This latest build does have a fix for evading mobs. Have you seen it attacking evading mobs??
Hello fpsware,
I will test it in TB and let you know. If its still doing this - of corse with the logfile

thanx a lot,
This latest build does have a fix for evading mobs. Have you seen it attacking evading mobs??
Still seems to have an issue with using cobra instead of steady shots for MMs builds..
Doesn't use disengage anymore either, its pretty shit! Sorry =(
(Have tried all versions)
When my hunter is going for a target A and not in pullrange yet, and a second mob B attacks you , because you where pathing through its aggro range, it keeps heading towards A and end up fighting against both. A more natural looking behaviour would, drop A as a target , then stop and face b and kill it. Then you can still go for the original target a.
EVERYTIME I try to use this it dosnt let me use this folder
Thought I would add - it constantly wants to fire a trap during combat even when turned off specifically, really really annoying.
Could either help with how to make it work better? :3 I've recently not had it working right when questing it wouldn't attack, anyone able to help?
Doesn't use disengage anymore either, its pretty shit! Sorry =(
This comment is pretty shit! Sorry =(