tbh i really think we need the nerf. I was topping meters without even trying that hard. playing manually, mashing 4 buttons.
Why would I invest time in that right now? It's only available at WoD as you need level 100 for it. Making the other specs firstHow is Gladiator stance looking?
I will ask Raphus to reset the trials once its 6.0.2 ready so everyone gets a fair new shot at it.
keep up the good work i know your busy let me know when its ready i just bought premium since warriors are so broken and you have helped me alot in the past xDWhy would I invest time in that right now? It's only available at WoD as you need level 100 for it. Making the other specs first.
Update: A beta version has been pushed to the store with a VERY basic Fury rotation - This is for my beta testers only (And no Im not looking for extra testers).
i have it in stream is loading but char is doing noithing in fury/prot
i have it in stream is loading but char is doing noithing in fury/prot
Beta is only for my beta testers, not for everyone. Few more days and you can use it also. The version on store does not work yet, just a few more days and it will work!i check store for test i dont find Beta version
hey man release first spec already done. After conclusion other specs you release complete.
Hey gang, there's no reason to ask to release a product that isn't finished and barely tested via his beta testers. It will be done when he feels it's finished and a quality product and I don't blame him. There's no point in releasing something that's still a work in progress because people like you will only come back crying that "such and such isn't working, fix it NOW". Be patient, there's plenty of time before WoD hit's, just deal with it and let him and his testers verify it's all working prior to release. It's not like fury/arms/prot is very difficult with the changes made via the pre-patch. You can literally play fury or arms now using just 3 buttons if you know how to properly macro shit.
@Nomnomnom - Keep up the hard work bro and looking forward to another high quality CR from you.