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Fpsware Hunter

The error message comes up when you load the profile so the only log to post is this, but this isn't the main issue since this is now the outdated CC:
New bot added!: Combat/Heal No Move [1.0.0]
New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
New bot added!: DoNothing
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Instancebuddy
New bot added!: PoolFisher 1.0.20
New bot added!: Grind bot
New bot added!: PvP
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
New bot added!: PartyBot
Honorbuddy started!
Character is a level 85 Hunter
Current zone is: Orgrimmar
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\?\Desktop\Botting\buddy\Default Profiles\?
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Building spell book
Spell book built
Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected
Initialization complete.
Loading C:\Users\?\Desktop\Botting\buddy\Default Profiles\?.
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Chose Fpsware Hunter(0.0.9) by Fpsware as your combat class!

The error I got didn't seem to effect the CC at all was just trying to bring it to your attention. But I have ran into another problem with the newest version of FPSware vr 0.1.2. The CC is installed correctly, it is not inside the Deafult hunter folder but instead just in the CC folder as explained on in the first post ( C:\Users\?\Desktop\Botting\buddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter)<---- Everytime I previewed my post it seems there is a space between Fps and ware but in reality there is no space there so I'm not sure why it looks as it does, have tried numerous times to make it post right---->.The problem is after I load the cc and change the settings to SV spec( all I did was select Survival on the drop down menu and change arcane shot to never use.) he will use auto shot and black arrow only. Below is a ten minute log of him fighting a training dummy in ORG:

[08:46:14:786] Start/Stop button pressed.
[08:46:14:795] Stop called!
[08:46:14:859] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at ..()
at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[08:46:14:860] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

Hopefully this post will contain the information you need, if you need more logs or longer logs just reply and I can post more.

You are not following the instructions for the installation folder. Build 0.9 goes in a folder called Default Hunter. All others go in a folder called Fpsware Hunter.
I have uploaded a slightly modified release build with improved steady shot support. To enable Improved Steady Shot you must select it from the Advanced tab in the UI.

This release IS NOT TESTED. I did all of this remotely via my iPhone.
Okay, so it turns out that I think your latest fpsware hunter profile (not the one that you JUST released today) is causing a loot bug. I am not exactly sure how it causes it. I think the profile is causing the loot bug because after the new HB release today, I decided to try one of your older Default Hunter profiles. Turns out that after 3 hours of botting (skinning, ~300+ kills) with the older profile, I never got the bug. I then decided to see how much faster it would kill mobs with the newer fpsware hunter profile and within 20 kills I was getting the loot bug.

Basically the bug turns the loot icon grey, and I won't be able to loot until I relog. After getting the loot bug 3 times, I reinstalled HB and went back to the older default profile and the loot bug hasn't happened in an hour and a half.

I am not sure if a log would help you but here you go:
Towards the end you can see that it is constantly trying to loot a mob, it might have happened a few more times before that but I stopped the bot when I had just come home and saw the loot bug going on.


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This CC won't feed my pet. it says nothing about feed pet in the log, still want me to post it?
nuggat said:
This CC won't feed my pet. it says nothing about feed pet in the log, still want me to post it?

From the first post...
Q: Why does it not feed my pet?
A: I do not support Feed Pet. If you want a happy pet use the Glyph of Mend Pet. Yes, I know you don't get glyphs until level 25, so you pet will be unhappy for a few levels it makes no difference.​

Might try reading that stuff you scrolled past to get to the 'download' link.

<hands Nuggat an asbestos suit and smiles innocently>,
Okay, so it turns out that I think your latest fpsware hunter profile (not the one that you JUST released today) is causing a loot bug. I am not exactly sure how it causes it. I think the profile is causing the loot bug because after the new HB release today, I decided to try one of your older Default Hunter profiles. Turns out that after 3 hours of botting (skinning, ~300+ kills) with the older profile, I never got the bug. I then decided to see how much faster it would kill mobs with the newer fpsware hunter profile and within 20 kills I was getting the loot bug.

Basically the bug turns the loot icon grey, and I won't be able to loot until I relog. After getting the loot bug 3 times, I reinstalled HB and went back to the older default profile and the loot bug hasn't happened in an hour and a half.

I am not sure if a log would help you but here you go:
Towards the end you can see that it is constantly trying to loot a mob, it might have happened a few more times before that but I stopped the bot when I had just come home and saw the loot bug going on.

The CC is responsible for the following:
1. Pulling to initiate combat
2. Combat

The CC has NOTHING to do with looting.
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This CC won't feed my pet. it says nothing about feed pet in the log, still want me to post it?

As Chinajade has already politely pointed out regarding the pet feeding issue.

Here is a copy'n'paste from the very first post!

The default settings make some assumptions:
1. You have Glyph of Mend Pet. If you do not them simply change the Pet Happiness setting on the Advanced tab, select ignore from the list.

Q: Why does it not feed my pet?
A: I do not support Feed Pet. If you want a happy pet use the Glyph of Mend Pet. Yes, I know you don't get glyphs until level 25, so you pet will be unhappy for a few levels it makes no difference.
Would there be any reason why the profile straight up wont load?

I made a folder caled Fpsware Hunter in the profiles and extracted to there. Could I have done something wrong?
IcutUup said:
Would there be any reason why the profile straight up wont load?

I made a folder caled Fpsware Hunter in the profiles and extracted to there. Could I have done something wrong?

<sigh> Yes, you did something wrong.

This is a CustomClass, not a profile. The instructions you need to install this correctly are contained in this post.

Looks like you are completely lost. Here's some reading to get you started...
Honorbuddy Guides
[wiki]HonorBuddy: Getting Started as a New User[/wiki]

Most of the Community is tolerant of newcomers, but they are expected to have done their homework. Just some advice to keep you from getting flamed.

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Cannot configure the CC. Have it extracted into Fpsware Hunter in my CustomClasses folder. Log attached, hopefully I'm not an idiot.

Nope, you've done nothing wrong. As it turns out I'm the idiot, I upload the wrong build this afternoon.

The correct build is up, redownload it and try again.
Hay FPS i did not see the LazyRaider option in the new build. Did you pull it out on purpose? and if so will wee see it agian?
There is an error in the UI for the option of Steady Shot. When you set Improved Steady Shot to "not talented", it WILL USE Steady Shot, but when you set it to "talented", it uses COBRA SHOT. Other than that, as long as you have the right setting, it works great.

Now if only the bot would actually use Steady Shot twice in a row to get the buff.. :)
There is an error in the UI for the option of Steady Shot. When you set Improved Steady Shot to "not talented", it WILL USE Steady Shot, but when you set it to "talented", it uses COBRA SHOT. Other than that, as long as you have the right setting, it works great.

Now if only the bot would actually use Steady Shot twice in a row to get the buff.. :)

Emm.... you are correct. I'll fix that in the next build.

Hay FPS i did not see the LazyRaider option in the new build. Did you pull it out on purpose? and if so will wee see it agian?

Yes. I made a wee mistake and kind of accidentally deleted a few things without realising.
For those that arn't aware ... This quote is timeless you will hardly EVER see him admit this :) LOL

Keep up the good work fps :)

LOL, Here is another statement you won't often hear to say "yes, you are correct" :p
<sigh> Yes, you did something wrong.

This is a CustomClass, not a profile. The instructions you need to install this correctly are contained in this post.

Looks like you are completely lost. Here's some reading to get you started...
Honorbuddy Guides
[wiki]HonorBuddy: Getting Started as a New User[/wiki]

Most of the Community is tolerant of newcomers, but they are expected to have done their homework. Just some advice to keep you from getting flamed.


Thank you for the help. Though I may be new... I'm not mentally retarded. It was late and I just said profile.

Are you able to answer my question if you hadn't insinuated that I'm a retarded 16 year old :D

edit: seems the profile was bugged when I was using it last night (or trying to), I will see if the problem is in fact resolved.
Thank you for the help. Though I may be new... I'm not mentally retarded. It was late and I just said profile.

Are you able to answer my question if you hadn't insinuated that I'm a retarded 16 year old :D

edit: seems the profile was bugged when I was using it last night (or trying to), I will see if the problem is in fact resolved.

Given the average age and mentality in this community - with the exception of those who have proven otherwise - I assume everyone is a retarded 16 year old. Its easier that way.
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