Will do later, if I don't forget
Now got another issue
:50:41 Target.Cast Wild Charge on Hatescale Spitter 2380 health 100 dist 24.5 aggro 0 UnitNotInThreatTable (addscount 0)
[FTW] 01:50:41 PULL: Target = Hatescale Spitter at 24.5142669677734 (16) (0 mobs surrounding)
[FTW] 01:50:41 Target.Cast Wild Charge on Hatescale Spitter 2380 health 100 dist 24.5 aggro 0 UnitNotInThreatTable (addscount 0)
[FTW] 01:50:42 PULL: Target = Hatescale Spitter at 24.5142669677734 (16) (0 mobs surrounding)
[FTW] 01:50:42 Target.Cast Wild Charge on Hatescale Spitter 2380 health 100 dist 24.5 aggro 0 UnitNotInThreatTable (addscount 0)
[FTW] 01:50:42 PULL: Target = Hatescale Spitter at 24.5142669677734 (16) (0 mobs surrounding)
[FTW] 01:50:43 Target.Cast Wild Charge on Hatescale Spitter 2380 health 100 dist 24.5 aggro 0 UnitNotInThreatTable (addscount 0)
[FTW] 01:50:43 PULL: Target = Hatescale Spitter at 24.5142669677734 (16) (0 mobs surrounding)
[FTW] 01:50:44 Target.Cast Wild Charge on Hatescale Spitter 2380 health 100 dist 24.5 aggro 0 UnitNotInThreatTable (addscount 0)
[FTW] 01:50:45 PULL: Target = Hatescale Spitter at 24.5142669677734 (16) (0 mobs surrounding)
etc etc.
Keeps trying to cast Wild charge on mobs not in sight.(mob was just behind a corner)
Also, druid was trying to cast Stampeding Roar to pull several times even though it was on cooldown. (doesnt happen anymore as I am watching so I dont know what was the problem here)
Oh, and I don't think that casting entangling roots on fleeing mobs is a good idea. (don't know how about you). Wouldn't be better to run behind them or wild charge or something?