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Fpsware Hunter

Tried the new PvP CC fps and for whatever reason a few things still exist one of them being a new bug I think that was introduced with a change.

1. The CC still doesn't like to attack other than with the pet sometimes when it isn't attacked itself. For a instance of this look at 10:40:20 in this log. Pet attacked for 7 seconds while I stood there and watched heh.

2. New bug I think that got introduced since now the CC doesn't attempt to rez the pet the hunter can sometimes get stuck running around without it because after mounting you sometimes need to use call pet again to get it out. Blizzard bug I think but it still exists. That happened at the end of the log and the CC treated the target like it was bugged because there was no pet attacking im guessing.

3. Also didn't see deterrence used but it's possible the CC was just dying too fast I don't know.

edit: I'm going to get a larger log for you but just threw that up there for the time being so you can look if you want.


Here is a list of classes I won't be writing CCs for in a hurry:
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • DK

TBH You possibly dont need to step in for a Pally one at present either, Mords Pally CC far outshines his DK one whic h im currently using for pet grinding, and the DK one is smooth as silk currently.
Well, I am officially in love with this CC now. My hunter is level 23 and my dps is higher than or equal to people who are like 5 levels higher than me.
According to the EJ site for MM huntards this is optimum shot logic...

3.) Shot priority

Our biggest priorites are to keep ISS buff on, to not waste any focus-regen (do NOT reach 100 focus), keep Serpent Sting on the target. cast instant Aimed Shot, keep HM or MfD on target.

If Hunter's Mark is not on target or running out and there's no Mark for Death on target and Mark for Death is not talented and focus/cooldowns/target health don?t allow for Kill Shot or Chimera shot
--> cast Hunter's Mark
If Kill Shot is off CD and target health is at or below 20%
--> cast Kill Shot
If Chimera Shot is off CD and got enough focus
--> cast Chimera Shot
If Master Marksman buff is up and focus won't overcap
--> cast Aimed Shot
If Serpent Sting is not on target and got enough focus
--> cast Serpent Sting
If Steady Shot won?t overcap focus and Imp. Steady Shot buff need refresh
--> cast Steady Shot
If enough focus to cast Arcane Shot now and still enough to cast Chimera Shot whenever it comes off CD
--> cast Arcane Shot
None of the above
--> cast Steady Shot

Seems to take things down fast for me.

Or this depending on who you believe...

if KS is off CD and target health is at or below 20% and focus won?t overcap in 1s
--> cast KS
if CS is off CD and focus > CS cost
--> cast CS
if MMM buff is up and won?t overcap in 1s and either (no double SS string is broken or another SS would overcap player)
--> cast AimS
if SpS is not on target and (SpS cost + CS cost - focus regenerated until CS is ready) and either (no double SS string is broken or another SS would overcap player)
--> cast SpS
if not last two shots have both been SS and finishing a double SS string won?t overcapand player
--> cast SS
if HM is not on target or running out in less than 15s and there?s no MfD on target and MfD is not talented
--> cast HM
if focus > (SpS cost + CS cost - focus regenerated until CS is ready)
--> cast AS
none of the above
--> cast SS

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Ski is back developing his Warlock CC, you also have Apoc and his 'quick' warlock CC, and you have Cow guy/dude (whatever his name is) with his default warlock CC. I think we're all Warlocked out :)

My next CC will either be Mage or Paladin. Though, with my templates and 'logic generation app' I can pump out a new fully working CC in 1-2 days - debugging time is extra.

Community is in need of a good Rogue CC now that Wired pulled his. I'm sure you could kick out a killer rogue CC if you had the interest to do so. :)
Awesome Hunter CC :) Best I ever seen ,run perfect with IB :) running a level 66 hunter with it.
Looks like another very nice and stable CC.
Just a quick question: Why disable Hunter's Mark in instances?
Loving this CC also works really well in IB.. just one question.. I'm specced BM right now.. does BW get put into the rotation?
Loving this CC also works really well in IB.. just one question.. I'm specced BM right now.. does BW get put into the rotation?

Emm..... damn good question, let me look at that.......

.... err guess what I forgot to add :p
Haha nice.. I didnt realize that it wasn't there because this CC runs so efficiently. I only started thinking about it when I was allocating talent points
I dont usually comment, but this CC is just freakin awesome paired with IB.......Its absolutely raping everyone else in dps and using multi shot on adds everytime.....Dropping traps....Getting ready to ding 60 and headed to lvl 80.....Appreciate you using your time to create programs like this for the community...
I dont usually comment, but this CC is just freakin awesome paired with IB.......Its absolutely raping everyone else in dps and using multi shot on adds everytime.....Dropping traps....Getting ready to ding 60 and headed to lvl 80.....Appreciate you using your time to create programs like this for the community...

Thanks for the feedback :D I love happy endings :)