here are the logs my fps ware thats not working
[4:53:44 PM:262] Loading Honorbuddy settings.
[4:53:45 PM:811] Authenticating..
[4:53:46 PM:534] Buddy Sessions: 1/1
Shared Sessions: 0/0
[4:53:47 PM:791] Attached to WoW with ID 1284
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]:Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]

This list will update itself automatically)
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]:
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[4:53:49 PM:369] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.275]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[4:53:49 PM:741] New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
[4:53:49 PM:741] New bot added!: DoNothing
[4:53:49 PM:741] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[4:53:49 PM:741] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[4:53:49 PM:741] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
[4:53:50 PM:543] New bot added!: Grind bot
[4:53:50 PM:545] New bot added!: PvP
[4:53:50 PM:546] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[4:53:50 PM:546] New bot added!: Questing
[4:53:50 PM:546] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
[4:53:50 PM:546] New bot added!: PartyBot
[4:53:50 PM:586] Honorbuddy started!
[4:53:50 PM:587] Using wow with process id: 1284
[4:53:50 PM:587] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[4:53:50 PM:587] Honorbuddy executable: C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[4:53:50 PM:589] Character is a level 85 Hunter
[4:53:50 PM:590] Current zone is: Orgrimmar
[4:53:50 PM:598] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\MeshFolder
[4:53:50 PM:598] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] LogoutForInactivity: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[4:53:50 PM:598] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] UseExperimentalStuckHandler: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] FoodAmount: 60
[4:53:50 PM:598] DrinkAmount: 60
[4:53:50 PM:598] EnabledPlugins:
[4:53:50 PM:598] Refreshment Detection
[4:53:50 PM:598] Professionbuddy
[4:53:50 PM:598] Bug Submitter
[4:53:50 PM:598] FormLocationX: 2482
[4:53:50 PM:598] FormLocationY: 350
[4:53:50 PM:598] SelectedBotIndex: 3
[4:53:50 PM:598] UseFlightPaths: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] FindMountAutomatically: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] UseRandomMount: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] FoodName: 58261
[4:53:50 PM:598] DrinkName: 0
[4:53:50 PM:598] MountName: 6654
[4:53:50 PM:598] LootMobs: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] SkinMobs: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] NinjaSkin: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] LootChests: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] HarvestMinerals: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] HarvestHerbs: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] UseMount: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] PullDistance: 30
[4:53:50 PM:598] LootRadius: 30
[4:53:50 PM:598] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] TrainNewSkills: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] LearnFlightPaths: True
[4:53:50 PM:598] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[4:53:50 PM:598] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Featured Profiles\Gatherbuddy Profiles\GB2 Shadows Mining Profile\[GB2 - M] WesternPlands 125-175.xml
[4:53:50 PM:598] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Featured Profiles\Gatherbuddy Profiles\GB2 Shadows Mining Profile\[GB2 - M] WesternPlands 125-175.xml
[4:53:50 PM:598] MountDistance: 75
[4:53:50 PM:599] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[4:53:50 PM:599] Activity: Initializing.
[4:53:50 PM:599] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[4:53:50 PM:633] Activity: Loading Spells
[4:53:50 PM:681] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[4:53:50 PM:704] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[4:53:50 PM:708]
[4:53:52 PM:430] ProfessionBuddy: Initializing ...
[4:53:52 PM:460] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Cooking
[4:53:52 PM:520] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill First Aid
[4:53:52 PM:545] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Mining
[4:53:52 PM:696] ProfessionBuddy: Importing from DataStore...
[4:53:52 PM:727] ProfessionBuddy: No DataStore addon found
[4:53:52 PM:754] Building spell book
[4:53:52 PM:757] Spell book built
[4:53:52 PM:758] Compiling C:\Users\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Config
[4:53:52 PM:759] Compiling C:\User\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Druid
[4:53:53 PM:10] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Hunter
[4:53:53 PM:274] Compiling C:\Users\Mar\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Mage
[4:53:53 PM:547] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Paladin
[4:53:53 PM:878] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Priest
[4:53:54 PM:470] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Rogue
[4:53:54 PM:721] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Shaman
[4:53:55 PM:218] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Warlock
[4:53:55 PM:478] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Warrior
[4:53:55 PM:879] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter
[4:53:56 PM:427] **********************************************************************
[4:53:56 PM:427]
[4:53:56 PM:427] Exception in XML Load: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Hunter\Class Specific\Config\Settings.xml'.
[4:53:56 PM:427] -- Attempted to read: NO KEY READ YET
[4:53:56 PM:427]
[4:53:56 PM:427] **********************************************************************
[4:53:56 PM:427] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin
[4:53:56 PM:900] Compiling C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular
[4:54:00 PM:956] Chose Fpsware Hunter(0.0.9) by Fpsware as your combat class!
[4:54:00 PM:956] Creating 'Rest' behavior
[4:54:00 PM:958] Creating 'Pull' behavior
[4:54:00 PM:960] Creating 'Heal' behavior
[4:54:00 PM:961] Creating 'Combat' behavior
[4:54:02 PM:96] ProfessionBuddy: Initializing ...
[4:54:02 PM:110] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Cooking
[4:54:02 PM:140] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill First Aid
[4:54:02 PM:187] ProfessionBuddy: Adding TradeSkill Mining
[4:54:02 PM:216] ProfessionBuddy: Importing from DataStore...
[4:54:02 PM:231] ProfessionBuddy: No DataStore addon found
[4:54:02 PM:231] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[4:54:02 PM:288] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[4:54:02 PM:307] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[4:54:02 PM:327] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[4:54:02 PM:358] Activity: Initializing Routines
[4:54:02 PM:363] Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected
[4:54:02 PM:366] Activity: Initialization complete
[4:54:02 PM:366] Initialization complete.
[4:54:05 PM:694] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Hera.Fpsware.get_WantButton() in c:\Users\MarkT\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter\fpsware.cs:line 74
at ..†(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Follow the instructions that are clearly outlined in the very first post. If you can't do this maybe you should be using another CC.
I'll give you a hint, ATTACH YOUR LOG FILE!
There are 2 different versions of the CC with 2 different installation instructions (installation folders), how am I supposed to know which one you are getting an error with or what you are doing wrong. Yes, its something you are doing wrong.
Sandleworld, saying "same here" is totally useless! You also don't include a log file.
Follow the instructions or use a different CC. I don't have time to spoon feed help for issues like this.