reply Nom, didtn expect you reply today and i think u should fix ur irl in priority!! we can wait.
I've tested this long time today and io must admit that even singular is better for the moment.
What i dont get is how your cr was so top notch perfect op in MoP wich has way more depth rotation and complicated, and now this is way more easy and basic, it doest work good ^^
Anyway, here is the list if thing thats broken :
Arms : Whole rotation is broken, no talents ability are used. (not any!)
Fury :
-T7 talents not working
-Cant use ability ourselve, hotkey function is broken and add the ability to the queue but never use it!
-Raging blow not used in AOE after meat cleaver stack, sometimes not used at all
-Wild strike not used often too..
-Rotation seems broken sometimes it sit at 100 rage, use bloodthirt, still 100 rage, do nothing until another bloodthirst when RB and WS are up!
-t4 execute proc from SoO pvp armor set isnt used.
-sometimes it doest use anything not even bloodthirst.
MOST important !!! : Hotkey doesnt work and we cannot use ability by ourself when we bind it in the game to use ourself, cuz the cr keep saming shittt and its very hard getting a RB or a ravager off when the cr is running, pausing it idoersnt fix it because its every 2 second that we have to use spell manually and its to boring to pause/unpause the cr every 2-3second!! :
-Genreral : The cr isnt working with the WoD nagrand perks when we can combat while mounted :
Frostwolf War Wolf - Spell - World of Warcraft for HORDE,
Telaari Talbuk - Spell - World of Warcraft for ALLIANCE. It use an aura so it should be able to be fixed i think.
i Will add prot/glad once i've tested it.