Oh, okay, then I assume theres something fishy with my HB, or did you just implement it in the newest version?
i got snake trap and man this Cc likes to lay that trap.
Love your work mate.
It does NOT feed the pet. Infact, it does not have any pet happiness checking.
I am leveling a hunter now and I'm really enjoying your CC, plus hunters are an insane killing machine.
A few suggestions would be :
-Adding proc/rotation(usage of Focus Fire@BM, using two steady shots in a row to gain buff@MM, benefit from bombardment, because even if I have the multishot costing me 20 focus it will only cast at 40)
-Wing Clip + Moving back from the mobs
What are the parameters set for Kill Command? I don't see the CC use it
protected override bool CanRun(object context)
string spellName = "Kill Command";
if (!CLC.ResultOK(Settings.KillCommand)) return false;
if (!Utils.IsCommonChecksOk(spellName, false)) return false;
if (!Me.GotAlivePet) return false;
if (!Me.Pet.GotTarget) return false;
if (Me.Pet.CurrentTarget.Distance2D > 5) return false;
if (ClassHelper.ClassSpec != ClassType.Beast) return false;
if (!Self.IsFocusAbove(Spell.PowerCost(spellName) + 10)) return false;
return (Spell.CanCast(spellName));
Beat spec only.
Spell cost + 10%
Damn alright.. was trying to see if I had settings messed up or something because it's my biggest DPS boost and I go through whole dungeons without it being utilized
Kill command needs to be used everytime its of CD as BM, its bm's biggest dps
Oh and When in instance, Adds = 2+ Trap launcher Snake trapthat would be awesome Prob hard to do though because its 2 spells i guess