OK, I added the ability to use Kafa'Kota berries today. To do this, add the following to your 'Combat' section. You can also add it to the 'Rest' section if you collect too many berries and want to run faster even outside of combat.
Me.Macro 15 /use Kafa'Kota Berry
Me.HasAura("Kafa Rush") = 0
The above will execute a macro no more than once every 15 seconds, that says /use Kafa'Kota Berry, only if you don't have the 'Kafa Rush' aura. It will automatically reapply it when it falls off. Tip on using that 'Kota Peaks With Berries' profile - it's a questing profile, not a grinding profile, so be sure to choose 'Questing' from the HonorBuddy dropdown menu.
I really appreciate having this brought to my attention! Making the class accommodate these berries, has allowed me to see and fix a few major bugs in the code.
- Not stopping before casting a spell (especially noticeable with brewmaster monks).
- The 'use' routine needs to always return false. When trying to use the berries, it will try to use them outside the zone as well - which stopped all bot processes when outside Kota Peak. It kept spinning its wheels trying to 'Me.Use Kafa'Kota Berry' and failing with red error text in WoW 'Can only be used in Kota Peaks'. This would have appeared on any item which can be /used, but won't necessarily work, such as these berries.
- The need to put certain macros on a timer, so they don't try to cast constantly. They're not a spell with a cooldown, but that doesn't necessarily mean you want to try to cast them every round.
- Blacklisting treasure that's not gettable after a minute.
I would appreciate it if someone had the time to check out this latest version, and make sure the 'stopping before casting a spell' doesn't result in badness. I didn't see it on my monk, but that's not really enough testing - and it's time for me to call it a day.
After work tomorrow I'll check out the posts, see if anyone saw a bad interaction with the new 'stop moving' bit. Basically, it will stop moving before casting a spell, if a) you're in combat, or b) it's not an instant cast spell. With the Brewmaster monk, he kept whipping around the target until he got a non-instant-cast-spell off, at which point he would stop. But he really needed to stop before then. This only happened when he was running somewhere, but got jumped by a mob - it never occurs when he's moving towards a mob himself. Just if he's already running, and has to change gears and fight a monster. It would show up if you're a trailing party member (not the tank), and get jumped by mobs while you're running somewhere else. Look for 'stop and start' movement while running. I haven't seen it do that, but I recognize it has the potential to do that, and I didn't have time to do dungeon hopping as a DPS before bedtime.
I added 'blacklisting' of treasure chests, because I encountered a kota berry buried in a wall I couldn't get to, and the bot tried endlessly to get it. However, by the time I was done coding it up, it had despawned or something, and I couldn't properly test it. Basically - a bit where the bot can't get a treasure, but tries - it should give up after a minute. Note that time spent running towards the treasure, is counted as part of that minute.