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Fpsware Hunter

As a hunter you are attacking from a distance.

Does it feel like you should lay a trap at your feet ?

If you're grinding it could well enough ley a trap . pull and walk backwards.

After that send pet.

Other than that i see no use for traps until traplauncher gets supported.

As a general yes you are correct, however im currently situated on a pvp server and iditos try and gank me quite often, (i say idiots because they usually die about 20 seconds after they attack) as such i use traps left right and center due to pvp orientation of the server. I dump a freeze trap then run a cpl yards dump a snake trap then launch a fire trap about 10 yards in front of me. By the time the fire trap wears off the morons i put chimera shot on them and repeat using freeze trap last (sting from chimera would just dispell the trap anyway. Hell weven when im farming i lay freeze and snake traps down now because everyone is bored and just out to pvp till cata is released.
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Is this thing broken with MM? I tried switching to it today because I'm getting bad exp/hr and it never uses Aimed Shot, Serpents Sting, or even kill shot?

Edit: If I remove the trap during combat it'll use Chimera shot and serpent sting and concussive shot but still no Aimed Shot


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Default setting:

<SerpentSting>... never</SerpentSting>

<AimedShot>... always</AimedShot>

Killshot, I just watched it use Kill Shot. That works.
Default setting:

<SerpentSting>... never</SerpentSting>

<AimedShot>... always</AimedShot>

Killshot, I just watched it use Kill Shot. That works.

Yup its as Fpsware posted, Its working fine Uses all shots, Only reason Aimed shot would not be getting used is due to the Focus setting "90" wich is good Using focus to cast aimed shot is a dps loss for a mm hunter, So its only used as a bleed for excess focus (correct me if thats not your intention fpsware)
And if you mean its not using the free Aimed shot when it procs, thats because fpsware's cc can not detect this.
And u must enable Serpent sting in the cc config
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Community is in need of a good Rogue CC now that Wired pulled his. I'm sure you could kick out a killer rogue CC if you had the interest to do so. :)

I second this, this might not be the tread to talk about it, but since you monitor this one, Let me just say the community needs A decent rogue CC, That'll stay on the forums.
Dunno if it might be CC or HB or IB related.

While in instances i try to shoot multi-shot while out of range when tank has made a pull.

I must move manually closer to be able to use MS.
What about chimera shot and concussive shot? Something is wrong I went from 150k/hr to 35k/hr on the same profile

Even if MM isn't as good for leveling does it really lose that much DPS..
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Seriously guys, he wont even acknowledge the above two posters WITHOUT YOUR LOG.
Seriously guys, he wont even acknowledge the above two posters WITHOUT YOUR LOG.

1st i'm trying to sort out WHERE to post the log.

I'm guessing it's IB-related since that's what targets the mobs.
I might have a suggestion, I haven't seen it use Kill Command or FOcus Fire once (but that might just be my luck not to see those) Maybe it's a good idea to put them in? Or are they left out for a reason?
protected override bool CanRun(object context)
string spellName = "Kill Command";
if (!CLC.ResultOK(Settings.KillCommand)) return false;
if (!Utils.IsCommonChecksOk(spellName, false)) return false;
if (!Me.GotAlivePet) return false;
if (!Me.Pet.GotTarget) return false;
if (Me.Pet.CurrentTarget.Distance2D > 5) return false;
if (ClassHelper.ClassSpec != ClassType.Beast) return false;
if (!Self.IsFocusAbove(Spell.PowerCost(spellName) + 10)) return false;
return (Spell.CanCast(spellName));
Let me say this again for those have may have missed it the first 2-5 times.

This is a default CC.
It is not designed to have ALL spells supported.
It is designed to support a single GRINDING spec.
Anything beyind that is a bonus!

Bonus features I've added
IB support.
Multi spec support
Let me say this again for those have may have missed it the first 2-5 times.

This is a default CC.
It is not designed to have ALL spells supported.
It is designed to support a single GRINDING spec.
Anything beyind that is a bonus!

Bonus features I've added
IB support.
Multi spec support

Do you not want members giving suggestions to help optimize and make the CC more efficient then?
Do you not want members giving suggestions to help optimize and make the CC more efficient then?

Suggestions are more than welcome, but people need to keep in mind this CC will not be supporting 100% of all spells in all trees, its sole purpose is to provide BASIC grinding support. If you want a CC that does that you will need to wait for Actaeon 3.0.
I like cc, good work there;)
A little suggestion from my site would be using Feign Death, comes handy while grinding and IB :)
I like cc, good work there;)
A little suggestion from my site would be using Feign Death, comes handy while grinding and IB :)

Already in there

if (Self.IsHealthAbove(Settings.FeignDeathHealth)) return false;

The default is 30% HP
Already in there

if (Self.IsHealthAbove(Settings.FeignDeathHealth)) return false;

The default is 30% HP

Oh, okay, then I assume theres something fishy with my HB, or did you just implement it in the newest version?